R | 11 April 2003 (USA)
Stevie Trailers

In 1995 Director Steve James (Hoop Dreams) returned to rural Southern Illinois to reconnect with Stevie Fielding, a troubled young boy he had been an 'Advocate Big Brother' to ten years earlier.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
webmaster-1476 ****** WARNING: POSSIBLE SPOILERS AHEAD ******** The story of Stevie. An out-of-control kid who's own mother won't tell him who his real father is. He's a kid from a religious conservative family living in a trailer that was shown "tough love" or no love at all during his childhood. He was put up for adoption and that's when his big brother came into his life. The happiest year. Ten years later the big brother is a film maker come to find out what happened to Stevie.This is where the movie begins. In my humble opinion Stevie turned into a red neck petty criminal with a heart of gold. He tries to act tough but as the details of his life are revealed a picture of a loveless existence is revealed. It makes me think what Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh might have become without money. He's funny at times but the things he says are so extreme that they keep getting him in trouble. I feel for him but the comments about hurting people push me away.Excellent movie but sad. I wish I knew where he was today or what happened to him after going to jail.
kylelamm If you haven't figured out that Steve James is an excellent filmmaker then re-rent and watch again. This movie is emotionally gripping from start to finish. Its an excellent examination of how society can fail the children that need the most help, and that some crimminals are really made not born. I thought the way his case played out was really one of the most interesting parts of the movie, be it Stevie's view, childish and ignorant, or his lawyer who seemed to want nothing to do with the case except to have it go away. Anyhow this is a good film that shows a part of humanity that everyone would like to believe doesn't exist. James throws a spotlight on it with this film.
customtatz I really can't decide if Steve James is one of many I had met when I lived in Carbondale who came down from Chicago and viewed locals as stupid inbred hicks ripe for exploiting.If all of Rural Southern IL could fit into Chicago this would not happen as much.Jackson Co DCFS does have some major problems and this case cannot be found among the JUDCI records on the Jackson county court records website.I don't think James would have made this movie about a troubled Chicago area "Little Brother" because it just wouldn't be as interesting.I don't know why so many people come down to So IL for college when they have several great schools in northern IL.I think it's less of a challenge when someone migrates to an area where they are higher on the food chain and can make a profit from the misery of others who have no control over the geographical location in which they were born.I really can't tell if the scene where Steve James is Crying is Real or Technique..
krism-6 I enjoyed this documentary.I enjoyed looking at people in a whole different world, they remind me of some of my trailer park relatives, the way they talk, dress, sit on the couch or porch and get liquored up, the lack of education, how lonely a lot of these people are, particularly if your bouncing foster homes as a kid.My favorite part was when Stevie was baptized, I wonder if it really got through to him, if anything can really get through to him.I'm sure he is getting what he deserves, and this for me was just a weird video, something so random off the shelf at blockbuster that you'd never think of watching and being fascinated by the random weirdness of the people.