American Pie Presents: The Naked Mile
American Pie Presents: The Naked Mile
R | 01 December 2006 (USA)
American Pie Presents: The Naked Mile Trailers

When Erik Stifler realizes that he's the only Stifler family member who might graduate high school a virgin, he decides to live up to his legacy. After some well-meaning advice from Jim's dad, Erik's ready to take his chances at the annual and infamous Naked Mile race, where his devoted friends and some uninhibited sorority girls will create the most outrageous weekend ever.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Floated2 Before I saw this movie I expected to see the story about another popular adolescent who is the leader of the group and is admired by everyone... but it was more than what I thought. It's about a boy like you or your best friend or neighbor: Erik Stifler.Erik is forced by his friends to do what all Stifler's men do: being a winner and getting laid. His girlfriend acts like a total bi*ch and refuses to have sex with him so then she gives him a pass to do whatever he wants for a weekend at a "Naked Mile". This movie isn't funny at all, more romance.The characters are pretty likable but its not as great as the first three American Pie movies. This one simply doesn't have tat same spark as the others.
insomniac_rod I mean, after "American Wedding" the series took a more naive and PG-13 oriented thematic with "Band Camp", so it was a smart move to return to basics: sex, booze, sexual humor, sexual jokes, irreverent situations and characters, WTF? moments, and a more likable supporting cast.The plot is pretty simple and silly but fits perfect with the movie's tone. It deals with a very cute, beautiful but naive and tender girlfriend who gives an all access pass with no guilt (or something like that) to her boyfriend in order for him to lose his virginity and do whatever he wants, with no reprises. She later regrets because she wants to lose her virginity to him but things get out of control and both now have the chance to have sex for the first time...but with other people. Oh, and the lead male character and his friends run the naked mile. That's all you need to know.It was a smart move to bring back Eugene Levy because he portrays the raunchy humor needed in the film. Also, the Stiffler connections were needed if things were intended to return to it's roots.The movie has funny situations like dealing with a band of midgets, running the naked mile, a wild underwear party, riding a horse in the middle of the highway in order to say to your girlfriend "I love you", steamy soft core sex sequences that deal with powerful dildos, midgets, a pool table; but my favorite was "taking a crap inside a laundry machine". Oh, you have to watch it to understand.But this movie also delivers the moral message that deals with making love when it's necessary and when the couple is ready. Sometimes, feelings are more important. Keep that in mind kids! Overall, this is a nice attempt to bring back the "American Pie" series to success and gain more irreverent fans.Special mention for Jessy Schram as the super pretty, cute and sexy girlfriend. "Cooze" was by far the funniest of the guys.
jerekra THe Naked mile is not a very good film. I really do not like the American Pie series and tend to think that they are over rated as a whole. However this film makes the other American Pie Films look good. The Jokes are old and predictable and the cast really was not spectacular. In particular the football scene against the midgets I thought was just lame and did not get it at all. Also they try to recreate past scenes from other American Pie films to get some laughs but it did not work for me. THe only really memorable part for me was seeing all of the hot girls run around naked during the climatic naked mile run. But that alone is not enough for me to recommend this film so I will have to not recommend this film.
callum hall American pie beta house was the nail in the coffin from my perspective. It still gives you that "teen kick" feeling. But it has totally lost that American pie features that we all know and love. Just think about it From a group of young,horny,troublesome teens graduating from college and simply caring about girls and getting laid, To a couple of boring,unfunny,looser misfits. From a stifler that was guaranteed to bring you laughs every time hes on scene. To one geeky cousin who has completely ruined the "stifler" tradition and what we knew it as, and another actor who plays the role of his other cousin who is trying to rise to his level but simply failing. American pie is my favourite series of films but i am mortified by the fact that it just cannot stick to one storyline, take bandcamp for example, was there any need of that film? it was nothing to do with American pie 1,2,3 and American pie 5,6 don't follow on from it either. Bring back Steve Stifler, the original stifler, and the ONLY stifler to represent there name. I suggest a new film named "American pie : Stifler Reunion" with all the stiflers from every film. Just think about it, imagine having Dwight And Steve in the same film! as well as Matt and followed by Erik. That would have the potential to make an amazingly funny film that could rescue "American pie" for what it has become. (please reply to this comment)