Death Machine
Death Machine
| 02 May 1995 (USA)
Death Machine Trailers

Chaank Armaments is experimenting with the ultimate fighting machine which is part human - part machine. So far, the Hardman project has been unreliable and has killed a number of innocent people. The genius behind this project is Jack who lives in a world of models, toys and magazines. When he is fired by Cale for killing a few corporate officers, he unleashes the ultimate killing machine called the 'Warbeast' against Cale and those who would help her.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
darthslug Death Machine is just great. It got good effects, a good enough story, some good laughs and the acting is pretty nice. It's about a company that is illegally on working weapons made out of humans by resetting their brain, while their mastermind is working on something very different in the background. First of all. The acting is great on all parts. No matter if it's Ely Pouget, who gives her Hayden some real depth and still shows us, what a real bad-ass of the 80ies and 90ies looked like. With Carpenter and Ridley we have 2 characters that we are supposed to hate and we kinda do. We just also love them for their craziness. But the real star of course is always Brad Dourif. He just needs to enter the room and within seconds, he already got everyone into his role. He is pure over the top crazy, but it is just awesome, as you can see how much fun he had. The most important thing besides that, are the effects. No matter if we are talking about the gore, which is rare but effective, or stuff like the monster. The effects are great and still look great today. With the score, the camera and the fast cuts, this creates are very nice atmosphere that lets you fear for characters and celebrate Dante whenever you see him.All in all this is a really great movie, that you should already just watch, if you are a fan of Dourif in any way, or if you are into horror at all.
PanzerKunst 1.- (And most importantly) This movie needs to be released in its original uncut version of 120 minutues. 2.- This movie should only be seen in its original uncut version of 120 minutes. The UK 111 minute DVD cut is alright but not merely enough, or even admissible. Seriously, why not let Ridley say "Shut the *beep* up" to Carpenter at the corporate meeting scene and soooooooooooo on? Total mystery... And don't give me that crap that straight-to-video b-movies like this one shouldn't go on for 2 hours with all the insufferable long junk that's out there I mean, please. 3.- This movie deserves some kind website that makes justice to it's cult following. 4.- This movie is (like one of the reviewers here greately suggested) a total RIOT and therefore should be discovered (and even re-discovered) by all the rightfully lovig of the genre fans. Meaning the ones that can afford to really dig this. 5.- This movie alone should prove once and for all that Stephen Norrington is more than just another special-effects guy turned to film director (even though they say he hates this movie...) "We are talking Geraldo!"
jjrad I can't stop my self from commenting on this masterpiece. It is literally the best movie I have ever seen and will probably be my favorite for the rest of my life. Brad Dourif is my favorite actor I saw him in alien 4 and lord of the rings not knowing who he was, then a friend told me to watch child's play. I saw him again so I couldn't stop myself from finding out who he was, I saw at least 5 music videos on you tube about this movie which made me order it. Now I have more than 50 of his films and will keep collecting until all of them sit in my basement with my movies. Highly recommended if you like the cheesy scifi or horror movies, like Hardware, although I did not like hardware because dogs died in it. It is being sold very cheap on amazon and is worth $789,675 to me. Although I bought it for less than ten dollars.
TTKKane When people ask "What are some good straight to video horrors?", Death Machine is usually top of my list. Its a great blend of sci-fi/horror that borrows heavily from others but still emerges as a cool flick nonetheless.The simplified plot leaves some good guys (and gal) trying to stay alive in a sealed corporate skyscraper, while being hunted by a robot controlled by the fantastically OTT Brad Dourif. There are a few sub-plots to keep things interesting between the characters.The heroine of the piece is the very cute Ely Pouget, who gives a terrific performance. She is joined by a couple of would-be terrorists - Martin McDougall and John Sharian (who some may recognize from his role in The Machinist).The plot is good, if a little far-fetched (hey I did say this was sci-fi/horror), and director Stephen Norrington skillfully constructs an effective sense of fear with tongue-in-cheek humor, which belies this being his first time at the helm (he would later go on to direct Blade and the less-than-stellar The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen).The effects are very good for what must have been a small budget, and the robot (which is reminiscent of a alien/terminator hybrid) is well designed.There are "strong influences" from movies such as Universal Soldier, Alien and Hardware...and most of the death scenes are quite vicious, though its not really that gory. Also many of the characters are named after horror directors - John Carpenter, Sam Raimi, Scott Ridley etc - not so much as a wink to them but rather a 10 foot neon sign - but it kinda adds to the charm.Final word goes out to Mr Dourif, who steals every scene he is in. He's funny, creepy, pathetic and totally manic. I have a feeling Norrington just let Dourif go wild in the role.TTKK's Bottomline - If you like sci-fi/horror mixed with a bit of cheese and some laughs, you can't go wrong with Death Machine
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