The Rage
The Rage
| 01 December 2007 (USA)
The Rage Trailers

A crazed scientist experimenting with a rage virus on innocent victims in a laboratory in the woods. When his monstrous subjects escape and vultures devour their remains, they became mutations seeking to feed on humans.

Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
Cortechba Overrated
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
yawp-network (Acknowledgement to the immortal Joe Bob Briggs) eM's Grindhouse:Robert Kurtzman's no-budget, grade Z splatterfest, which I've subtitled, "Blood-sucking Zombie Buzzards from Beyond the Grave." Pure drive-in exploitation featuring wonderful old-school in-camera effects, including puppetry, rear-screen projection, and something I haven't seen in a while--stop-motion animation.Zombie-fu. Mad scientist-fu. Bone-saw fu. Ax-fu. No firearms, but a surprisingly unending supply of baseball bats. Topless aardvarking in a convertible. Nubile dancing girls, a throwback to the fabulous Russ Meyer films of the 60s.Notable quote: KAT: "Why is this happening? Is God punishing us?" No, Kat. He's punishing US.And we love it.eM sez: check it out.
Callash Allow me to summarize the first ten minutes or so for you: This crazed Russian guy has a couple tied down and after the woman has died a bloody death, he cracks open the skull of the man (shown on screen) and injects him with the "rage mutagen". The man transforms into a bloody killing machine, rips loose and attacks the crazed Russian guy. This one puts up a fair fight, but eventually, the creature wins and stabs the crazed Russian guy dead with a saw or something (shown on screen). Cut to a party of some town young folk in the middle of nowhere, where the decent Mushroomhead play. Cut to a couple having sex in a car. After what felt like 10 minutes (apparently, the producers insisted on a a sex scene for the film. However, while I do enjoy the occasional sex scene, this one was just sort of annoying as the setup for what follows is all too obvious), the creature bursts into the scene and splits the skull of the guy open with a saw (shown on screen). The woman crawls away in terror, but the creature catches her, plugs out her eye (shown on screen) and proceeds to eat it (shown on screen).At that point, I stopped the movie and vowed never to look at it again. If you are not looking for the real trashiest-of-the-trashy movies, this one is not for you. I am no wimp. The gore on screen did neither freak nor gross me out. It was just so... unnecessary and annoying. Maybe I'm not far enough into this splatter/slasher stuff.This is the type of movie you would usually find running at like 1am on the cheapest cable channel you can find in your country. And even then, heavily cut.0,5 points for Mushroomhead. 0,5 points for the Zombie theme. I like zombies.
kosmasp I really love the first Wishmaster movie. I even think that the second one is really good too. Both are with Andrew Divoff, who I had the pleasure of meeting personally at a convention. But more about that on a forthcoming Wishmaster review. Andrew Divoff plays a Russian scientist, that's all I'm going to say (which doesn't spoil anything), but never fully develops any of his previous screen charisma (apparent especially in the Wishmaster movies, but also in smaller roles (see Brisco County Jr. and others).Robert Kurtzman, who also directed the first Wishmaster movie, and was part of the famous KNB-FX Group (K being his initial of course), alone was a guarantee that the movie would be good ... well at least that's what I thought ... boy was I wrong! Relying on CGI rather than on "hands-on" Special FX, which Kurtzman could've done himself (and pretty good) was one of the baddest decision he could make ... saying it looks fake, would be a disgrace to the word "fake".The acting? Apart from the aforementioned Divoff, there's only Reggie Bannister who could work as a saving Grace. But the Phantasm star, doesn't have a chance to do so ... But then again, it's not the most original script they're working with, so I don't know, if you really can blame any of the actors (well maybe some of them at least). Of course, a movie like this does not rely on acting and or a fancy story. But as the CGI doesn't work, but against the movie, the sparse real effects, cannot elevate this experience into any level, that makes it really feel like entertainment. It's bloody alright, but you can and should expect more than that! Not to mention that the soundtrack (sounds) can and do get pretty annoying! Problem if you watch it at a theater? You can't turn the volume down, neither fast forward! But just because you can at home, doesn't mean you should try it ... I strongly recommend against that! Of course there are movies, worse than that (quite a few actually), but this also isn't an argument and/or point that works for the movie! I really hate to say it, but stray away from this movie (I didn't even get into the video quality and other stuff)
movieman_kev A crazed Russian doctor (Andrew Divoff of Wishmaster) experiments with a deadly new virus that turns people (and birds) into bloodthirsty mutants gets in hot water when the virus gets loose and starts infecting those in the surrounding area creating havoc for a group of teens who were out partying at an outdoor Mushroomhead concert in the nearby woods. Woodenly acted from an awfully stupefying script. The movie quite knowingly seems to be a homage to '80's cult films (mainly Evil Dead & Re-animator), but lacks the wit to pull it off as a good movie itself, despite the presence of otherwise talented Divoff, Erin Brown, and Reggie Bannister (the latter in more or less a cameo). May be perfectly acceptable fodder for 2:15 AM after a night of bar-hopping, but watching it unintoxicated is not really recommended.Eye Candy: Angela Gasparec gets topless DVD Extras: Commentary by Director/Writer Robert Kurtzman and writer John Bisson; an 80-minute Making-of featurette; photo stills gallery; 2 music videos by Mushroomhead;and Trailers for "Trailer Park Boys: the movie" & "Big bad Wolf"