The Good Life
The Good Life
R | 20 January 2007 (USA)
The Good Life Trailers

A movie about the travails of Jason (Mark Webber), a young gas station attendant and movie projectionist living in Nebraska. His encounters with various social difficulties and with Frances (Zooey Deschanel), a beautiful and enigmatic young woman leads to dramatic changes and decisions in his life.

Alicia I love this movie so much
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
tmf084 The story is about a small town and how life sucks for almost everyone. And we see a depiction of the various coping mechanisms - taking it with humor, the dire situation fueling aggression, escapism, acceptance and resilience. It's quite an interesting theme. Unfortunately the comparison between the different ways of handling life falls short and the focus lying solely on Webber's and Deschanel's character makes the movie one sided and weakens the whole premise. This and the attempt to give the movie a melancholic undertone makes it rather boring to watch. With less stereotyping of the other characters and a more in depth portrayal of them could have made the movie a really good one.Overall: It's not bad and definitely worth watching on a lazy Sunday - it just doesn't live up to it's potential.
MyAvatar Sad, poignant, and rich, this quiet film will give you a glimpse of the human condition from the unique voice of Stephen Berra who writes and directs. He has created something to be forever proud and for those of us that run across it over time on NetFlix (or like I did recently on The Movie Channel) to be thankful for.The presence of wonderful actors including Harry Dean Stanton, Bill Paxton, and Zooey Deschanel should draw people to this film and the excellent acting and writing will hold them until its end.Mark Webber is warm and believable as the young man stuck in a Nebraska town that is frigid both physically and existentially.Zooey creates a memorable character and even briefly sings in this film which is always a delight. Give this one a try. It will not waste your time.
samkan The arc of the plot is much like THE RIVER KING. Though entirely different as far as genre and intended audience, both movies do a very good job at introducing a multitude of characters and potential conflict and then shamelessly just ignore any attempt at resolution, be it good or bad, moral or immoral, clear or ambiguous, etc.Having said so much, TGL is the more highbrow of the movies. The acting, shots, script are excellent and for about an hour this viewer was very involved with the main character and engrossed in his conflicts (indeed, our protagonist is the focus point in every scene, except for the football coach TV blurbs that serve as the backdrop of the setting).There are multiple, well conceived and introduced plot conflicts: coming of age, love interest, parental, Oedipal, antagonist, death (even, though not-so-well, sexuality) just to name a few. Plot conflicts do not have to be resolved, life is not so neat. They can be compromised, contained, accepted, condoned, absorbed (name your own disposition!). But they must be treated in some form or manner. Mr. Berra has made a movie of interest and we can look forward to more. Next time, however, he should finish his film.
jasonprayer Hell yes it's the new Donnie Dark, but the only problem is, it's a million times better. Mark Webber is unbelievable. UN-BE-LEIVABLE. I've been a fan of his since snow day. This movie is one of those movies in ten years every teenager will cite as being one of their favorite films. I guarantee that. I guarantee it. Jason Prayer (mark Webber's character) will be as famous as Donnie Darko. I attended the salt lake city screening of the movie and the crowd stood up and cheered when it was over. Steve Berra will be up there with any and every serious filmmaker that ever put an eye up to the camera. If you were looking for a new classic in modern day cinema and found the good life, I'd say you hit the jackpot. JP