2012 Doomsday
2012 Doomsday
| 12 February 2008 (USA)
2012 Doomsday Trailers

On December 21, 2012 four strangers on a journey of faith are drawn to an ancient temple in the heart of Mexico. For the Mayans it is the last recorded day. For NASA scientists it is a cataclysmic polar shift. For the rest of us, it is Doomsday.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
TinsHeadline Touches You
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Matthew Vernon This is a review without the horrid comments that I've seen in other reviews. Let's give some mixed points:+ Okay acting: Some members of the cast performed ably. These few actors deserved better written roles in better movies despite what others on here have said. Some acting, on the other hand, is just bad, bad, bad. The woman who played Sarah had her good moments and her bad moments. When she's talking about her duty from God to stay in Mexico and help... she's like a wooden plank. And so is that random Mexican guy that she's talking to.Convenience: The biggest mistake you can make in a movie or novel is by inserting convenience and convenience. When reporting the quakes to his boss at the NSA, he mentions the one random Mexican town where the archaeologists are working. That then makes the boss worried. You've mentioned well known cities... and then thrown in a completely unknown name.Little details: A storm is approaching... the trees aren't moving? A man furiously typing during a huge emergency... his computer's not even turned on. How am I supposed to take your movie seriously when some guy's typing on a laptop that's not even on?+/- Template movie: You can see that a fair amount of work has gone into writing and realising the movie. There's also a fair amount of research into the Mayan calendar but the embellishment and embarrassing elaboration just makes it silly. Successful movies indeed expand history and myth for their own benefit... but it has to be believable. You don't want a template movie. You want your own movie.+/- Use of budget: Lots of movies have budgets that don't cover what they want to do. They have grand ideas of what should happen in the movie but can't realise it because the money is not enough. You don't need fancy CGI or animatronics to make a movie. Carefully selected actors and a solid story line is all you need to win over an audience.Random information: I never even realised, for example, that "Sarah" was the daughter of the NSA boss. I didn't even know about the Earth's rotation. Either I couldn't pay enough attention or it wasn't made clear... or... it was just thrown in by the writer.I originally gave it a two. After thinking carefully, I would say it's a three. Not because I'm generous, but because I've seen a lot worse. Effort has been put into this movie and the mistakes are due to oversights in certain areas, some of which are mentioned above. This is an honest opinion and admit it, there are nastier ones on this site.
jadzia92 I am quite happily admit being Catholic but this end of days movie simply did do it for me. The atmosphere of this film was very very dull with its characters and the pacing. There was nothing about 2012: Doomsday that made want to care about what was going on in this movie and why I should care about the characters. Much of the dialogue here gets muddled along without any sense of what the characters are trying to say. 2012: Doomsday is notable for being one of the last acting work from Cliff De Young as he has been in anything since 2010, two years after the release of 2012: Doomsday. Doomsday for me truly refers to the quality of the movie itself as it was quite a doom in not having any enjoyment out of this film.
kfraser0535 Some movies are so awful, they're funny. It movie is just awful. The writing and production is at an elementary school level. The movie is a train wreck. You know you shouldn't look but you can't stop watching it. At the beginning of the movie there is a volcano that looks like a grade six science project. This should be the first clue that the rest of the movie won't be much better. There are a couple of hot looking blondies in the movie, however their characters are terrible. When all hell is breaking loose I guess they forgot to tell the people in the background. The people are just walking and driving about, doing their daily routines. It's insulting to Christians, insulting to the Maya and insulting to anyone that thinks they might spend time to waste on this trash.
levelclearer ‎"2012" movie. Yes it is. Only one remark. Maya Indians knew about the greenback emissions ? Man, they have scheduled the end of the world on the 21st of December 2012 ! By strange coincidence on the the 21st of December 2012 expires the 99 year rent of money printing machines of the US Mint by FRS from the US government (1913). Oh, these Maya... 15 trillion debt, world full of green toilet paper with no golden reserves, goods, or services to cover, line of wars waged with one aim - not to let the financial pyramid fall, thousands of murdered civilians overseas, nation brainwashed with the war on terrorism, NDDA act, military dictatorship pending...The authors of the movie obviously wanted to say "People, it's not the end of the world, things could be much worse, like boarding on archs for 1 000 000 000 000 Euro a ticket". Pray until it is too late !
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