Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood
Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood
R | 30 December 2003 (USA)
Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood Trailers

When Emily Woodrow and her friends happen on a treasure chest full of gold coins, they fail to to heed the warnings of a wise old psychic who had foretold that they would encounter trouble with a very nasty and protective Leprechaun.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
TinsHeadline Touches You
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
a_chinn Warwick Davis goes back to the LA "Hood" and it's about what you'd expect. As with the previous films, the production value is below average, the story and characters are underdeveloped, and most of the picture relies on Davis' evil grin and diminutive figure wreaking havoc to carry he film. But watching the creepy little leprechaun take out gang members, racist cops, and pretty much anyone who gets in his way actually goes a long way. "Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood" was the sixth and final appearance by Davis and the leprechaun. I'm not sure the series was going to be able to sustain itself much longer, but I will have to admit that Davis inserting himself in a seemingly unconnected genre is pretty darn entertaining, much the same way he did when he went into space (essentially becoming the xenomorph from "Alien"). Who knows, maybe the series could have gone on to further installments by taking the leprechaun into other seemingly unrelated genres (Romantic comedy? Buddy cop film? Post apocalyptic? etc.). But if they insist on another urban drama for a seventh installment, how about placing the leprechaun into a movie where he's the newest teacher at a tough inner city high school? Sadly, this was the last entry in the Leprechaun series to feature Warwick Davis as the Leprechaun before WWE decided to reboot the series with an ill-conceived notion that trying to make a serious scary leprechaun film was a good idea.
Michael_Elliott Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood (2003) * (out of 4) Sixth and so far final entry in the horrid series has a group of friends in the ghetto finding some gold, which they start having fun with even though they've been warned by a psychic that only evil can follow. Soon enough our beloved leprechaun (Warwick Davis) shows up for revenge. Even though the lep has headed back to the hood, this film has no connection to the previous one but it's doubtful too many people will actually care about that. If you're a fan of the series then I guess that means you'll enjoy this entry but now having seen all six movies I must say that there's no doubt that this is the worst series in horror film history. This one here, much like the previous, takes more of a comedy approach as our green man finds himself in a wide range of unoriginal situations. Of course we get a sequence where the lep is smoking from a bong and this is followed with a scene of him raiding the kitchen to get something to eat. Other silly sequences include him going up against countless gang members and we even get a scene where he has to go up against a couple crooked LAPD guys. I will admit that the scene with the police was rather funny but this is one of the few things that actually works here. The entire screenplay is just one cliché after another and there's not a single ounce of suspense to be found. Some might say the point of the movie was to make you laugh, which is fair enough but even on this level the film is bad because the majority of the laughs just miss their mark. The one good thing I can say about the film is that Davis appears to have a lot more energy than the previous movie. I thought that energy helped keep a little life in the film but not enough to make it work. The supporting performers range from bad to fair but the screenplay makes their characters so uninteresting and bland that you can't help but not give a crap about them. LEPRECHAUN: BACK 2 THA HOOD marked the final film in the series and I must admit that I'm very thankful.
ericstrenk The original ''Leprechaun'' was a classic. ''Leprechaun 2'' added a delightful wedding component for the ladies. Next came the Vegas-based ''Leprechaun 3'' and the space-based ''Leprechaun 4'' -- "home" and "run" respectively. Then it was back to Earth for ''Leprechaun in the Hood'', which answered the age old question: "What would happen if a magical killer leprechaun was unleashed in Compton?" Everything was going swimmingly. That is, until the producers decided to sacrifice quality and go for the quick buck. In ''Back 2 tha Hood'', we have a leprechaun taking massive bong hits, battling drive-by gangsters, and being dragged beneath low-riders. The dignity and subtlety of the first five films? Gone. Pawned off for a series of cheap gags and black stereotypes. Like that infamous pot of gold, the producers have stolen something sacred. And it's we, the fans, who've paid the price.
ca_dale One day I stumbled upon this film in a video clearance bin for $1.11. I'd heard about the long running "Leprechaun" series of horror/comedies and how they were pretty funny despite (or because) of their low budgets, but had never seen any of them. Well needless to say curiosity got the better of me and I decided to give it a shot. Not the smartest call.LB2TH's fatal flaw is painfully obvious from the get go. The Leprechaun isn't the least bit intimidating and his continuous string of one-liners fall flat as a fart. All he does is wonder around, crack a lame joke, get shot a few times by thugs, wonder some more, and crack another lame joke. Wash, rinse, and repeat. The dead serious reactions of the assailed group towards their nemesis, as though it were some grotesque beast (some lost trick-or-treater would be a more accurate description), still can't hide the fact that the Leprechaun is lame and stupid. After 45 minutes the whole thing just gets painfully tedious.This is a shame given that the situations presented in LB2TH's script (smoking weed, getting pushed in a fridge, giving a fat chick a massage) are solid enough for it to work as a passable horror/comedy. The problem is that the awful delivery sucks all the life out of these situations. One thing I cannot forgive them for though, is putting in the running gag of guys saying "What up my Ninja?" Ninja? Ninja?! Bloody NINJA?! Someone needs a serious *** kicking for writing such tripe.