Zombie Massacre
Zombie Massacre
| 06 June 2013 (USA)
Zombie Massacre Trailers

A bacteriological weapon developed by the US Government to create a super soldier - spreads an epidemic in a quiet little town in the middle of Eastern Europe. All citizens have been turned into infected zombies. The plan is to bring an atomic bomb into the city's nuclear plant to pretend a terrible accident occurred. No one has to know the truth. A team of mercenaries is hired to complete the mission. The battle is on. Hordes of monsters against the team. Who will survive?

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
britishgoose01 This made me laugh so hard...which is why I have awarded it 3/10 Me personally I love zombie and horror films, this however a total fail. The film is about the usual biological weapon escaped after an accident and everyone's getting infected at a crazy rate. I have absolutely no idea where its supposed to be based, America? The main defense guys (soldiers)are all yanks...I honestly have no clue its confusing. Lets talk accents, it was funny because we had people who who were clearly eastern Euros who could not do the accents lol it was so funny. Also the basic English was wrong, it was like watching teenagers practicing a play the way they were speaking their line and very poor grammar. Weirdly the main star was Christian Boeving who is a real American who is reasonably famous...but he well and truly over over played the American soldier as always with Americans. There was also a British guy in there low listing celeb who appeared I think on Emmerdale, however am not sure you would have to check the credits. Now despite both the Brit and the Yank neither of them mentioned the poor English to the director or writer. Appalling.The acting was So corny, and that guy Dragon LOL really, it made me laugh, we have a Scot an American, some Easter Euro, the girl was a fake American. It was hilarious.The Story line was stolen from so many films, now I know many films these days steal ideas and stories from films and books but this was really taking the Michael. The military officer infected himself with the virus and turned in to a zombie like the 1 in Resident Evil, I could easily list 10+ zombie films names and story-line they have stolen but it will take too long.The Effects at the beginning weren't too bad, it was like they had a budget and they blew it straight away as the effects got worse and worse throughout the film. Again I was laughing when I saw a fat zombie running and looked like they were out of breath, lol.If you love cheap tacky corny films, with extras as actors, zombies what look like their wearing masks,poor effects and terrible acting with atrocious accents then this is the film for you lol.However if you want to have a laugh watch this film once, at least they had a go.
ScottM2753 This movie really takes the cake so far of the 2013 trash movies. Poorly written and unbelievably poorly acted.Continuity:The productions company obviously doesn't even know what this term means, as there is not even the slightest attempt to maintain continuity.Poorly acted and "voiced". This movie might have been slightly more believable had it been perhaps insinuated that this was some "European" Black-Ops operation that caused the accident, instead of saying it was an American operation deep in Eastern Europe, but then most of the people that are supposed to be portraying American Generals and troops don't even come CLOSE to having a believable American accent.Unbelievable military tactics and situations *spoiler alert*:In one situation, one of the mercenaries is being pursued by 10 or more "infected zombies" and he has a 12 gauge shotgun, which he has not even fired yet. Anyone who knows weapons will know that a 12 gauge shotgun is a GREAT riot/multiple target weapon and is GREAT for clearing large spaces. What does this mercenary do instead of using the shotgun? He puts it down and picks up a barrel and rolls it almost comically at the zombies to trip them up. He then proceeds to pick up another barrel to assault another zombie with it. Wow. This mercenary was also touted to be so "skilled" at combat by the American General without the American accent… Did I also mention that this American General is also sporting a goatee? Facial hair is NOT permitted in the US Military, the regulations stating that this is necessary to ensure a good seal on a face-mask, and it gives an appearance of esprit de corps in maintaining uniform personal appearance.Stupid Decisions:*Spoiler Alert* During one circumstance in which they are trying to flee the city, and get to the "minimum safe distance" from the nuclear weapon that is counting down, they have to stop for gas in their getaway car (a VW beetle) that they had only been driving at approximately 20mph looking like they are out for a Sunday drive (sorry, but if a nuclear weapon is going to go off, I will be driving like a madman!). So anyway, they attempt to refuel when of course more zombies show up. Along comes some country bumpkin that has the best American accent in the whole movie, along with being arguably the best actor in the whole movie... but his vehicle is a VW bus that is also low on fuel. So my main problem is that in a city where everyone has been turned into zombies, who of course have no use for their former vehicles, why do BOTH parties make the absolutely stupid decision of commandeering vehicles that are so low on fuel… when there is a WHOLE CITY OF VEHICLES WAITING TO BE USED!Acting:Very poor, wooden, without emotion in the face of a situation that would give ANYONE the heebie-jeebies.Suffice it to say that I was only able to make it about three-quarters of the way through this movie as it was just so painful to watch.
omendata It was bad very bad - the acting was utterly ridiculous it was almost like a comedy and the lines "so many wars , so many women" they truly have to be heard to be believed almost every scene there was a monstrously bad piece of dialogue "You know what a big pile of Shiite with flies around it looks like , I'm going to create a big pile of Shiite" - That was one of the more witty lines of dialogue! I am not joking you really really really have to see this for the dialogue - virtually every line was cringe-worthy.The main actor was about as dull as Mr Dull McDull from the town of Drab On The Island Of Very Very Tedious. Great name "Jack Stone" - I wonder how many movies have used this combo of hard nut naming convention? I can only presume he was hired not due to his miniscule acting talent but massive manly frame to go with the equally manly hard-nut name!As for the female sword wielding ninja mute - oh words evade me just watch it and you will see what i mean!To be fair the Scottish guy was actually quite funny with lines like "gonna slow it down chief I'm getting old" said in that pithy Glaswegian drawl - I am still not sure whether this was by design or pure fluke or perhaps because I empathise with a fellow Glaswegian forced to take part in this carousel of calamity?Zombie make-up was actually quite good but the whole thing was a disaster and more of a comedy than a serious Zombie flick - view it as a comedy and you might make it through the 1 and a half odd hours of torture!!!I am giving it three stars just because of the funny Scots mercenary!!! He deserves a badge for making it through this movie as do I!!! Was it meant to be funny and ironic - who knows but it has seriously messed with my head!!!
markleachsa-1 I missed the opening credits unfortunately and didn't spot the spoiler at the start first time round. After half way through, when I turned it off in disgust, I played the credits through again and realised my mistake. It seems that the legendary Uwe Boll is the opposite to the legendary King Midas whose touch turned everything to gold, as anything Boll touches turns to crap. And so it is with this one as well.Although the makeup and effects are sort of fairly good, they are not nearly enough to save this movie. In fact the film is so awful, I find it hard to actually put it into words. Now don't get me wrong, I love a good zombie movie, and I'm first in the queue when a new one hits the screens. And all I can say is ... nothing is better than this one! Literally - nothing is better than this, so stay at home and watch nothing! You would be so much better off! How Boll gets the finance time and time again to come up with his rubbish I simply don't understand. He must have a golden tongue to persuade the financiers again and again to stump up the cash in the hope of making a hit film, despite all the evidence to the contrary. I just wish I had his powers of persuasion, as I would probably be in charge of some admittedly fairly small country by now. 'Nuff said - see my vote score!