Dawn of the Mummy
Dawn of the Mummy
| 11 December 1981 (USA)
Dawn of the Mummy Trailers

A group of fashion models disturb the tomb of a mummy and revive an ancient curse. Along with the mummy rising, slaves who were buried in the desert thousands of years before, also rise, with a craving for human flesh.

Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Payno I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
lost-in-limbo With a title like this, you know what market they were aiming at. Does it pull it off? Yes, if you're looking for a gory zombie feature, but as for a mummy presentation it's disappointing. Mummy horror, there's just not enough of it... well at least, not recommendable. "Dawn of the Mummy" falls into that category. A photographer and his models unknowingly come across a newly excavated Egyptian burial tomb when encountering some grave robbers. Despite the warnings, they decide to do the shoot in the tomb, but this begins the slow progress of reviving the tombed dead pharaoh and unleashing the ancient curse of him coming back from the death for revenge. The problem mainly lies on its sloppy direction, flat pace and downright tedious story. It takes too long to get going, making the padded out sequences a chore. Though if you stick it out, you're given a hectic and grisly payoff. The gory make-up effects are pretty well-done with some nasty scenes involving the zombies (not the mummy). However there's no suspense to these build-ups, making the nauseating shocks measurably boring and cheap. Performances are really woeful and insufferable, but you do get a good laugh from a few eccentrics. George Peck is a standout. For all the wrong reasons. Also you got to deal with constant deafening screams from the beauties; Brenda Siemer Scheider, Joan Levy, Ellen Faison and Diane Beatty. A big plus is that it's shot-on- location in Cario, which does add the atmosphere. But in the end, visually it's quite limited and clunky. The monster of the piece is not your traditional looking mummy dressed up in white bandages, but its towering 7 foot frame, dark oozing figure and black tar face still was rather effective design. Just wished it did a bit more, as even the climax involving it is lacklustre, despite literally going out with a bang.
EVOL666 I had heard about DAWN OF THE MUMMY quite a while back-both in terms of it's supposedly extremely gory ending-and also how bad the rest of the film is supposed to be. I've had this one laying around for years but was never real interested in watching it. But I've been on a bit of a kick for weird '80s horror films-and I figured this one would fit the bill-so I gave it a shot.  A tomb-raider named Rick and his two assistants find the burial-ground of a mummy called Surferman (or some such sh!t...)-but their grave-robbing is interrupted by a group of fashion-models and photogs who stumble across the tomb and consider it to be the perfect spot for their shoot. Of course the tomb is cursed, and the photo crew's bright lights awaken the mummy and his zombie-like minions who eventually go on a feeding- frenzy at a wedding...The good points: I personally liked the gooey-looking mummy. I liked that they went with something a little different than the standard wrapped-in-gauze look. The ending-though ridiculous-is fun, if not nearly as gory as some have made it out to be. The bad points: everything else. The acting is terrible-especially from grave-robber Rick. He over-acts so horribly that I almost have to rank it under the good points because his performance is so ridiculous that its actually one of the highlights of the film.  The pacing is snail-paced until the end. The plot is stupid and uninteresting, and there's no nudity from any of the attractive females in the cast. DAWN OF THE MUMMY has a few amusing moments-and those who are fans of super-low budget schlock films may get a kick out of it. Others will be bored stupid. I tend to usually at least somewhat enjoy these kinds of films-and this one I found to be slightly worthwhile. 5/10
lordzedd-3 The Mummy genre is not unique but it's time tested. This low budget loser from the 1980's is just awful and that's being kind. It takes forever to get going and when it does it doesn't make any sense. Hot lights re-animates the dead, I think not. I can't call the characters two dimensional, because that would be considered an improvement. The gooey mummy sucks the big time, and what's up with the man eating mummy. Zombies eat human flesh, Mummies crush people. The effects are pretty good but that alone cannot save this waste of film. The ending is typical of the time period, but I can't stand the movie has a whole. I must give it THE CRAP-O-LANTERN.
gletzes O.K,i am just writing this to clear up the misinformation that the Anchor Bay DVD release is the "uncut" one.It isn't.In fact it is missing most of the gore.I have watched the true uncut version,a Greek VHS copy,a long time ago and i can still remember this film being much gorier that what Anchor Bay has released.Let me explain that in the mid-eighties ,Greece was a paradise for every gorehound cause the arrival of VHS had brought a ton of small Greek distributors that were releasing every piece of horror "video nasty" totally uncut including movies like cannibal holocaust,cannibal ferrox,every Fulci movie and many more, "Dawn of the Mummy" included.Anyway the movie is horrible but it has a few laughs due to the hilarious "acting" and the music is kind of neat.Other than that i was disappointed to find out that most of the gore is missing from the Anchor Bay version...