Ewoks: The Battle for Endor
Ewoks: The Battle for Endor
| 24 November 1985 (USA)
Ewoks: The Battle for Endor Trailers

The army of the Marauders, led by King Terak and the witch Charal, attack the Ewoks village, killing Cindel's family. Cindel and the Ewok Wicket escape and meet Teek in the forest, a naughty and very fast animal. Teek takes them to a house in which an old man, Noa, lives. Like Cindel, he also crashed with his Starcruiser on Endor. Together they fight Terak and Charal.

Bereamic Awesome Movie
ShangLuda Admirable film.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
The_Only_Man_Who_Can As a kid I really enjoyed the first Ewok TV-movie, so I jumped at the chance to watch that and this sequel again when it was released on DVD. It may be the nostalgia, but I still really enjoyed 'Ewoks: The Caravan of Courage, despite it's flaws.However, I found Battle for Endor a little harder to like, mainly due to the baffling inclusion of a medieval army that seem to have come right out of 'Willow' (which is kind of ironic, considering who's involved with this movie).I just... don't understand! Given that Wicket speaks English in this movie I can only assume that Battle for Endor takes place after Return of the Jedi. If so, how come we never hear of the Empire (or the rebels) deal with this race of vicious monsters who live in a castle not too far from where Wicket's Ewok tribe live? Also, what did these baddies think was going on when there was a flippin' moon sized battle station hanging in the sky? Did anyone see the huge saucer built by the Empire to generate the second death star's shield? Any attempt to explain this stretches credibility, unless this film is set far before ROTJ, the Ewoks are immortal, and Wicket simply refused to speak English when Leia, Luke and the others showed up.As a stand alone film however, it's a fairly enjoyable adventure, despite ticking every cliché in the book. I did find it odd that the entire first film was about the rescue of the children's parents, while in the second all but one of the family are slaughtered by the baddies. It may just be me, but I felt it devalued what was achieved in the first. If you really have to see an Ewok movie, stick with 'Caravan of Courage.' (Oh, and Return of the Jedi. Yes).
robertbrantz This movie is awful. At first I thought it may appeal to children, due to the cuddly Ewoks, the fury little people from Stars Wars. After sitting through this monstrosity of a movie, I am certain that not even a 4-year-old would find this movie interesting. The special effects are by far the best of this movie and compare well for other 80ies TV movies. The script is bad, the actors, especially Aubree Miller and unbelievably bad and the flick is so predictable that I still can't believe I was able to not touch the forward button on my VCR. However, I came close to switching this mess off more than once.
hansener This movie is so much fun to watch. I have been enjoying this movie since i was 5 and have never lost any interest in it. It is out of print now so it is difficult to come by, but if you can i recommend watching it as many times as you can because it will make your life complete.
Movie Nuttball This is one of the great movies of the 80s in MY collection that I think about all the time. Back in the early 80s there were two good movies about the the Ewoks from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. Both film have the spirit of the Star Wars film in MY opinion and especialy ROTJ. Both films are sad in a way but they are never boring and both have good special effects and the whole nine. Both film has some great music aswell! Seeing Wilford Brimley in this film is a treat. The begging is quite sad but this feature is never boring and like the other its action packed. Fans of Brimley and Star Wars should see this!