Tarzan & Jane
Tarzan & Jane
G | 22 July 2002 (USA)
Tarzan & Jane Trailers

With the first anniversary of her wedding to Tarzan beckoning, Jane ponders how to make it the perfect English celebration.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
joshfedderson This sequel is pretty good, and for Tarzan I feel it does justice to the original. It's a story about Tarzan and Jane's life together and their adventures. I find it fun that Jane has adapted to her new life with her jungle man, and she has changed sure she is girly still but like her husband she has become a survivor and knows the jungle and her dangers. Jane is trying to come up with a surprise for her and Tarzan's one year anniversary and she tells this to Tantor, Terk, and her father Professor Porter, each trying to help her, relates a story or adventure that her and Tarzan has had and each story relates to a thing Jane can do for Tarzan. Eventually, that's not the big surprise though. Tarzan and Jane is fun and enjoyable, sure it's not the original, and I am surprised how many negative reviews were written about it. The only reason I give it a 9 is because of the animation, it doesn't seem as full of life as the originals animation but it is still good don't get me wrong. I like the part where Jane has her friends go in their knickers to survive, I found it kind of hot I guess. Tarzan is Jane is a good laughable sequel and is highly enjoyable. 9/10 for Tarzan and Jane
TheLittleSongbird I personally don't think it is the worst Disney sequel, but it does pale in comparison to the original movie. I don't Tarzan is the best Disney movie, but I still loved it. Now Tarzan and Jane's first problem is that it is merely three episodes of the TV show. The animation isn't that brilliant to be perfectly honest with you, but I can understand why it looked Saturday morning cartoon standard, because that's what the TV show is. A good example is the animation of Jane, it was very ugly at times. The songs aren't the best I've ever heard, but I've heard a lot worse. Cinderella 2's songs were awful. And I actually liked Mandy Moore's singing. I agree with the other comments it could have had a lot more humour, there were valiant attempts throughout the movie, especially Terk's "Mr. Fancypants" line, but there could have been a lot more. The characters aren't as likable than they were in the first film, and all the voice actors are different. The new voice actors, like Olivia D'Arbo, April Winchell and Jim Cummings do their best, but their characters don't have enough personality, and Tarzan's voice actor, while spirited and well done, just lacked the extra ingredient, charisma. The plot merely consists of three stories, and while they are well-voiced and well-intended, they are let down by a lack of imagination. The diamonds in the volcano reminded me a little bit of Congo. Though I liked some of the new characters, I mean Jane's friends were a nice touch. Another pro of the movie was that at an hour and a quarter, it's a good length and goes along at a reasonable pace. In conclusion, I don't think it was awful, but it could have been better. 6/10 Bethany Cox.
Victorious One Disney sequels, generally, aren't always as good as the original movies. There are, however, some very good sequels such as "The Lion King II," "Lady and the Tramp II," and "Toy Story II." But "Tarzan and Jane" is indeed the worst of Disney sequels, where the story was dope, the characters were boring and aren't as lovable as they were in the original movie, the music was awful, and the animation was rubbish. The story was simply about Jane wanting to find an anniversary present for Tarzan, and while doing so in the jungle, she starts remembering the adventures they've had so far. If Disney continues to produce movies like this, it will definitely lose its touch and magic. Disney's "Tarzan," though regained its prestige in "Tarzan II," where they did a good job in it.
johnmccormick-1 The animation was poorly executed compared to the original Tarzan flick by Disney. The plot was poor, and insulting to children's intelligence. Overall, the movie was a poor sequel. We should expect Disney to produce better sequels than this. Toy Story 2 was a good sequel to Toy Story. Tarzan and Jane isn't even a good Saturday morning cartoon...