Sleepwalk with Me
Sleepwalk with Me
PG-13 | 24 August 2012 (USA)
Sleepwalk with Me Trailers

A burgeoning stand-up comedian struggles with the stress of a stalled career, a stale relationship, and the wild spurts of severe sleepwalking he is desperate to ignore.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
PodBill Just what I expected
Micransix Crappy film
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
JohnnyLee1 For lovers of stand-up comedy. If you have suffered from sleep disorder you will relate to the main character's dilemma. And then there is the angst he experiences within his long-term relationship. The movie makes you really feel from both sides. I guess what wasn't resolved for me was how his girlfriend in particular came to see his use of his private life in his comedy act. But a movie that gets away with talk-to-camera as well as voice-over narration, neither of which I normally like, is a winner. It's the pathos. (viewed 10/16)
goddardr The first mistake is to think this is a comedy.Mike Birbiglia plays comedian Matt Pandabiglio (boy, he disguised that well, didn't he??) who is still struggling with material, delivery, gigs, and, by the way, his long-time girl friend Abby, played by Lauren Ambrose. It is clear by those around him, they are the ideal couple that will get married and have a family. If fact, they are wondering what is taking so long. So we get to see Matt do a few minutes on stage while working his regular bar-tending job, but obviously he is a work in progress.But Matt has another problem that is troubling to Abby and his parents - he is experiencing sleepwalking with such intensity, he starts acting out his dreams with whatever is around him. Much of this has to do with his evolving comedic life and the long term live-in situation with his girlfriend.I watched this movie with the same expectation of others that I'm sure thought it was going to be exclusively a comedy. There are some of Mike's classic comedy routines with his terrific understated sense of humor, but it really is window dressing for how his relationship, sort of stuck in neutral, begins to affect them both after so many years of no commitment. Just like life, there are some good times, bad times, and all of those times in between. I'm trying to remember the last good relationship movie I saw that so cleanly portrayed the love of two people that were really not made for each other and didn't know it until so many years had passed.I am stuck wondering how much of this is autobiographical and how much was fiction. There are some definite parallels between Mike B.'s actual life and Matt P. in the movie. All I can say is, if it wasn't all biographical, then Mike did a fabulous job of making a complete and honest storyline that has people asking questions of their own behavior and relationships. Give the people in the film credit for doing a wonderful job of acting. My had is off to Birbiglia for piecing together a terrific movie.
Vincent As much as I could relate to the anguish of our lead character and everyone around him who just seem to irritate him and cramp his style, the film was on the whole sad. Maybe it's too much to expect that a comedic film might have a few lines that actually make you laugh.My favorite scene was after his gig at the college in Utica. He walks into his room at the cheap motel and starts jumping on his bed. He's thrilled that he actually just got paid to do a show. He's on his way to attaining his dreams however humble they may be. I considered that the films only rejoiceful moment.The actress playing his agent was a highlight. Any scene with her put a smile on my face.In any case This American Life is incredible and I am looking forward to any films that they may produce in the future. Sleepwalk is a good start.
p_imdb-238-926380 I apologize for the low quality review which follows, I have no time but in regard to the reviews found here, I thought we need something more honest before people go out and watch it.So, this is nothing you would watch in cinema.This is more like a movie to watch on a Sunday morning when everybody is lazy and there is nothing of value to do. The story is a bit boring, and the main character is boring too which comes surprisingly because he actually plays a comedian. This film is listed as comedy, but we didn't have a single laugh while watching it. The whole movie is really flat, no climax or variation whatsoever. Nobody even tried to follow up to the film after we were done with it. I am already having a tough time writing something here, as I can't remember something worth mentioning. So overall I think this says enough.