Leprechaun's Revenge
Leprechaun's Revenge
R | 17 March 2012 (USA)
Leprechaun's Revenge Trailers

An evil leprechaun who has been imprisoned within the roots of a majestic old oak tree, is accidentally set loose on St. Patrick's Day. Once free, he takes out his bloody revenge on the descendants of the people who originally imprisoned him.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
one-nine-eighty I didn't expect much going into this SyFy/Dark Films produced film and I'm glad about that as I really didn't enjoy it. I'm a fan of horror and bad films but this was just dire. It's a leprechaun themed film given a modern American low budget twist which didn't work for me at all. Filmed with stereotypes and bad acting if you want something more high brow look for the Warwick Davies Leprechaun films instead. When I say bad acting I mean really bad, I wasn't a fan of Billy Zane's wooden style before this film and I think less of his abilities after watching this. If I had written down all the stereotypes I'd have expected knowing this film had a leprechaun in it before embarking on my viewing I could have played stereotype bingo and I'd have won a full house within the first half an hour; Irish themes, drunks, a red head, folklore, St Patrick's day, a four leaved clover, and green colours. The monster effects were bad, the evil menace in this looked more like a turd goblin than an eerie fairy. The camera work was poor enough to give me a headache. The transitions and edits from scene to scene tried to be Star War's like but failed outright. The sound throughout was bad, bad dubbing, inaudible conversations and a bad soundtrack. Scenes where a computer was being used did not sync with the acting and was blatantly pre- recorded. Goofs galore and a poor flow to the film. I struggled to watch this once and absolutely won't recommend this or watch it again. If somebody gifted me this film I'd beat them with a stick. Sorry Red Clover or Leprechaun's Revenge or whatever you want to call yourself, you can have 1 out of 10 and like it.
Zbigniew_Krycsiwiki Red headed chick picks the red four-leaf clover holding a demonic leprechaun captive in the woods, which curses her and frees him; he wreaks bloody havoc throughout the tiny little burg on St. Patrick's Day.It's not as annoying as the Warwick Davis/ Leprechaun flicks, with a from-out-of-nowhere monologue by Billy Zane a bizarre highlight, while most of the rest of his dialogue, and the rest the cast, is just there taking up space.As one character so very aptly puts it, "If this was a bad monster movie, it would kill everybody but you." In the end, the plot just kills off most everyone involved except the girl; was that line the filmmaker's way of letting the audience in on the joke, that this really is just a bad monster movie? And one wonders how the girl managed to explain all of this death and mayhem after the final scene? I'll give it points for trying a different look for the leprechaun than we are used to, but that's not necessarily good, and almost none of the plot makes sense. Here the leprechaun looks like Pumpkinhead gone drinking and doused in green beer. The rest of the effects are quite graphic, if sometimes badly done. Odd framing has several scenes of dialogue filmed at wide angels, when close up shots were needed. Use of camera wipes and dissolves, which haven't really been seen since the 1980s, is curious; so is the constant use of brown or green filters on the camera lens.
Christopher Smith The movies that premiere on the Syfy Channel generally range from bad to absolutely unwatchable. This should come as no surprise since these films have typically super low budgets and have drastically short shooting schedules, leaving little chance for them to be well put together. However, a decent film occasionally makes its way onto the air and Leprechaun's Revenge is one of those rare cases where the results of the minuscule budget and rushed production schedule doesn't destroy the end result. While Leprechaun's Revenge still seems like a movie that would have greatly benefited from having more time spent on it, the final cut is much better than the schlocky title implies. The first thirty minutes or so are actually engaging. The opening scene is fairly creepy, the tone is set up perfectly, and its clear from the beginning that the protagonist isn't a stereotypical horror movie moron. Yet for whatever reason, the premise stops being effective after a while and the sense of rhythm that was established in the first half seems off in the second half(which I suspect was due to aforementioned time constraints and budgetary problems). Still, Leprechaun's Revenge remains a great flick to watch on St. Patrick's Day with a bunch of friends and it is certainly more entertaining than 90% of all the other Syfy originals. The cast is solid, the effects are reasonably cool, and there is a sense of humor to the proceedings that's hard not to enjoy. Note: To clear up any confusion, Leprechaun's Revenge is in no way related to the endless series of Warwick Davis horror pictures. If I had to guess, Syfy was hoping for people to assume a vague relation in order to get viewers to tune in.
movieman_kev Karen O'Hara is out in the woods with her Grandfather, when they get momentarily separated and she gets attacked by a recently resurrected leprechaun. she appears to get out unscathed so when her sheriff father (billy Zane) gives grandpa an earful for taking her to hunt, she decides to keep the slowly deteriorating mysterious mark on her hand a secret little knowing that a Leprechaun is after her.All the major characters are.. Serviceable enough and the film eschews the more comedic elements of the much more well-known "Leprechaun" films (a series that has nothing to do with this one, by the way) Oh and Billy Zane has the most bizarrely funny monologue that comes out of left field of the film.All in all, this film while not being anyone that special, could have been so much worseMy grade: C-