Iliza Shlesinger: War Paint
Iliza Shlesinger: War Paint
| 01 September 2019 (USA)
Iliza Shlesinger: War Paint Trailers

Her innocent appearance is just a cover for Last Comic Standing winner Iliza Shlesinger's acerbic, stream-of-conscious comedy that she unleashes on an unsuspecting audience in her hometown of Dallas in "War Paint," her first stand-up special.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
giantstones I have tried, I have watched her stuff. not just this one here. it;s just awful. I would feel so cheated if I had actually bought a ticket, I feel cheated now that I have only wasted time.It's difficult to write ten lines of things without just being horribly mean but I guess I will try. Seems to me, if you were to pick say, three other comedians from anywhere on the circuit or whatever you might call it, from any time line between 1950 and 2015 and show them to someone who has never ever seen any stand up in their entire life, that person would be able to pick out this comedian as the worst in the bunch. Timing,material,sound effects, I mean c'mon! how did this even get to the point of going on the road? It;s like the publics being tested to see if anyone can be a stand up comedian or something. Is that what it is? I am guessing I passed and the answer is NO, they can't.
AngelLysh Possible spoilers:"War paint" is the make-up women wear when they go out into the battlefield (the club or bar) to pick up men. If a man said this, it would be misogynist, but with a woman comedian it's okay? What about just plain wearing make-up because it makes you feel good about yourself? I know, we should leave our inner social justice warrior at the door when entering the comedy arena. Maybe I was just not into that type of stuff that day. But I could tell five minutes in that I wasn't going to be a fan. She's good on timing and telling a story. And the animal sounds were funny for a little while (until they weren't). I actually really dug the pharmacist story. The delivery was spot on. But I just couldn't go with her ideals on women dating. Or something about being a loser in the dating world if you have a stump arm. I don't know, I turned it off at a while. She has potential, she looks good and has good timing, and some people can pull off being offensive and still be funny, but she couldn't win me over to watch the entire set.
JayDee420 Iliza had some good jokes but she ruined them with that super annoying horrible dolphin/goat sound she made constantly. It might have been kinda sorta funny once or twice, but it was done TO. DEATH...and then some. I tried really hard to put up with it to hear the material that I actually liked, hoping that for the love of god she would please stop making that terrible terrible sound soon, but it increased in both frequency and irritation. It made me cringe every time I heard it, so I gave up with about 15 minutes left. I couldn't handle anymore. It was just the worst sound I have ever heard. I couldn't take anymore. At a certain point the awfulness of the sound outweighed whatever humour the material had.
Bruce722 Iliza Shlesinger's stand-up special is one of the better female stand-ups around. She is able to deliver laugh after laugh without resorting to the same sexist or sexual content that so many other women seem to resort to in order to be successful. The only weak part, in my opinion at least, was that she seemed to use way too much vocal sound effects. Sure, sometimes it actually added to the bit or the punchline but more times than not it just detracted from it. It actually got somewhat annoying at times as well. It seemed to me that she had never run that by people because I'd imagine someone would've told her something. Nonetheless, the material is great but the execution could've been better.