Silver City
Silver City
| 17 September 2004 (USA)
Silver City Trailers

The discovery of a corpse threatens to unravel a bumbling local politician's campaign for governor of Colorado.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
ggandsteve This could have been much better. I think the writer/directors efforts to use this story / script as a vehicle for their leftist views ruined any potential this film had. Too much was crammed into the film to give real life to any of the characters, resulting in a series of what seemed like cameo roles for out of work actors, aka the "Love Boat Syndrome". I kept expecting the story to come together at the end with a plot twist, but unfortunately it was extremely predictable.Also, the Argo mine in Idaho Springs exteriors were used, but the interior shots of the mine were actually of the Phoenix Mine, which got no credits in the film.
merklekranz Generally political messages are done on television, so if you are a big fan of environmental correctness, watch to your hearts content. Most people go to the movies to be entertained, not sold some poppycock political nonsense. The hook here is the big name cast. Unfortunately the sum of the performances equals a whole movie that went absolutely nowhere. The two best performances, Chris Cooper, and Richard Dreyfus, have minimal screen time. In short, "Silver City" is to be avoided as entertainment. It is nothing more than a non documentary, rambling political expose on illegal immigration, pollution, and any number of other causes that do not belong anywhere except on the small screen. - MERK
sohmflooring This movie is not as good as Passion Fish or even Lonestar, but it makes a point about how politics works in this country...and that is what Reinzi and Sayles were looking to bring to us in telling this story. Think of it as a metaphor for what has been and continues to take place in American political life and in our collective reality.The lead character, Danny, is kind of a loser and that is what makes it so difficult for the viewer to connect with the character; lost job, lost wife, lost girlfriend, another lost job, not to mention lost opportunities along the way. Danny serves a purpose, but what is it? Is he a metaphor for the hopelessness that has come to permeate the American experience? This is a tragedy play for sure and foretells the tragedy that is becoming more real for us day by day. The fact that Danny has makes no real lasting impact over what he discovers serves to illustrate what we as individual Americans will face when we attempt real change.John Sayles' movies don't have happy endings, or what we understand as such. Life goes on...albeit a little changed...for the characters in these movies. In Passion Fish and LoneStar in particular we know that love will eventually triumph, although that is not presented to us as what will happen. As for the characters in Silver City, well...that is Danny, you and I, and America. The point made is what will be our future if we allow politics to continue as it does in the American reality? We all know why this movie was made when it was; it still makes its point today, probably more so...since we are now reaping the 'benefits' of eight years of Republican rule....oh when will we learn?! It matters little who of the two candidates running for president today will be victorious in November 2008...the 'boss' remains the same and it is nameless and faceless, although we all know who the 'boss' is. Systems are like organisms; they don't want to die and they will do anything they need survive. But maybe someday...
TxMike It isn't a secret that this movie was made to lampoon George Bush, his policies, his apparent connection with special interests that do not value the environment, and his great ability to miss-speak at almost every opportunity. Or simply to speak without really saying anything.Chris Cooper is Dickie Pilager, with a last name that obviously is derived from the word 'pillage' which is to plunder. Dickie is being touted as the ideal candidate for governor of Colorado and, as the movie begins while he is filming an ad spot near a pristine lake, he casts a fishing lure and hooks a half-floating body of an unidentified dead man. They quickly scramble to find a better spot before the press shows up.Danny Huston plays Danny O'Brien, former newsman who now works as an investigator. As he comes across various things of interest, he begins to diagram a picture of widespread corruption, the scope of which Dickie Pilager is clueless. It involves illegal aliens, illegal dumping of toxic waste, and other incidents that get a bit too much by the time the last act arrives.The cast is loaded with good actors, including Richard Dreyfuss, Kris Kristofferson, Daryl Hannah, Thora Birch, Tim Roth, Mary Kay Place, and Maria Bello. Some good scenes, but overall forgettable.