| 04 December 2014 (USA)
Tell Trailers

Ethan Tell is a small time crook who makes a big-time score when he steals 1 million dollars. Ironically, his life radically changes for the worst when he discovers that stealing the money was the easy part and he now must keep his partner, his wife, his parole officer, and two corrupt detectives from stealing it from him.

Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
musicreporter-1 "Tell" is much better than average and better than those nasty reviews on here that are making it out to be. Some reviewers must have some personal stake in knocking down this mild thriller - it's obvious in the tone of hate and anger. It's OK to review something and not like it - but there's no need to pile on name-calling, insults and other negatives to try to make a point. Yes, the plot is average but intriguing, the cinematography sharp and vibrant, the dialogue is compelling.You actually care for some of these characters - some you hate which is also good.The trick is to pay attention at the outset or else you get lost in the plot twists and turns. Once you're engaged, you become invested in the protagonist and pull for him to survive the various challenges. My standard test for movies- is it compelling, is it entertaining and would I watch it again? Yes on all 3. This is good, and recommended.
Fred Colbert I hate for this to sound cliché, but this is one of the worst action comedies ever made. Whoever wrote this jive should seek another profession. It's not humorous at all! If you must forge ahead, go back to school and learn your craft or, at the very least, take the time to study action comedies that work like "In Bruges," "Hot Fuzz," "Kick-Ass," etc etc. The acting in this was downright foolish. Some of these actors have been in watchable shows before but it looked like they were trying so bloody hard to make whatever they were given work, that it came across like one big giant improvisation gone very wrong. Every character in this is git and not much differentiates one from another. I'm sure some of this has to be attributed to the director who by now, is likely wondering if waiting tables is what the future holds after this lackluster attempt. I rated this 2 stars because they were clever enough to compile a trailer that duped me into renting this. Fool me once, shame on you...
Troy Cutler This movie, like many other bad movies, was trying to be something it's not: Good. I watched it hoping to find something I like about it but couldn't. Katee Sackhoff, who has been in Battlestar Gallatica on television looked decent, unfortunately she wasn't in enough scenes. The other actors were so-so, the action scenes weren't too action- filled, there were no twists that you didn't see coming, and the premise was so basic and unimaginative. Also, the sound on this was really, really poor. Why make crap like this? Doesn't the movie universe have enough terrible titles that customers have to wade through without littering it with more poorly-made movies like TELL? Someone should TELL the people behind this film that just because you can make a film, doesn't mean you should. Straight-to-video schlock like this is waste of consumers time.
suelyon1989 Just saw this and was terribly disappointed. I'm a fan of Robert Patrick but unfortunately he had a smaller role in this movie. The acting by everyone was average and almost seemed as if they all sort of phoned in their performances. Not sure if this was the directors fault or just a lack of interest in the material by the cast, but it really affected the film. The story covered no new ground and felt quite dated which made it a bit boring. It didn't help that the storyline was not very original. The dialogue was filled with clichés and the humor missed its mark. There's some action, but definitely nothing too engaging or inventive. There are so many better action dramas to watch than this one. Tell seemed to miss the mark in most areas and consequently wasn't worth the time to watch it. I gave this a 3 star rating because I like Robert Patrick, but otherwise I would have rated this even lower.