O. Henry's Full House
O. Henry's Full House
NR | 07 August 1952 (USA)
O. Henry's Full House Trailers

Five O. Henry stories, each separate. The primary one from the critics' acclaim was "The Cop and the Anthem". Soapy tells fellow bum Horace that he is going to get arrested so he can spend the winter in a nice jail cell. He fails. He can't even accost a woman; she turns out to be a streetwalker. The other stories are "The Clarion Call", "The Last Leaf", "The Ransom of Red Chief", and "The Gift of the Magi".

Pluskylang Great Film overall
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
atlasmb Watching a film may not be the same as reading the book, but this anthology of O. Henry stories does a good job of capturing the author's talent for crafting a story, thanks to good direction and wonderful casting. Here are a few highlights:In "The Cop and the Anthem", the versatile and talented Charles Laughton brings nobility to his portrayal of a bum. Marilyn Monroe adds a touch of class.In "The Clarion Call", Richard Widmark's portrayal of a cocky criminal jumps off the screen. The story centers around the concept of honor--even among the less than honorable."The Last Leaf" deals with the humanity, sometimes hidden, that lies within all people. Surprisingly, the concept of artistic realism is elevated over expressionism, though a spiritual thread runs through the story.I read "The Ransom of Red Chief" as a boy and the memory of that story is still vivid for me. Here, O' Henry turns a dramatic story on its ear, producing comedic results. It's a fish out of water story about two Yankee conmen who think that uneducated Southerners are easy marks. Fred Allen and Oscar Levant are well matched in this classic."The Gift of the Magi" is perhaps O. Henry's best known story. This tale has Dickensian roots and celebrates the true spirit of Christmas. Jeanne Crain brightens this story with her beauty and sensitivity.The film is narrated by John Steinbeck, who helps unify the five parts into a tribute to O. Henry.
Hitchcoc I was surprised when I saw this film was made in the 1950's. I would have guessed the 40's or sooner. It is a real treasure. These stories are, of course, the very epitome of irony. Every story has a "surprise" ending, although, with this writer, we are anticipating a surprise. Some are part of Americana and are ingrained in our memories. The two best, in my estimation, are "The Last Leaf," about a dying girl who is giving up hope. The other, perhaps his most famous story, is the Christmas story "The Gift of the Magi." A young woman and her husband are just beginning their lives and have no money for Christmas presents. They go to great sacrifices to do an act of kindness. The ending is so charming and loving, we should all see it. The quality of each episode is excellent.
mortycausa Each segment is well done, but most are quite predictable, even if expertly produced and performed. The Ransom of Red Chief is the exception. It still seems fresh and original. Both Allen and Levant are good, as is the kid. Hawks's direction is eminently assured. The general predictability of the stories as a whole, though, is probably unavoidable, as it emanates directly from the source, O. Henry's tales. O. Henry is strictly minor league stuff and has not worn well. But, still, they are professional executed and well-done for the most part.Only Red Chief seems inspired, however.
sevisan This is perfect example of the Fox look in the beginning of the fifties, prior to the Scope. Here are the directors, actors and actress, cinematographers,musicians (Alfred Newmann), etc., under contract. Jean Peters, Anne Baxter, Richard Widmark, Jeanne Crain, Marilyn in her beginnings, etc.What a pair of wonderful actresses in the moving "The last leaf", directed by Jean Negulesco with an almost expressionist style! Really, he was an very underrated director with good film as "Three came home", "The mask of Dimitrios", "Humoresque".In "The gift of the magi" Henry King puts grace and gusto in some sweet Christmas commonplaces. This is also a good episode, perhaps a little marred by the overacting of Jeanne Crain.Also very watchable "The clarion call", directed by Henry Hathaway in a dry and concise style.In "The cop and the anthem" we have a memorable line by the lovely Marilyn: "He called me madam!" The Hawks episode is the only drawback in the film, but one can forgive it in front of the other good four. And, above all, the sublime "The last leaf".