Headless Horseman
Headless Horseman
R | 27 October 2007 (USA)
Headless Horseman Trailers

Seven college kids take a shortcut on their way to a party and unfortunately end up in Wormwood – a "lost" town in the middle of nowhere. They find something strange and sinister happening there – bones and weird decorations line Main Street. The cause: local Wormwood legend says on All Hallows Eve one hundred years ago, a crazed man tortured the youngsters in town and then cut off their heads. In retaliation, the townspeople killed him by cutting off his head. Seeking revenge every seven years, he returns and takes seven heads from children in the town. Now the seven visitors find themselves hunted one by one as the Headless Horseman claims his due.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
leader-16 OK so i heard about it while watching the SCIFI channel and it looked really interesting so on the day after it came out i sat down and watched it. it was really good. decent acting, the horseman was awesome and the part where he rides the motorcycle out was cool. over all i give it a 8 out of 10 because it was just a thriller, not scary but it was awesome i just don't get why people say it sucked, i think it was a good movie. just give the actors a chance jeez. And besides its a scifi movie what do you expect but this turned out to be a good one. story is kinda weird i thought it was gonna follow the actual story but in the end it was alright. when they release it on DVD i'll be sure to pick it up.
adel-mattar This was a great movie...the acting was average, the characters were average, and the special effects were pretty good but there were some flaws..the sheriff looks like the priest from the century before who originally killed The Legend of Sleepy Hollow but dies violently instead of destroying the demon.They also killed the main bad guy about twice but he would not stay dead. No explanation as to how that is possible. Additionally, they did NOT explain why The Legend of Sleepy Hollow was haunting this small American town and preventing the people from leaving.Watch it...you will NOT be disappointed!
gerry1019 This, broadcast last weekend was the latest entry in the SciFi channels efforts to make the worst movies of all time. When I am watching a movie like this I'm perfectly able to suspend my belief in the "Real World" and accept the premises of the film. What I can't accept is, within the aforementioned premises, the complete abandonment of normalish standards of behaviour. That's the problem here. The story is an old one and has been told before. In this case a group of kids end up in a mysterious village and the malevolent townspeople don't intend letting them leave. I don't know any of the cast but if normally playing idiots is their thing, they succeed here.All sorts of glaringly obvious escapes are just ignored and stupidity rules the day. Only watch this if you have recorded it so you can liberally use the FF button.
Moondrop_C Just saw this thing last night. Why? I dunno. I was also surfing YouTube and even the bad videos there were better than this waste of my time. This was bad. BAAAAAAD. And not in a cheesy B-movie bad-is-good way.Bad writing, baaad acting, plot practically straight out of the Friday the 13th Series from the late 80s, but without the convenience of being over and locked in a vault in an hour.Seemed to me that they'd spent all of the budget on visual effects, leaving no money to pay decent writers and cast this movie with people who could act. With the exception of Richard Moll, they must have found these people at community theater productions in towns where the people have never seen what real acting looks like.If you thought the 8 Movies to Die For picks were bad, this might make you want to throw your TV out a window.BTW, why is this still (as of this moment) marked as being in post-production when SciFi has gotten their hands on it?