The Preacher's Mistress
The Preacher's Mistress
NR | 02 November 2013 (USA)
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Gwen Griffith is a hard working, single mom struggling to make ends meet while taking online classes to get her insurance sales license. Gwen doesn't think she has time to find "Mr. Right." That is until handsome, charming and successful Ed Baker jogs into her life and makes her think perhaps there is room for love. Gwen's hopes for happily ever after crumble when Gwen discovers Ed is not only married with kids... but also the preacher of a popular church. When Ed's heiress wife is murdered, Gwen find herself in the middle of a police investigation that forces her to face skeletons from her past, and fight for her freedom and custody of her son.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
evening1 Imagine a world in which you can't trust anyone but your mother and NOTHING is as it appears.Such is the setting for "The Preacher's Mistress," which was pretty bad, but not so bad that I didn't want to see it through to its conclusion.It is extremely formulaic in that, if you're experienced with Lifetime movies, you can see the plot twists from a mile away. From the moment we see that Gwen has a flat and the preacher materializes from nowhere to fix it, we know exactly where this nihilistic story is heading.The movie treats the viewer like a fool, virtually underlining, underscoring, and adding exclamation points to help us grasp that Sidney isn't the insightful friend she appears but rather a cunning fiend. I have to admit I liked the performance of Sarah Lancaster. She does well in the entirely believable position of a woman who trusts the charming guy she goes to bed with. (Is there a woman out there who doesn't identify?) I agree with a previous reviewer that the movie ends on a saccharine note, tying everything up in a bow that turns the dystopia of this film into a fairy-tale fantasy. Er, OK.
alannasser The first ten minutes of this movie lead you to expect another very poor Lifetime movie - sluggish pace, wooden acting and embarrassing dialog. But things soon take a felicitous turn and the film ends up worth watching, notably better than standard Lifetime fare. Remember now, it's a Lifetime movie and certain heights will not be attained. That said, the plot turns out to be more layered than you might expect - usually it's a heroine and a bad guy, two characters interacting in a manner supposed to generate tension and thrills. Here we have 5 or 6 characters interwoven in a way that keeps your interest. The female lead's performance improves after the first 10 minutes and Natalia Cigliuti, playing a central character, proves herself to be a first rate actor (not actress - why call a female actor an "actress"?), far superior to the rest of the cast here. I was quite surprised to find myself fully engaged with the story. The other reviewers are right: the ending is a total bust - trite, unimaginative, implausible - as if the writer couldn't come up with a conclusion as interesting as the plot. As usual, the heroine cannot be left without a romantic prospect in Lifetime, so the story had to written with a character who could perform that function in the final seconds of the movie.
wes-connors Beautifully-figured insurance agent Sarah Lancaster (as Gwendolyn "Gwen" Griffith) suffers from nightmares due to abusive old relationship. A single mom, she lives in Houston, Texas with outspoken six-year-old son Logan Lindholm (as Alec). Felled by a flat tire, Ms. Lancaster receives help from preachy passerby Drew Waters (as Ed Baker). The two begin a whirlwind romance, but Mr. Waters withholds some information...Also involved is sneaky co-worker Natalia Cigliuti (as Sidney) and agile private investigator Bryan Mitchell (as David Wyatt)...Since there is a high level of implausibility, they should have gone all he way and had mother Eleese Lester (as Ellen) uncover a secret, and pay with her life. She could have been given a health ailment, like a weak heart. "The Preacher's Mistress" is a perfectly cast, nicely directed (by Michelle Mower) and engaging TV movie. Alas, this one seems to have been rushed through post-production without ironing out some problems.***** The Preacher's Mistress (11/2.13) Michelle Mower ~ Sarah Lancaster, Drew Waters, Natalia Cigliuti, Bryan Mitchell
mauvemoonlight I don't think I really have any major spoilers in this review, but to be on the safe side I have given a warning--as perhaps someone who has not seen the film might not want to know even this much in advance.This film is definitely a modern day tale--with a single, unmarried mother with a young son, struggling to try to meet the bills.The story actually starts out pretty good.Gwen works for an ins. agency, she has a mother she considers too controlling, a best female friend at the office, and she's trying to better herself by taking an on-line real estate course. In the meantime, she can't meet her mortgage. However, she refuses to consider selling the house and moving into something she could actually afford. How she was ever able to afford such an affluent house in the first place remains a mystery.Then one day, out of the blue, she has a flat tire and this nice looking man happens along and changes the tire for her. Soon they're involved in a romance. Only he isn't who he seems, neither is another character in the storyline.The problem is the writer gets a little too clever with the tale and it ends up being rather unbelievable. We also have no way out for the heroine beyond the villain spilling their guts--which I've always considered to be weak writing.We also conveniently manage to come up with a new, albeit sudden romance for the heroine by the end of the film.4 stars
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