Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things
Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things
PG | 28 February 1973 (USA)
Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things Trailers

Six actors go to a graveyard on a remote island to act out a necromantic ritual. The ritual works, and soon the dead are walking about and chowing down on human flesh.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Michael_Elliott Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things (1972)** 1/2 (out of 4) Absolutely bonkers film from Bob Clark has a group of people being led into a cemetery where their leader Alan (Alan Ormsby) plans to use black magic to bring to life a corpse he has dug up. Soon the kids begin to have a little party and before they know it they're under attack by the living dead.This film deserves to go down in history for having one of the greatest titles ever to grace a movie. I mean, who couldn't read the title and not either be amused or never forget that you read it? As for the film itself, it's really a mixed bag because it's really not all that good but at the same time it's just so crazy, so weird and so..... I don't know. So silly that you can't help but be entertained by it.What's so strange about the movie is that for the first hour there's really not much that happens. There aren't any zombie attacks or anything else as the people pretty much talk about silly things and do weird black magic rituals. Director Clark certainly builds up a strange atmosphere during this hour but considering this is a horror movie it's pretty gutsy not to have any horror moments. Once we get to the zombie attacks they certainly aren't what you'd call scary but at the same time you can't help but have a good time with them.Performances are pretty decent considering this was a $50,000 movie. Ormsby is certainly a character here and you can't help but be entertained by him. The gore and zombie make-up effects aren't the greatest but they work. Orville, the zombie that they dig up, is also quite memorable. CHILDREN SHOULDN'T PLAY WITH DEAD THINGS isn't really a complete success and I must admit that I probably won't ever watch it again but at the same time I can respect Clark and company with what they made.
Cristi_Ciopron The cheap self-awareness of the script, direction and acting leaves the bombastic crassness as it is: rubbish, mindlessly goofy. Jeffrey Gillen does a less dis-likable role (than the other guys).For much of the movie, I hoped that at least one of the three actresses will undress; the sexiest of them, Jane Daly, is also the least good at acting. And none of the girls takes her clothes off.The score enhances the goofy eeriness enjoyed by some in the '70s. 'Children …' looks like a stage play, the youngsters act as if they are on stage, but there's an intrinsic goofiness; it's not that it feels stagy, but that the play is goofy. It ends with a ship of ghouls.
Barry Douglass I have given this film a 10 as its' an extremely difficult production to rate due to its very nature. I enjoyed it as it made me question my sanity at staying up until 4:30am to watch it. I became hypnotised by the dialogue that went nowhere and the often comical 'scared' face the young lady keeps pulling for no apparent reason, yet the camera zooms in on her (you will see). Also loved the 'here come the dead, lets stay calm and when they go to eat us we will throw ourselves on them' like its an everyday occurrence. This film is a must watch, especially for the ending as you actually don't expect that to happen, no really, its not something you will expect but NO SPOILERS. Watch it. Its fun.
Dalbert Pringle So, how do you like your Hippie?...Rare? Medium? or, Well-Done?....Would you care to try some Hippie, Fricassee-Style? Mmm. Mmm. Sounds delish, doesn't it?.,...There's just so many fabulous ways to enjoy a Hippie. Like, how about Hippie Tofu-Burgers? Yum. Yum.....You know, with all this talk about Hippies, I'm starting to get pretty hungry for a morsel, or two, of some choice Hippie-Meat, myself.But, of course, if you ask Orville how he likes his Hippie he'll probably say 'Raw'. No ketchup. No pickles. No onions. Nothing. Just plain, raw Hippie. Preferably one that's still alive and kickin' and screamin' when it comes to Orville's feedin' time. Yeah. That's the only way that Orville enjoys his Hippie. Not a fussy guy, this Orville. Neither are the rest of his clan.You see, Orville, and his kin are Zombies! That's right. The Un-Dead!! So, what can you possibly expect from these savage, human flesh-eaters who've obviously got dead taste-buds, anyways? Eh?....It's all Raw-Raw-Raw for Orville, and family. You know, these Zombie guys, and gals, definitely ain't no Gourmets. That's for sure!! Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things (CSPWDT) is a comedy/horror, of sorts, about (what else?) Zombies and their ferocious appetite for living, human flesh.....Well, at least, CSPWDT starts out as a comedy (as lame as this movie's humor is), but once Orville 'Rises-To-The-Occasion' (and, boy, does he ever rise) it's no laughing matter any longer.WARNING : CSPWDT is no Shaun Of The Dead, I guarantee you that.CSPWDT story revolves around what eventually happens on Halloween Night to a group of young and dippy hippie-actors, headed by their chief-hippie, dippy Alan. This group of 8 brain-deads (male & female) are heading out for some serious partying on a small, remote island off the shore of Lake Michigan.Situated upon this island is a tiny, neglected cemetery of about 30 graves. Just before nightfall, after smoking about a pound of 'weed', as the full moon rises in the sky, Alan gathers all his little, thespian love-children around him. And in front of the rickety entrance-gates to the creepy, little cemetery he tells them all why they are here."We are here to raise the dead!", Alan solemnly states."Ha! Ha! Ha! No way, man. You gotta be joking!" is the typical. snickering, hippie reaction, all around.But, no, Alan ain't joking. And before you can say "What's up. Doc!?" Alan has pointed out the grave of Orville Clark, handed out the shovels, and, is now ordering the poor, little Flower-Children to start digging like lots of human-gophers."Yeah. I really 'dig' you, Orville" is what they all must be thinking.Once Orville is out of his grave and onto a small alter-type platform, Alan, in a corny Merlin the Magician's costume, begins to perform a well-rehearsed 'Raise-The-Dead' ritual (totally straight-faced) over Orville's barely decomposed corpse (very suspicious). But, the truth is, no one is really taking any of this business very seriously and before long the interest in the resurrection ceremony has waned considerably by one, and all.The whole farce is soon abandoned completely, with everyone laughing like ninnies while leaving the cemetery, and Orville, far behind. The ever-resourceful Hippies then build an organic campfire near the edge of the woods, and start singing some really nauseating, 'feel-good' Hippie songs......Boy, I totally rejoice over my Anti-Hippie sentiments.Meanwhile......Back at the graveyard.....Orville stirs. Then Orville rises to his feet. Then about 20 other zombies tear right out of the ground and join ranks with Orville, who's the obvious leader of the pack.....And then.....And then......Well, I really don't think I need to tell you what happens 'THEN'.So, after all, Alan's mumbo-jumbo has actually worked on corpse revival. Hallelujah!! CSPWDT Is a flick that's very reminiscent of Night Of The Living Dead.With all the bad acting and cheap effects aside, CSPWDT really isn't too bad for a low-budget horror flick. It's actually more entertaining than most Z-Grade Zombie films that I've seen. There's certainly no shortage of carnage....And there's plenty of gore....And buckets of guts....And barrels of blood.... Yeah. It's enough to keep any horror-movie fan satisfied right up to the last drop, during the final, maniacal slaughter.....Shlurp! Shlurp! CSPWDT is a perfect Halloween Nightmare-Treat for all of you ravenous ghouls and goblins.