Tarzan II
Tarzan II
G | 13 June 2005 (USA)
Tarzan II Trailers

When one of his missteps puts his family in jeopardy, Tarzan decides they would be better off without him.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
joshfedderson Tarzan 2 is the story that goes on during the actual story or the original, kind of like Lion King 1/2 it is one of those stories that explains a lot and answers a lot of questions. This story is about Tarzan's childhood and the adventures he goes on, it is mostly about him finding out who he really is and excepting that he is unique and has his own special skills.Along the way he makes new friends who teach him about things, and in turn he teaches them about new things. I also liked the fact that it just focuses on Tarzan and not Jane, don't get me wrong I love Jane she is great and I love the romance of Tarzan and Jane, this story is great because we get to see more of Tarzan's childhood that was sort of a mystery in the original. And we get to see him acquire some of his amazing skills like tree surfing and his first Tarzan yell. Tarzan 2 is a fun film with new characters and a new story. And it does answer questions viewers might have about his childhood. Reason I give it a 9 is I feel it could have explained a lot more then it did, and a good amount was explained, it's just I wish they would have explained more. 9/10 for Tarzan 2
aragorn_blanco Well, I watched this movie 2 times in English and 1 time in Greek (my country) and I have to say I enjoyed all 3 times. I will start with it's flaws, from OK to its worst and then to its ups, from good to the best The villains are a bit bland while funny, but I can live with them. Zugor is not given enough back story, and the 3 ape kids are annoying. But by far the biggest flaw in the film is its ending, which was put in a position where it could not be anything drastic but not this. It just goes from nice action to happy family in 10 seconds. Now for its strengths, which are a lot. The voice acting is superb,terk,tarzan and kala are among the best stars (kerchak would be too but he is barely in the film.) The art style is nice too, and the deeper look into tarzan's childhood and him chilling and playing with tantor and terk is always fun to watch. The animation is superb, at the end we get the best musical number (in my opinion) from all 3 tarzan movies ( I cant believe i am calling tarzan and jane a tarzan film but I digress) with a really awesome scene of tarzan swinging and surfing; that can surpass the original tarzan. But in my opinion,its biggest strength is ... its songs. Finding my way is really nice and sad, son of man was the best from tarzan 1 and it gets a nice reprise, who am is amazing, but who am I reprise is just out of this world. It is not only accompanied by a great background animation, but its also a joy to hear 7 stars from me, I really enjoyed this 1.
Win-14 I have been a huge fan of Disney for years, but their sequels have tended to be rather disappointing, with weak scripts and/or bad animation plaguing the productions. After watching this, I must say, this is one of the best sequels to come from Disney. The animation quality is what most impressed me- it was cinema quality. The action sequences, effects, and the characters themselves were all rendered meticulously, with a lot of attention to light and color given as well.The characters' acting (both in animation and voice) was very good, and Turk (who I found obnoxious in the first film 'Tarzan') was actually very endearing this time around. I was impressed with the children's voice acting, as they had to carry a good amount of the film, and they managed to do a good job with both the humorous scenes and the few more serious ones.The adult voice acting was very very good, with some of the original cast such as Glenn Close and Lance Henriksen in the periphery, and the added great talents of George Carline, Estelle Harris, Brad Garret and Ron Pearlman. It is not a story as grande or powerful as the big Disney classics, and doesn't hold quite as much 'awe' as 'Tarzan', but it was a nice tale for kids, with enough humor and production quality that the adults can enjoy it as well.7/10
TxMike I really, really like the first Disney's animated Tarzan movie. The story was good and the dialog was inventive and funny. Maybe I'm just tired of animated movies, but watching this Tarzan II was a let down.The story is very simple. Boy Tarzan is frustrated because he can't run fast enough and isn't strong enough, and gets separated from his family when a tree across a deep ravine crashed down while his family is crossing in a storm. He evades one trouble and ends up in the presence of the old ape (George Carlin) who tells Tarzan that he isn't an ape. So Tarzan sets out to figure out what he really is.So, with the help of his friends he finally is reunited with, and his mother, he figures out what he is -- a "Tarzan", someone who can figure out things that the apes can't. So, in a sense, this is the very beginning of what he was to become, Tarzan of the jungle.