R | 10 September 2004 (USA)
Criminal Trailers

Needing a new partner capable of intricate cons, Richard Gaddis, recruits Rodrigo, a crook with a perfect poker face. The two plan a big-time scam: selling a fake Silver Certificate to currency collector William Hannigan. Rodrigo distrusts his new associate, but needs money to help out his ill father. The situation becomes more complicated when Rodrigo falls for Gaddis' sister, Valerie, drawing another player into the game.

Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
pc95 What starts out initially as interesting quickly degenerates into a predictable and time-wasting exercise. By about 10 min into "Criminal", the movie appears to believe it's own crap. (spoilers) We know either/or both of the main leads are double-crossing - and since we know this, the movie loses any kind of appeal. The writing and story are the 2 main culprits for this, but the acting barely makes satisfactory in most cases. So there becomes no real emotional impact or buy-in - as we can perceive it all as trickery or at least suspect so. Without any honesty in the movie given the subject matter it becomes a waiting game for ending. The whole point of twists are that they need to be subtle enough to startle - this was as subtle as a Jet-Airplane Engine. If want to watch a better con movie, check out The Game or Matchstick Men.
itssosublime This is a film adapted from the 2000 release of an Argentine film called "Nine Queens" or "Nueve Reinas". I won't go into too much detail about the plot of the film, because it's hard to do without spoiling it. What I will say is that if you enjoy films of this genre it's well worth devoting an hour and half to. This a well-paced film that wastes no time in delving right into the meat of it's plot line and doesn't let the viewer lose interest by cluttering things up with unnecessary characters or dialog. John C. Reilly plays the part of a con-man to perfection, though maybe not quite as endearing as Ricardo Darin in the original version, he more than compensates for his lack of likability in this film with his tremendous skill as a dramatic actor. Diego Luna, Reilly's younger, baby-faced accomplice in this film is also very enjoyable. His youthful appearance and polite demeanor were perfect for this role which made his performance as a con-man that much more impressive. The story sticks closely to that of the original, yet somehow lacks the intangible "it" that Nine Queens was able to convey. That in no way means that I didn't still enjoy this film. But, if you do like what you see here, make sure you also check out Nine Queens. 8/10
Pookyiscute I was going to give this a 7, but by the time I got to the end, I automatically gave it one point up, just for being so clever. The film is a classic con-artist flick, and those are awesome to watch. They make you think, and they're fun.John C. Reilly, although he was good as usual, just didn't make a good leading man. It's not only that he doesn't have the right face for it, but it's everything else about him too. Not the right voice, personality and charisma that another actor might. He's a terrific character actor, and perhaps that's why they gave him this role, because it is a character driven part, but, the difference is, that he's carrying the movie basically on his own, and for him, it just didn't work really well. His co-star was excellent, and cute to boot. I saw him in one another film. 'The Terminal' with Tom Hanks, but that's the only other film I've ever seen him in. There is some Spanish in it, too which made the film a little more interesting, and the directing was just artsy enough to give it a little bit of flavor. However, there were times when the film was a little dry and could of used a bit of seasoning, if you catch my drift.Maggie Gyllanhaal was great, and well casted for this part. I think she is a very overlooked actress and in a way follows Johnny Depp's paths, as a somewhat newcomer to Hollywood, picking films that are more interesting than cliché or stereotypical Hollywood, so to speak.The film itself though, was well-written, and other than the mistake of John C. Reilly as I said before in the lead, it was well-casted also. There is, other than some foul language from time to time, nothing to be offended by, no sexual content, no nudity, and no violence. With that, I will say it's one of the better interesting films I've seen in a long time, and will keep it in mind for recommending it to people that I see. And, I recommend it, in fact, right now, to you!
nicklibe Actually, I watched this movie to see Diego Luna's acting, and I think it was okay but at the end of this film, it was incredibly interesting!! I could not notice any clue of a big reversal in the end. Wow... it was totally great. I think I'm quite capable of noticing that trick of movies but this time, I completely failed. It is quite interesting to see Jake Gyllenhaal's sister and also interesting tricks of "criminal." This movie is just so great! :D It is just a little bit sad that there are not that many people who know this movie's existence. Give it a try! this movie is really good!!Richard is a cold blooded slicker, and his sister and brother have suffered from his immoral behaviors. And this bears the start of this movie. I will not spoil the main content of the story. Just his interesting and a kind of fabulous tricks turn out to be a blade of a sword threatening him later. And what I am wondering after watching this film is that where Rodrigo learned the tricks to make believe Richard that he is such a capable slicker as much as Richard is. If you watch this movie, you would also be wondering about that part.In my opinion, this movie is one of the best films of Diego Luna(I know that "terminal,the" was good enough too but Diego did not take the main role in that movie as you may know). ;)