G | 16 February 2018 (USA)

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Z-O-M-B-I-E-S Trailers

Two star-crossed freshmen – a zombie, Zed and a cheerleader, Addison – each outsiders in their unique ways, befriend each other and work together to show their high school and the Seabrook community what they can achieve when they embrace their differences.

FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Orla Zuniga It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
courtneyq-62892 Such an amazing movie I want a second I didn't think the movie would be good when I first started watching it but then it was just amazing it really cheesy I know some preppie don't like that but I love it and I've watched it so many times and listen to "someday" over and over again
PenitentPasser One has to remember the target audience for this movie. I'm not even sure the target audience is even for most high school students. It's pretty much for middle schoolers. Many of the jokes and stereotypes, though this isn't a good justification, should be thought of in that light. Without the music and without the lead actors I would have rated this movie a 3. But Meg Donnelly is such a wonderful and charming actress...she makes up for a lot of the bad. Her singing & dancing lifts the rating of the movie by at least 4 points. She's one of the best expressive & most bubbily-charming and natural actresses I have seen in a long time!Perhaps the most annoying and irritating thing about the movie is how anti-zombie people change their minds virtually every 5 minutes! No way does that happen in real life nor does it show the real inner struggle that the humans have in determining whether to accept zombies or not. What kind of the struggle is it if they just flip a switch every 5 minutes and have a different opinion... human brains simply don't work that way. It is the actual, REAL struggle that this movie should expose, deal with, and resolve. But the movie isn't simply about people's hatred toward zombies. The broader struggle is society's being against homosexuals, people of color, or any number of other differences not accepted by society, and more specifically, their peers. To trivialize the struggle is to demean it...which defeats the whole purpose of the movie.
Masanori HIRANO Before I saw this movie, I thought it was a boring movie. But, it is completely wrong!Although usually movies related to zombies are some kinds of horror movies, this movie is whole different kind of movie and it fascinated me! Some musical or dances, is feature of Disney Channel Original Movies, in this movies are also very good and musics intrigued me. In particular, "someday" and "my year" become my favorite music.Before I saw this movie, I don't know Meg Donnelly, but I become one of her funs because of this movie!If you do not decide whether you see this movie or not, I definitely recommend you to see this movie!
Prismark10 Z-O-M-B-I-E-S is an allegorical film about racism, it does not really hide its subject matter. It is really a shame that it looks rather cheap and the song & dance numbers seem to be so unmemorable. It just looks like a Disney television movie that was quickly knocked off and they hope the young teens will like it enough.Some years after a zombie infestation, they are now deemed to be harmless as they can control their urges through a device. Zombies are now allowed to integrate at high school with humans.Charming Zed wants to play college football but the Zombies discover that integration is not something that humans are really keen on. However he befriends freshman Addison, she wants to be a cheerleader and decides to join their cause to be accepted.It is a shame that the script was not more polished.