G | 20 December 2013 (USA)
Tarzan Trailers

One of the most classic and revered stories of all time, Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan returns to the big screen for a new generation. Tarzan and Jane face a mercenary army dispatched by the evil CEO of Greystoke Energies, a man who took over the company from Tarzan's parents, after they died in a plane crash in the African jungle.

Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
gorf I really don't understand why so many people hate this movie.I've seen a lot of complaints about the animation. It's not Pixar, but so what? It's still very good. From the reviews you would think Tarzan was on the level of an old Playstation game. It's fluid and beautiful to look at. While it's not a very original story (Tarzan's origin has been told and retold a million times in movies), it's good enough for an adventure movie like this. It's touching, romantic and full of jungle action like the classic movies. It's not directly based on ERB's novels. It's more like a combination of the Disney and Weissmuller version.Usually, these kind of animated movies contain fart jokes or sexual innuendo. It was a nice surprise to see that Tarzan steered clear of such unfunny and idiotic stuff. The worst thing about the movie is that they used that Coldplay song in one of the scenes. Cliché!Maybe the problem is that some critics and people have been spoiled by Pixar and Disney. They expect every single animated movie to be like that. When a movie by a different company comes out, a movie that's just there to entertain, it's not good enough.Tarzan is just a fun and harmless movie for the whole family.
shadschroeder The only thing I want to point out is that writer/producer is German, so the comment about Americanization is out of line. The movie wasn't canon or great but I've seen worse interpretations of Tarzan. Other people were put off by the science fiction aspect, but there were examples of science fiction in some of ERBs stories. (After all, he did give us Barsoom.)
jerryms-87689 This was not a Disney Tarzan. It was more like a Marvel or DC Tarzan and I will take Marvel or DC over Disney every day and twice on Sunday. . I never saw the Disney Tarzan and have no plans. Ridiculous? Absolutely! Every bit as ridiculous as Batman or Spiderman. For better or worse I like a good old insane superhero story and that's what this was. In review I would like to quote my favorite review of arguably the worst Star Trek movie. Kirk Spock and McCoy are together again and either you like those guys or you don't and if you do you know who you are. I noticed that my review sounds a bit like what I imagine the 40 year old virgin might write And fortunately there's one big difference between him and me I ain't no virgin.
Ruby nintendogslover This is an awesome movie! I do agree that the Disney one is better but, it is better Than some other movies. But what I don't like about this movie, is that there is so many deaths in it. One or two deaths is enough. But still very interesting and I would watch it again. But next time you make another Tarzan movie, try not to make it too sad but make it still interesting to watch. In my opinion this is a great movie and I do think you should watch it. But I don't like it how there is more music than speaking in the movie. I would totally recommend the ages of 9-14 to watch this, because this film dose contain violence. I will give this movie an 8 out of 10 just for those negative reasons I have explained.