PG-13 | 01 April 2012 (USA)
Fortress Trailers

When the commander of the crew of a B-17 Flying Fortress bomber is killed in action in a raid over Sicily in 1943, his replacement, a young, naive pilot struggles to be accepted by the plane's already tight-knit Irish American crew.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
grantss July, 1943. US bomber squadrons are bombing Sicily in preparation for the Allies' invasion. One such bomber is the Lucky Lass, a B- 17. When her commander is killed, the co-pilot, Lt. Wally McAllister, is given command of the plane. A rookie co-pilot, 2nd Lt. Mike Schmidt, joins the crew. Schmidt immediately alienates himself by not joining in and making some very basic errors on missions. Now he must regain their trust and support...Amateurish in just about every way. Story is quite basic, clumsy and predictable. Direction is paint-by-numbers stuff, with no attempt at engaging the audience or anything approaching grittiness. Performances are hammy at best, and generally quite cringeworthy. Even the CGI, which in 2012 should be an easy tick, feels like something from a video game, and not a very good one.However, decent enough battle scenes though, and a reasonably powerful final few scenes, make this not a total write-off. Still not worth watching though.
ztigr This was no Oscar winner, and the story played like a bunch of thrown together scenes from a diary. The acting was mediocre to poor, even the few talents I recognized didn't elevate the status quo. What I was amazed at were that the special effects were so superior for a low budget movie. I read that all of the plains were digital as they couldn't afford to have real planes. You could have fooled me, the plains looked plenty real. The aerial battles were superior, and I hope the company that did the SFx has a lot of success...they deserve it.
rowest-75649 For the budget, they did a great job of storytelling, the crews that flew these (like my uncle and cousin, out of a base in England) are the story, not the celebrities who play the roll, or some romance sub plot, not the tech quality of special effects, or specific historical accuracy. My wife and i were party to the making of Pearl Harbor via National Park Svc work, and we had the honor to get to know actual survivors, we were sometimes surprised by there stories an by their reactions to certain details of that movie. We enjoyed that movie more by hearing the survivors comments.I thank the makers of Fortress for making this little movie that tells a fraction of the story of some great young men who deserve to be honored. I think the old flight crews would have appreciated the story as told. (and you guys likely made this for a fraction of the cost of Disney's world premier party for PH, and got to tell the tale to a few more people who may never view another B17 plot).
shatterd_moon2 I stumbled across this film purely by accident while looking for another movie. I couldn't find the one I had planned on so I picked this up just for kicks, expecting an interesting, if questionable low budget film. I could not have been more mistaken.What I found was a well put together movie, done on a mere $3.200.000 budget. Now, I will be the first to admit that there were imperfections across the board (overly clean aircraft, slight imperfections in the CGI, and wardrobe errors, etc.). However they were minor, and after being absorbed into the plot that was being delivered by unknown yet pretty believable actors. I found that the imperfections were easily overlooked.I only recognized a few of the actors yet the entire troop had good chemistry with both the script and each other. The story was well thought out and delivered with style. The dialog was a drawback for me. I'm not sure the "F" bomb was used so flagrantly in the 40's.But the CGI was the biggest shock of all, I can't believe that on such a small budget, they were able to do such excellent CGI work. The air combat and dog fights were unbelievably, believable.I would recommend this film to any WWII enthusiast. Even with all its flaws it was still a thoroughly enjoyable film!! 8 out of 10