R | 18 July 2014 (USA)
Aftermath Trailers

Searching for a happy ending to a tale of unimaginable disaster and horror, nine strangers find themselves holed up together in a farmhouse cellar in rural Texas. The United States has hastily become embroiled in World War 3. A young doctor named Hunter survives the nuclear attack and is thrown together by happenstance with a group of wounded and frightened victims, including Elizabeth, a strong-willed confidant to Hunter, Brad - an antagonistic redneck jackass, and Jennifer, a barely coherent young woman suffering from severe post-traumatic stress. Together, they attempt to endure the devastating holocaust as they struggle with claustrophobia and conflicting personalities. In a makeshift shelter, Hunter and his dying companions wait for news from the government while fending off hunger, radiation sickness, and a horde of frightened and dying refugees

Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
waffle247 There are many unanswered questions in this movie or as I like to think of them "plot holes". After a semi-promising couple of minutes at the start the movie quickly becomes a small scale lock in hide from the zombie things outside suspense drama with no suspense that leaves the audience wondering not "What's outside!?" but instead "Why is any of this happening?". If you like shiny movies where the characters lack motivation & do many stupid things to move the plot forward, this is the movie for you. You will have the unarmed lead character getting shot with no warning for apparently walking up to a strangers porch in search of shelter. You get the joys of never quite working out what any of the characters were actually doing in the middle of nowhere to get into this position in the first place. You get to wonder why any of the nukes were fired to start the whole film off. These questions and many more will fail to be answered in any meaningful way. This is a movie based on bad plot lines & has a wholly unremarkable script. The only reason this gets 3 stars is because the production was good & most of the actors were able to transcend the shoddy regurgitated script to show some of their talents, even though it would appear the plot was worked out by Spongbob Squarepants best friend.
bbstring This maybe 'Dark', 'Gory' and 'Brutal' but for me it just lacked 'Fascinating!' Every part of the story seemed to have been hand picked from a 'Guide to Post-Apocalyptic Film Making'.So it felt really predictable, the acting wasn't great and sets were very standard, low budget CGI (the nuclear clouds)and although he was heavily credited William Bladwin, is not in this movie, repeat NOT in this movie (its a five second sound clip which to be honest may as well have been a voice-a-like).My highlight was the makeup, which was pretty good actually.I love B-movies and low budget but this was areal disappointment. Shame too as I was really looking forward to Edward Furlon's return to the big screen!
theatomicreview Escapist entertainment no – this film shows the 'original' sin of motion picture: it carries you away not to entertain you but eat you, chew you up and spit you out. Hollywood is not here with its heartthrob, its please you to buy a ticket, its placate your desire to see "everything is awesome," to quote from the Lego's movie. I do have to say if you want to slit your wrists don't watch this film tonight.I don't know if you've noticed it, but today especially there are a number of end of the world movies out. If you watch this one you'll probably not see the end of the world, but the end of a couple of cities as we know them – the closest look at apocalypse limited or otherwise in cinema thus far, hands down, unless you're old enough to remember Testament. Pity this film chooses a total U.S. nuclear holocaust as opposed to a limited nuclear disaster, but then so does dream, amplifies things so to show them, and this film does reach those engrossing depths of human nature, unknown actors though it has, unknown but lost in their parts, and, consequently, you too.You just think I'm in an armchair with my review rant, but in 1982 I parachuted with my A team into what was then West Germany with a tactical nuke (our captain carried), Donny Duke that Green Beret that found the world was not what it seemed, an unquestioning patriot from Texas. You don't know the carelessness with which we treat nukes. You don't know how close we come. Only weapons grade plutonium we lacked. Sound familiar?I wonder at the mistake Netflix made with this movie, releasing this one instead of the Polish movie of the same name and year it was supposed to release, how that happened, because without that glitch this unheard of film would not have gotten a wide audience. Who did it, purposefully I mean, man or fate? We only know that this film gives both knowledge and a warning both almost unpalatable to our movie going tastes. We are shown what we need to do in the event of a nuclear explosion, and we are shown more in the bargain, uncomfortably more than what we bargained for: ourselves at one and the same time the worm and the demigod. You have to watch intimately to see this film is not as hopeless as it seems, with the 'good doctor', the hero of the film, reduced to barbarity and the good people shown to be the animals they are.If you have an eye for the depths you'll hear the token Black, here well chosen, a cultural determinant thought to be a nobody, tell us what's up. Listen to his report, how the immigrants are lined up and shot, how people just give in to their inhumanity, how despite all that this is your moment in the sun with destiny, and you don't want to meet your maker a coward shaking in your boots. He gives us such an example of what humanity is more made of than the beast with his good death – his self-sacrifice to take the body of a child away so that it doesn't rot in the room of our hope hopeless though it is. See the old man die with such dignity not a burden but a blessing to all, the child die slowly not complaining at his pain, and watch the despicable man you want shot change into the man you want to be there when you need someone to depend on, and you will see the power of cinema, and maybe too a future for some unfortunate city or two somewhere or another on our crowded warring planet. Can you stand and face them?
Michael_Takes I loved it! This is a great movie!So the nukes have dropped all over the world. The movie focuses on a group who hide in a basement and try to survive. Until the end there is not much more to it then that.HOWEVER the acting is terrific. C.J. Thomason is incredible! Edward Furlong and Monica Keena are awesome too (for a change). The story and characterization really draws the viewer in and the direction is so claustrophobic and intense that you cant help but be moved by what happens.I am a fan of the apocalyptic film so I really enjoyed it. I give it an 8