Mädchen in Uniform
Mädchen in Uniform
PG | 20 September 1932 (USA)
Mädchen in Uniform Trailers

A sensitive girl is sent to an all-girls boarding school and develops a romantic attachment to one of her teachers.

Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Breakinger A Brilliant Conflict
Yash Wade Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
cynthiahost Yes, this is a lot better than the remake.The remake took place in the early part of the 20th century.This version take place the year that it was made .Although they keep claiming that this deals with lesbianism.There's a difference between sexual attraction and affection. Manuela , played by Hertha Thiele comes from a strict house hold .A cold Aunt and a military father.Her character is starving for affection and love ,not sex yet.This is the way I see it.When she arrives to this strict boarding she met by warm friendship from the girl students.But when she meets one of the teachers ,Frueline Von Bernburg. portrayed by Dorothea Wiek,the teachers affection and concern for Manuela, affect the student so positive that Manuela falls for her.But not as a sex partner. More like falling for Wiek's character like a mother needed by a daughter. You see after being in the play ,by Schiller,was it Kabals and Liebe? She has a little too much alcohol during the party that she gets over board about her daughter love for her teacher.But every, especially the mistress,played by Emilia Unda, takes it the wrong way.This was a excellent classic German film made during the last years of the Wiemar. Madchen in Uniform, not to be confused with an all girl bondage xxx video.worth seeing 11/21/12 Happy Thanks giving! .
futures-1 "Maedchen in Uniform" (German, 1931): I viewed this film in an "unrestored" version, yet I was still fascinated by it on a number of levels. The photography was wonderful – with well thought out set shots full of light and dark diagonal patterns illustrating late Expressionism/early Art Deco, and close ups of the girls and women using equally beautiful lighting, often with soft focus filters. A little knowledge of Euro/German history was helpful – since this movie was banned in Germany (just prior to Hitler's coming into full power), and there is a lesbian angle to the story. (Yet, having lived in Europe, I was NOT prone to assigning every hand-holding, dance, or goodnight kiss to lesbianism.) The Prussian attitudes were represented by the older women still in power, and the "new" German attitudes were given to the young girls, the "hope" of the future. Germany couldn't have been in much more turmoil at the time, and was cranking up towards the war to make up for the last war, fascism, racial purification, intolerance, and an even deeper sense of conformity. This film is loaded with the era's "issues", and not necessarily supportive of where Germany was headed.
ctjones-1 Beautifully filmed. By turns touching, funny, and painfully sad.It is definitely a classic. A wonderful story for the gay/lesbian audience, and anti-authoritarian to anyone else who's interested. Wonderful artistic depiction of the characters.Besides, Dorothea Wieck really is hot.
jt004k I found this film to be both touching and disturbing. Innovative and bold, Madchen in Uniform exposes social taboos in its depiction of lesbianism and teacher-student relationships. Beyond the subject matter, I was impressed with the acting and camera work, which seemed to tell a story all on its own. The quality of the film was certainly poor and the subtitles leave much to question, but the overall effect of the film is poignant. It succeeds in lifting the veil which conceals adolescent female life and without exploiting the budding sexuality of young girls, a phenomenon too often seen in cinema today. It seems strange that this careful balance of exposition and preservation was better kept seventy years ago than it is today. Should this movie be re-made now, one would doubtless see nudity,stereotypical lesbian behavior and exploitation of the relationship between the student and teacher. This film reminds us that a film doesn't have to shock us to be sexually provacative.