The Autopsy of Jane Doe
The Autopsy of Jane Doe
R | 21 December 2016 (USA)

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Father and son coroners receive a mysterious unidentified corpse with no apparent cause of death. As they attempt to examine the "Jane Doe," they discover increasingly bizarre clues that hold the key to her terrifying secrets.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
louisepocock I didn't know what to expect when I first started watching this. I had an inkling it would be admist the supernatural, but I didn't expect for it to be full on suspenseful horror/thriller.The film had a good premise and they started to work absolute wonders with it. But I do feel it started to peter out towards the end, unfortunately.The film's setting was the autopsy lab- that's it. I found this emersed you in the story even more, as you're not constantly swapping scenes; keeping your attention on the developing plot rather than the background. With this film it worked very well.The characters were minimal, which is best when it comes to suspeseful films- the less people there are on screen, the more unnerving it is for the viewer. I constantly found myself imaging myself in that situation: alone in a horror film- no thank you!The stories main focus is the autopsy of the Jane Doe (duh), which I found was the best part of the film. As they do the autopsy they find impossible things, and unexplainable things happen in the lab. The constant capture of the Jane Does face- eyes open, staring unblinkingly at the camera- everytime they discovered something, a light flickered, the radio tuned out to another channel, freaked me out! It was a superb way to unsettle the audience and to make them aware that she is no ordinary dead body that the forensic scientists are performing an autopsy on.The last half hour is where it was no longer scary, but rather predictable and anti-climatic. I can't delve into the details as it will spoil the ending for yourself.I do, despite the disappointing ending, recommend this film to anyone who loves a good suspense fuelled film, as the majority of the film was strong. It really puts you on edge. Makes your skin crawl, and plays on your mind.
JudasRising This movie is great and it's pretty unpredictable. Just don't watch any trailers and you'll get immersed very quickly. It's filmed in a single location and you get familiar with it from the start, which is really nice, as it sets up the mood for the rest of the movie almost immediately. Main actors did an excellent job with their roles and you get a very good view of their background as they unfold the main story layer by layer. Never drags on, it's very creepy and one of the best horror movies of the last decade.
imdesus The movie is different than other horror movies...
Emilio Gelado Horror, but horror really. there are no easy scares or an oppressive soundtrack, only an autopsy and a father with his son. André Øvredal gives us a magnificent piece of modern horror that he had not seen for years. The first half of the film is based solely on the creation of the atmosphere that will accompany us throughout the film. Claustrophobic, cold and lonely. The horror is based on not knowing, it does not show us evil, we have to intuit it and that causes greater helplessness. The BSO, the script and above all the direction and editing are outstanding, both for a film of this genre and for the rest. In short, an essential movie for lovers of the genre and highly recommended for all the people.