2012: Ice Age
2012: Ice Age
PG | 27 June 2011 (USA)
2012: Ice Age Trailers

A volcanic eruption in Iceland sends a glacier towards North America, causing everything in it's path to freeze. A family man struggles to escape the onslaught of the coming ice age.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Leofwine_draca Although that doesn't make the movie great. 2012: ICE AGE is a typical Asylum disaster flick, heavily copying THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW in its tale of a breakaway 'rogue' glacier that heads towards the Eastern Seaboard of the USA, bringing snowstorms and wreaking havoc as it approaches. The usual bunch of scientists and their assorted family members have to dodge disaster staples while the boffins try to figure out what to do.You know the story here if you've seen any of the other endless Asylum disaster flicks: lots of low rent mayhem involving freezing clouds, sudden snowstorms, and landmarks being destroyed on a very small budget. All of the FX mentioned above are brought to life by very dodgy CGI, which isn't too poor, but the CGI vehicles (planes, cars) are something else entirely; computer game quality, if that.The cast is populated by various non-entities and haggard-looking actresses and despite the constant danger the characters find themselves in there's no real suspense or tension at any point. Thus it's business as usual for The Asylum, and torture as usual for any viewers unlucky enough to be watching. And for the record, 2012: ICE AGE isn't as bad as Miami MAGMA and JET STREAM.
CineNutty Ishtar(1987) scored higher (4.0)Let me state at the outset, I was thinking pencils up the nose Mr. Blutarsky - 0.0, but, alas, there is no such rating. I cannot blame the actors. To them it's JUST a paycheck and no one in that group is going anywhere. So then, I thought - maybe it's a spoof, but it's ON THE SCI-FI Channel. Nope, not a spoof. (If Anna Faris showed up, then I would wonder if the SCI-FI Channel changed its charter.) After a while, I would toggle to the weather channel just to relieve the pain. Then, I thought what would happen if I met my maker while watching this crap. STRAIGHT TO HELL FOR WASTING MY LIFE. Finally, I just had to see if it could get worse. It did. Thus, I take back my 1.0. MY RATING FOR THIS IS ZERO POINT ZERO !!!! DO NOT WATCH THIS "VIDEO"; YOU'LL NEVER GET THE TIME BACK AND YOU CAN DO BETTER SPENDING IT IN THE TOILET READING ANYTHING or CREATING YOUR OWN VIDEO. P.S. - This is the lowest rating I have ever given.
slauge For a cheesy disaster flick, I have to give this 6/10. Bad acting, bad science, major goofs, predictable plot. Highly entertaining and humorous for a disaster flick, if you enjoy poking fun at major plot holes and mishaps.I won't give away any plot details, but this movie had me giggling and shaking my head through the whole thing...not to mention yelling at the screen over certain errors and waving goodbye at predictable moments.*Please note: My rating is based off of how well it lives up to a 'cheesy disaster flick' rating. The movie was really horrible overall, but my rating is based on how entertaining I found it, based on criteria I look for in a cheesy disaster flick.
Bucky Wilson Myself and some good buddies of mine, were tripping on acid 2 nights ago . I am not sure how we ended up watching this film, but we really loved it. Great visual's and just simple fun to watch! I laughed, I cried , I laughed again,and then cried again.A Very emotional movie, But in a good way.A lot of people seemed to not like this film, I am not quite sure why? It was very funny and very touching. A true, heartwarming story. We all loved it, and would see it again.