Freebie and the Bean
Freebie and the Bean
R | 25 December 1974 (USA)
Freebie and the Bean Trailers

Two San Francisco detectives want to bring down a local hijacking boss. But they'll have to get to him before a hitman does.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
greschiem2002 I have read reviews of this film that apologize for its racism and its lack of political correctness. The first thing I would say about this is I do not believe that this film is racist, "Freebie" (James Caan) is a racist and this is something his Mexican partner "Bean" (Alan Arkin) takes him to task for. I would suggest that the title characters are, more than anything else, amoral.What I like about this film is it completely turns on its head the Detective/Buddy Cop Genre; everything you expect from the genre is turned upside down. Freebie and Bean are incompetent, violent, destroy half the city in the pursuit of suspects, beat up innocent victims by accident and Freebie, as his name suggests, steals things. This film appears to deliberately go out of its way to upset every possible expectation leaving no stone unturned in its pursuit of this.The Cinematography by the great Laszlo Kovacs is excellent and there is great chemistry between James Caan and Alan Arkin as the sometimes warring partners and sometimes friends. I think this is one of Alan Arkin's finest performances as he plays uptight neurotic characters so well. Also of note is the delightful performance of Valerie Harper as Bean's long suffering wife. This film also contains some amazing stunt work.I find this film vibrant, wonderfully ridiculous and genuinely funny and I have read that two fans of this film are Quentin Tarantino and the late Stanley Kubrick.
inspectors71 It's the antidote for The Laughing Policeman, that grim "police procedural" from 1973; it's Freebie and the Bean, a crude, politically incorrect, and very funny buddy movie for the sophomore in all of us.Alan Arkin and James Caan play a couple of San Francisco PD Inspectors on the hunt for . . . oh, who cares? The procedural part of the movie doesn't matter. The fun is in Arkin's neurotic and fastidious Bean (you have to forgive the racial slur right from the start) and Caan decked out in a leisure suit and looking for the next "five-finger discount" (hence, the name "Freebie").It's clearly not a movie for your mom--violent and foul-mouthed, with Arkin accusing his wife of infidelity by demanding to see if she's douched recently, and Caan performing noisy cunnilingus on his girlfriend. It all seems so daring for the 17 year old in 1975, but now, I suspect, I would just cringe and blush at the crudity and concentrate on the hostile chemistry between Arkin and Caan.After so many serious cop-dramas from the early '70s, FATB came across as something of a breath of different air. In the grand scheme of things, it's not a good movie or a nice one, but there is an entertainment value and a vitality that makes it worth watching.And don't miss the cop car through the side of the apartment building!
gsskimsing One of the worst of the '70's cop movies exploiting the successes of Dirty Harry, French Connection and Bullitt. Probably a role model for the commercial formulaic productions of Bruckheimer, in which a meaningless, contrived plot is disguised by interminable car chases and a loud abrasive soundtrack. One of the chases was probably staged to show off James Caan's motorbiking skills, which were admittedly quite impressive. What little chemistry there was between Alan Arkin and James Caan was swamped by gross overacting, meaningless banter and over-the-top yelling. The filmmakers couldn't decide whether to make a comedy or a police action drama, and failed miserably on both counts. One to be avoided.
cpeterka-2 Really great interaction as it shows the interaction between two cops who come from different worlds, but still care for each other. I love the gags, Car into the apartment, and especially the scene in the bowling alley mens room. The bullet falling on the floor...and then all heck breaks loose!!I see that scene every time I go into a mens room. And it's been 20+ years since I've seen the movie. It's a Classic! Alan Arkin is as great as he is in "The In-Laws". .Another Classic. And James Caen... Plays the totally believable cop who uses the system to get as much for himself as is possible.