Rosalie Goes Shopping
Rosalie Goes Shopping
PG | 09 November 1989 (USA)
Rosalie Goes Shopping Trailers

Rosalie loves to shop too much to let a little thing like no money stop her. When the local shopkeepers no longer take her bad checks or bad credit cards, she's finds herself out of ways to please her consumerist tendencies… until she discovers The Internet! Master shopper becomes master hacker, and Rosalie is back on top.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
bmoore-13 I'm giving this film a "10" to improve the unfair "5" voters have given it; it's really around a 7 or 8. There is a real goofiness to this film, even a charm, that I've seen in few other movies. The characters are quirky, alright, but less stupid than just seriously deluded, living in their dreamworlds. Rosalie dances blissfully along throughout the film under the illusion that credit and buying things is the reason for existence. (Of course, this is precisely the design that corporate America has for us assenting, duped citizens.) But Percy Aldon, the director, does not hold contempt for Rosalie; in fact she remains likable to the end of the film, even as (perhaps because) she bilks her creditors repeatedly. (Warning: do not try this at home!) And, up to the end, she appears to get away with it. Is she crazy? No more than most Americans, as loaded down with debt as most of us are. Rosalie's husband, played by the late Brad Davis, is the goofiest of all; what strange brainwaves was he channeling when he acting this role? And Judge Reinhold is fun as Rosalie's befuddled priest. I can't think of too many films that deserve DVD reissue more than this one. One day we may all look back at this neglected film, as small and quirky as it is, and see it as prophetic, a major explication of our nation's debtor woes. But I hope I'm wrong, that we Americans suddenly begin to eschew debt, make it taboo, and wake up to smell the roses. As Wordsworth wrote, "The world is too much with us."
gilinfiji A buddy of mine watched this for the first time (it was my second or third) and he captured it perfectly: "It's like 'the Addams Family' in Arkansas, without the creepiness." He was right. If you like movies with small casts, that are quirky, feature great cinematography and use subtle humor to open a window to an interesting little corner of the world, this film is for you. Percy Adlon also works this magic with "Bagdad Cafe" and "Salmonberries." The only disappointment was singer Jim Lauderdale not releasing the equally endearing country/reggae fusion end credits song, "Flyin' Back to Rosalie," an absolute gem. I liked this movie so much, I actually went out of my way while driving across Arkansas to visit the town of Stuttgart, see the Riceland Mill and see the museum, all places where the film was shot.
increase1975 It was delightfully quirky for the first half hour or so, reminiscent of John Waters, without the grossness or the sex. But it got dull thereafter--never as funny as it should have been--and dwindled to an ending that was so non-climactic, they had to intersperse it between the credits so you'd know it was over. Too bad, because the first part showed a lot of promise. Still, worth seeing if you're in the mood.
lucy-19 Germans think smirking is funny (just like Americans think mumbling is sexy and that women with English accents are acting). I had to cross my eyes whenever the screen was filled yet again with a giant close-up of a smirking face. One of those 'housewife hacks corporate mainframe' tales where she defrauds a bank by tapping a few random keys on her home PC which is connected only to a power socket. The director obviously loves the rather large leading lady. Can't say I share his feelings. There's quite a funny bit when the entire family sit in front of the television chanting tonelessly along with the adverts. Apparently this review needs to be one line longer so here it is.