Totally Blonde
Totally Blonde
| 01 January 2001 (USA)
Totally Blonde Trailers

Meg Peters just can't seem to find Mr. Right, she bleaches her hair blonde and we answer the age old question "Do blondes really have more fun?"

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Alicia I love this movie so much
Micitype Pretty Good
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
edwardmac This film was light, funny, pleasant, without violence, had a great sound track and I genuinely liked it. Sometimes we have to lighten up and flow with a film, sink into it's simplicity and avoid getting stuck in those fault finding ruts. I don't care what others say, it gave me quite a few laughs and it made me feel good. Who cares about the wig and the silly Brad, what a great body she has and tastefully submitted too. At the end I had a very nice feeling and I was happy, which is more than I can say when I watch some of those so called 'A' movies. Some people take themselves far too seriously. Funny, but I didn't rate Benjamin Button, Revolutionary Road or The Reader and definitely not Marley And Me(yuk). I wouldn't watch them again, but I'd watch TOTALLY Blonde any day and that's what really counts.
kende3 This movie was dumb and contrite and I felt the need to comment on the last comment made. Although the film may be somewhat family friendly, there IS nudity and strong sexual content at moments. When entering the hotel to locate her boyfriend's room, Meg's shirt busts open without her knowledge. There she is for minutes standing in an open shirt with her scant purple bra. Not only do you see this, but the hotel staff continues to ogle her and make several sexual remarks. The main staff member then implies that Meg is a prostitute. After gaining entry to the room, sexual sounds are heard and Meg strips off her clothing to surprise her boyfriend. She is then in a bra and thong with a full rear view shot. Meg enters the room to see her boyfriend having sex, the woman being topless. This is by far NOT a family friendly film.
nckgbsn I only picked a 1 out of 10 stars because there was no option for anything lower. I watched this movie because I caught a minute and had to keep watching to see if it got better. It didn't! I felt like my IQ had significantly dropped afterwords. The acting only intensified how horrible the story line was. The basic idea of the movie seems to be if you throw a bunch of attractive people together and have one of them sing it is worth making a movie about. I think that Krista Allen is beautiful but she was so whiny and oblivious that I was disgusted by her and dumbfounded at how being so stupid she could hold or even be considered for an executive job in advertising! That was the only funny part, by the way, of this supposedly romantic comedy. The only character worth watching was Van played by Michael Buble. He had the only role with sincerity attached and it was cheapened by the surrounding cast. Not only was the movie an insult to the general intelligence of the public it was completely unrealistic.
AMG2004 I'm almost embarrassed to be writing a review of this film. It features B-movie/soft-core porn star Krista Allen in a farcical attempt at romantic comedy. The only highlight is the Sinatra-like singing of Michael Bublé, the male lead. His acting is very bad, but his singing is good. The acting of Allen is painful to watch, and I continually felt pity for her. The other characters don't do any better.The script is atrocious, the interior sets look over-lit and low budget (especially the club), the photography is mediocre, the narrative flow is ridiculously compressed, there's no building on the theme of a woman changing her appearance to exploit a male preference (in fact, almost no comment on it at all), and Allen's character's behavior is so completely juvenile and immature that she becomes an obnoxious stereotype of the oblivious woman. This display erased any sympathy I might have otherwise felt for the character. Obvious attempts at humor were almost universally unfunny, and the soundtrack in many cases unsuccessfully tried to be jazzy (aside from Bublé's songs). The trite message of "Follow your heart" as the core of the film's plot had me rolling my eyes on multiple occasions.I am convinced that Andrew Van Slee lacks any real talent whatsoever (how many readers are saying "Duh!"?), having now seen three of his films (I won't bother with any more of them). There are so many truly great romantic comedies available that no time at all should be wasted on this one (instead, run right out and rent "It Happened One Night").