Curse of the Faceless Man
Curse of the Faceless Man
| 14 August 1958 (USA)
Curse of the Faceless Man Trailers

A stone-encrusted body is unearthed at Pompeii, and people left alone with it keep dying of crushed skulls...

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
GL84 Excavated from an expedition at Pompeii, a professor and his assistant find that the recovered mummy of an ancient guardian believes that she is the princess he loved reincarnated and sets out to reclaim her forcing them to protect her while trying to find a way to stop him.This here wasn't all that bad of a drive-in feature. One of the films' better features is the fact that there's quite a lot of work here on the build-up to the reveal of the mummy and its condition. The connection to ancient Roman history, setting the whole affair around the eruption of Vesuvius which is carried out rather nicely through the discovery of the mummy, and it's contents from the dig site which leads rather well into the dreams she has about the mummy coming for her which comes off as the vast majority of the first half here. When it gets to the point about him being alive and coming after the medallion, this one gets even more fun as these are where the film really offers its best scenes as the first resurrection in the museum in front of her is quite the impressive offering, while the main attack in her apartment after it chases them out after it's chamber and goes on stalking her throughout the building which is a really fun and exciting sequence which remains a nice highlight. Even the finale is rather nice, from the final abduction out of the museum and the trip through the countryside where they arrive at the beach when the police arrive and engage in the final confrontation with the creature which is a rather nice and unexpected finish that ends this on a rather fun note. Along with the great look and imposing features of the mummy, these here are what make this one fun enough to hold over the flaws. The issue here is the fact that a vast majority of the film has an annoying and utterly irritating voice-over narration that is completely unnecessary as a whole. The voice-over tells us absolutely nothing important about what's going on since it merely describes the action playing out on-screen or shoots off a quick blurb following up on what was just learned which renders the exercise quite comical as well as irritating. Since it's carried on throughout the whole film, oftentimes just for a line or two, it's pointless needling on the story really gets old, and becomes a hindrance due to its continuation while it stayed only for the beginning this wouldn't be an issue. Likewise, the only other problematic issue is the overall cheap and quickie feeling to it as there's just not a whole lot here that denotes too much went into this, from the cheap look and cramped sets to the flimsy look of everything which makes this look incredibly cheap. That does tend to lower this one, although there's still plenty to like overall here.Today's Rating/PG: Violence.
poe-48833 CURSE OF THE FACELESS MAN is another of those No Budget, Poverty Row quickies that's surprisingly well done and ,even more surprisingly, very Entertaining. It's THE MUMMY by way of THE GOLEM, of course, but without all the overwrought Production Values. Hey, who needs Production Value(s) when you've got The Faceless Man, right...? Not that The Faceless One isn't an impressive Monster: he IS; many bigger-budgeted movies would've done well to have done as well as these guys did. CURSE OF THE FACELESS MAN doesn't DRAG, that's for sure, and The Monster gets plenty of that all-important Screen Time. Can't ask for more.
Michael_Elliott Curse of the Faceless Man (1958) * 1/2 (out of 4) When the ruins of Pompeli are searched, a stone man is recovered. He's taken to a museum where he apparently attacks a woman, which puts her into a state of shock where it seems she has dreams to where she might have some connection to the man. According to the film, this stone man is caught somewhere between life and death and I'm sure the majority of the viewers are going to know that feeling because there's very little to enjoy here. I say there's very little to enjoy but thankfully the film is bad enough to where you can enjoy bits and pieces of it but this only applies to those who enjoy bad movies and can get some entertainment out of them. There are a lot of questionable things in this film but the biggest one to me is a scene early on where a doctor reads us something about the stone man while the image on screen is just the letter that is being read to us. This entire scene struck me as poorly made because if they're going to show us the letter the entire time then what's the point of having it read to us? Since it is being read to us then why not have the camera on one of the characters to try and get a reaction shot? The dialogue in this film is bad enough to turn anyone to stone as the majority of the running time it has either this doctor or that doctor explaining that everything they're saying is true yet the viewer will be wondering where the proof is. There's no question that this is made like a mummy film but the only exception is that instead of bandages our man is made out of stone. The ending, which I won't ruin, is the exact same as one of the Universal Mummy films from the 40s (I won't give the title just to avoid spoiling the ending). Another major problem is the performances, which range from poor to downright bad. The majority of the lines are bad enough and the poor delivery certainly doesn't help them any. At just 67-minutes the film isn't too long but one just wishes that there was more energy in it. The bad dialogue and bad acting adds a few laughs but there's still no doubt that this is a poorly made film that doesn't have enough life to keep it going.
csdietrich CURSE OF THE FACELESS MAN (1958) is little more than a low-budget rehash of "The Mummy" story set in Griffith Park Observatory doubling as the Museo di Pompeii and Malibu locations doubling as the Bay of Naples. Though the film clocks in at sixty-three or so minutes FACELESS MAN plods along at a snail's pace. Quintillus Aurelius is an Etruscan buried in the volcanic eruption of Vesuvius who returns to the 1950's to reclaim his lost love (who has superhuman lung power - when this girl screams, she SCREAMS!) Not completely without charm but not a memorable moment in horror film history either. With Richard Anderson (FORBIDDEN PLANET, SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN) and Wolf Barzell (FRANKENSTEIN'S DAUGHTER). This flick is probably best enjoyed by Baby Boomers who were frightened by it as kids.
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