Major League: Back to the Minors
Major League: Back to the Minors
PG-13 | 17 April 1998 (USA)
Major League: Back to the Minors Trailers

At the behest of Roger Dorn -- the Minnesota Twins' silver-tongued new owner -- washed-up minor league hurler Gus Cantrell steps up to the plate to take over as skipper of the club's hapless farm team. But little does he know that Dorn has an ulterior motive to generate publicity with a grudge match between the big leaguers and their ragtag Triple A affiliate.

ScoobyWell Great visuals, story delivers no surprises
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
grantss Gus Cantrell is a major league pitcher in the twilight of his career. He contacted by Roger Dorn, General Manager of the Minnesota Twins, and offered the role of managing the Buzz, the Twins' AAA team. Cantrell accepts but regrets it almost immediately. The Buzz is a dysfunctional no-hoper team, with an odd assortment of characters. However, Cantrell quickly sets about forging them into a winning team.My expectations for this, the third installment of Major League, were quite low. The first Major League was great but Major League II was very disappointing, filled with clichés, cheap humour and unrealistic baseball. Back to the Minors initially promised to be more of the same, looking quite unoriginal and predictable. However, it grows on you and its charms become more apparent with time. The key is that it is set in the Minor Leagues, so instead of the glamour of major league baseball, we have no-frills, small town, salt-of-the-earth baseball. It makes a refreshing change and does help the engagement factor.This all said, it is still fairly predictable and the humour hit- and-miss, but the baseball is fairly realistic, certainly more realistic than Major League II.Overall, okay, not brilliant, but better than Major League II, at least.
Maziun I think that the first „Major league" movie is seriously overrated . It's a nothing special comedy with cliché story and flat slapstick humor. It's watchable and somewhat funny if you're in the right mood comedy. I'm surprised that it became a hit and classic for some people. So Hollywood made a sequel that was pretty much just as uninspired as the first movie , but this time nobody liked the movie . I guess however that it made some good money. So , here it is – "Major league 3".It doesn't matter you didn't wanted it at all. Let's milk some money from that cow , even if it's long dead.No star from the first two movies return here – No Charlie Sheen , Tom Berenger , Rene Russo , Omar Epps or Wesley Snipes. Sure we have Cerrano , Tanaka, Roger Dorn and Harry Doyle ,but that's it. The only known person from the cast is Ted McGinley ("Married with children"). The hero here is… I don't remember. He is played by… I don't remember. The story is about… I don't remember. The movie is completely lame and forgettable. Oh yes , that I remember.Avoid it , even if you liked the first two movies. Avoid it especially if you didn't liked any of the first two movies. I give it 1/10.
Ian Daniels OK, I don't know how many people have noticed this, but in the scene when Gus and Maggie are in Dorn's office in the Metrodome there is a framed set of Twins home and road jerseys. the number on the jerseys is 4 and the name on the back of the road jersey is Collins. At the time, Minnesota only had player names on the backs of the roads jerseys. Anyway, Collins 4 is the name and number of Timothy Busfield's character in Little Big League. Also both movies were made by different studios, so Someone either placed the jerseys in there to see if anyone was paying attention, or it was just a fluke. Also, Little Big League also centers around the Minnesota Twins.
Larry Forster Perhaps not the big names as the first two installments of the series, but an enjoyable movie that teaches that you don't have to be biggest or the best, as long as you give it all you've got and have fun. Scott Backula gives a great and convincing performance as a minor league coach, Ted McGinley does what he does best, play a self centered egotistical, overbearing idiot. He has been brilliant with the same type character in vehicles like "Married With Children." Who else could have pulled this character off. This movie delves into some of the situations faced by both major and minor league players. There are good players who spend their entire baseball careers in minor league. In the days we live in of multimillion contracts, and players who think they are gods, it might be better to see men who play the sport more for fun than money. Perhaps if some of the Major League stars in real life would learn to have fun playing, then we as fans would get a better game.
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