Blood Simple
Blood Simple
R | 18 January 1985 (USA)
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The owner of a seedy small-town Texas bar discovers that one of his employees is having an affair with his wife. A chaotic chain of misunderstandings, lies and mischief ensues after he devises a plot to have them murdered.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
stancym-1 The whole thing did not make sense. The way everyone seemed to make decisions seemed extremely unlikely and far fetched without the necessary humor to make that work. I agreed with the reviewer who stated that one is unlikely to bury a body in an open field with a lit up house not far away. Especially with tire tracks leading to the scene. Then there is the matter of the husband who hires a sleazy detective to kill his wife and her lover. He is shot apparently dead, certainly bleeding a LOT, and we are supposed to believe he suddenly comes to life after hours of not moving and after hours of being dragged away from the murder scene in a car, all the while not moving? Suddenly he has the energy to get out of the car, crawl in the road, and start firing shots at the wife's lover to boot? and wait, he's dragged some more and dumped in a pit dug by the lover, and he is still alive enough to fire MORE shots? As for the leads, the lovers, how did these two ever get together? They tell each other NOTHING, explain NOTHING, and have no communication or affection of any kind in the whole movie. You really dont LIKE any character in this film, and for some that may not matter. It did to me. There is no humor to lighten this dark, depressing piece, and there was too much stupidity for me. Disagreeable and distasteful film. FARGO is a far superior film.
gogoschka-1 This was the Coen's debut and already all the trademarks were there: fantastic characters, very black humor, outstanding camera and acting and a script that's very unconventional. Tight, thrilling - a must for any film fan. 9 stars out of 10.In case you're interested in more underrated masterpieces, here's some of my
sme_no_densetsu "Blood Simple" marked the first directorial effort of the Coen brothers. As is normally the case, the brothers also co-authored the script. Even at this early stage in their careers, you can see many of the hallmarks that later made modern classics out of films like "Fargo" & "No Country For Old Men".The story harks back to the film noir and hard-boiled detective stories of the 1940's. A love triangle is poised to turn deadly when a jealous husband hires a private investigator to 'dispose' of his rival. Naturally, when blood is involved, things don't turn out to be quite so simple.The plot follows a characteristically serpentine path, prefiguring similarly convoluted plots in movies like "Miller's Crossing" & "The Big Lebowski". While the dialogue may not have quite the polish of these later efforts, there is nevertheless a distinctive flair to the script.Bringing this script to life is a cast that's decent but unexceptional. Dan Hedaya & M. Emmet Walsh are always worth watching but John Getz is a bit of a weak link. Frances McDormand made her film debut here as the requisite femme fatale, albeit an unconventional one. It's a pretty good performance but not one that ranks alongside her best.From a visual standpoint, the movie has several interesting touches sprinkled throughout. However, as with the script, the direction pales just a little in comparison to the Coens' subsequent work. In the music department, apart from a couple of intriguing soundtrack selections the music is mostly unremarkable.While not a first tier Coen brothers effort, "Blood Simple" contains enough of their signature ingredients to make it worthwhile for fans of theirs or just lovers of crime dramas in general. As a debut, it's impressive, even if it is a little rough around the edges.
framptonhollis Joel and Ethan Coen seem as if they can do no wrong (I will admit that I have not seen "The Ladykillers" or "Intolerable Cruelty", but lets forget those critically panned least-favorites for now), even their earliest feature film is one of the most beautifully made, well scripted, and brilliantly structured movies I have ever seen! It's so unbelievably amazing that I have the urge to rewatch this masterpiece right now! It is seriously a genius work of cinema that combines the absurd with the shocking-a tour de force of thrills, chills, and, occasionally, laughs. It is quite important to mention the Coens' dark sense of humor and how it creeps into this film ever now and then. It may not always be present, but it is always possible that it will jump out and tickle the viewer at any moment.Practically ever single filmmaking aspect is done to sheer perfection. The characters are very interesting, even if they are rarely likable, and they are performed with perfection and intensity. The cinematography and haunting soundtrack also perfect the film on a technical level, and the screenplay and structure form an unpredictable and inventive masterpiece of the crime thriller.