Elephant Song
Elephant Song
| 04 September 2014 (USA)
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A psychiatrist is drawn into a complex mind game when he questions a disturbed patient about the disappearance of a colleague.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
lilu-dront I have to start with the fact , that I am an ADDICT. Ever since I saw the first film with Xavier Dolan "Tom à la ferme" I was hooked. His talent doesn't have a specific term, I call it 'a unicorn' though.. because he is so unique. I am addicted to all the work he did, to his views and ideas. People like him are rarely born..so he is an exceptional figure.This film is for those who DO value the true art of cinema. I was a bit skeptical before watching the film because it's an English. And I love the atmosphere of Québecois culture that was created by Dolan previously and the French language ,of course.But as soon as Dolan's character appeared in this film I couldn't stop watching.. couldn't even pause.. Yes, the film is slow. BUT it's not boring.. it smoothly flows while keeping you on edge..! True art! And absolutely BRILLIANT Dolan!
kluseba ''Elephant Song'' is a rather unusual drama. Despite a rather predictable story, an unnecessarily twisted plot development and a few vapid side stories going nowhere with at best average actors and actresses, this movie is still recommendable and one of the better genre flicks of the past years. This is due to two precise elements. First of all, the movie has a numbing, nostalgic and deject atmosphere that serves as intriguing guide line. The soundtrack, the settings and the most important characters all add to this. This movie has a soul and a universe that is perhaps a little bit antiquated but still emotionally intriguing.The second and most important reason why this movie works so well is the outstanding acting performance by Xavier Dolan. He plays a fascinating character who tries to be so unpredictable that it becomes predictable, who pretends to be crazy and evil even though he knows that he is very sane and kind at heart and who ends up trying to be rational and honest even though he still is irrationally emotional and cleverly dishonest for one very precise reason. This character and this actor make an otherwise at best average or even slightly below average flick an above average psycho drama. Even though Xavier Dolan is essentially known as a young and promising French-Canadian director, I hope he will focus on his acting career as well since this is where he really shines.If you are looking for an atmospheric and slow-paced psycho drama with a fascinating main character, this is one of the best films of its kind of the decade. If you are looking for a clever plot and a diversified film, you will though end up being disappointed. With a better script and a more skilled director, Xavier Dolan could be a realistic candidate for an Academy Award for Best Actor in the near future.
zif ofoz Xavier Dolan carries this movie start to finish. And the ending is what this story is all about! Dolan as Michael Aleen is brilliant in creating this character that is so compelling and deceitful he fools Dr. Green and nurse Petersen and the viewer into thinking he has the information they are seeking on Dr. Lawrence. What Dr. Green and nurse Petersen and the viewer do not realize is that Michael has one goal on this Christmas eve and thanks to an oversight by Dr. Green, Michael achieves his goal. And that is when we learn why he is in this mental hospital because his presents there is never really clearly defined throughout this story.What a film! Xavier Dolan deserves more credit for his acting and directing. He is an overlooked talent that hopefully will be a big name in the movie world. But unfortunately real talent seldom makes a splash in Hollywood.
Bob An The movie is interesting. The story keeps you guessing and the 'mystery' of missing doctor is good since the crazy man / boy is giving out the details, so you can never be sure whether it is true or not, or is he playing game.I think that Xavier Dolan was really good at the role of mentally deranged Michael. The role suits him really good. Don't know why, but in some scenes I pictured him in some movies/series based on Marcel Proust's book. He would be perfect for one of the roles of Proust.I did not really like the ending. It was ...hmmm ... too ordinary. And you see in the end that there was no mystery at all about the disappearance of the doctor. Also, the final scenes were kinda ...weak. But, all in all, quite good, except the last 3,4 minutes.Eight from me.
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