American Pie 2
American Pie 2
R | 10 August 2001 (USA)
American Pie 2 Trailers

After a year apart - attending different schools, meeting different people - the guys rent a beach house and vow to make this the best summer ever. As it turns out, whether that will happen or not has a lot to do with the girls. Between the wild parties, outrageous revelations and yes, a trip to band camp, they discover that times change and people change, but in the end, it's all about sticking together.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
mgdrf10 I love revisiting movies I haven't seen in years, as it's like a whole new experience. I have forgotten so much about this movie, but remembered enough to have an old friend feeling when watching. Picks up the summer after their first year of college and they guys, along with Stifler, get a lake house to have one big huge Summer end party. All sorts of hijinks, raunchy sexcapades, and fantastic heartfelt humor fill this sequel. Great movie, full of laughs, and an absolute must for anyone who likes the first, or just like to laugh in general. This movie is almost true to life as the expectation of high school friends after the first year of college.
CinemaClown The second instalment in the American Pie series, American Pie 2 may lack the freshness of its predecessor and its story may be even more uninspired & inferior in content than before but it's still an unabashedly funny, rip-roaringly hilarious & downright amusing ride that has all the crude elements that made the previous one click.Picking up one year after the events that transpired in the first film, American Pie 2 follows Jim, Kevin, Oz, Finch & Stifler as they regroup after their first year of college to spend the summer together at a beach house, where they are looking forward to hosting the greatest summer party ever. But once again, things don't go according to plan.Directed by James B. Rogers, American Pie 2 features a superficial plot with nearly same set of characters that inhabited the previous chapter and while it still doesn't add anything to their respective arcs, that part doesn't become much of an issue. There are a couple of truly memorable moments, the pacing is fine, and the performances from its reprising cast is fairly good.On an overall scale, American Pie 2 was probably crafted just to cash in on the success of the original and its inferiority in nearly every filmmaking department suggests the same but it also retains the raunchy humour, gives the Stifler character an added screen time which is a welcome move, and manages to be an enjoyable, entertaining & satisfying sequel for the most part, if not all the way through.
Taylor Kingston At first, after seeing the original American Pie, and not liking that much, I was a bit reluctant to watch this, but I thought I'd at least give it a chance. And I honestly have to say, this movie is totally better than the original. It has better character development, even though, you know no one is paying attention that sort of thing. It is, to sum it up, a better movie with better lines and a better plot. Being at a beach-house-thing, so much funnier than just the guys at high school. And Stifler still cracks me up. Every single line he says is just pure gold. Overall, I give this movie an 8 out of 10.
powermandan The character you love are back together after one year of college. After realizing that Stifler's house is not the best party location, Jim, Kevin, Oz, Finch and Stifler move to a huge beach house for the summer, hoping to have summer to remember. As chaotic hilarity erupts, old flames and confusion about the future arise for the men too, in very feeling manners. Oz deals with a long distance relationship with Heather, Kevin is jealous at Vicki moving on and uncomfortable with the feelings he still has for her, Finch, really wants a future with Stifler's mom and Stifler himself learns about sex after high school. But the central story is Jim preparing himself for Nadia's return. Michelle teaches him how to be a ladies man and fall in love in the process. This is somewhat different from the first. This is one to take seriously, but there is more comedy that is more funny and the general story isn't as strong. But character development is taken one step further and you fall in love with the characters that much more. With character development this strong, stories this nice, and comedy this funny, there is no way one could resist.