The Encounter
The Encounter
| 03 May 2010 (USA)
The Encounter Trailers

When five strangers with nothing in common come together at a remote roadside eatery, they place their orders with the diner's omniscient owner, who seems to know everything about them ... and is eerily reminiscent of Jesus Christ.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
lucyanahendrika I like it. Despite or because of what it looked like Christian propaganda. I like it nevertheless.
SternMarcus First let me disclose I am not a Christian, nor even religious, but I find the subject extremely interesting. I considered myself fair and balanced and wouldn't rate a movie poorly simply because I didn't like or agree with the "message" or a particular actor, etc.The really high ratings seem to be focused on the "message" or topic rather than the movie itself. I watched the movie hoping for something along the lines of "The Man from Earth (2007)", not so much for controversial ideas but at least something thought provoking. The movie missed the mark on so many levels it's shameful.Other negative reviews have already touched on many of the cinematic issues, from acting, dialogue, music score and even continuity, so I won't rehash those. While those issues were hard to take at times, the core of the movie was simply poorly developed.The movie portrayed the believers, and non-believer (truthfully there was only one), as one dimensional, simplistic and not very intelligent. Intelligent people would have asked serious and rather profound questions, this lot didn't ask any. At best the questions were singular, simplistic and dropped after a simple response from Jesus.Overall the movie can be summed up as: Jesus loves you, no one can love you more than Jesus, if you blindly love Jesus you'll live eternally in peace and love in Heaven, and if you don't blindly follow Jesus you will burn in Hell. The message might be what some want to hear, but the journey the movie took to get there was empty and not worth the effort.
don-799-74634 I watched this movie. Then I re-watched it. Then I watched it again -- 3 times in one week! It's a simple story done on a low budget, with no big action or special effects. Yet I found it so captivating.I'm quite taken with the depiction of Jesus here - it's spot-on to the way I've envisioned him for years -- NOT as some unrelatable, mysterious, stoic dude in robes as depicted in so many Jesus movies. Here we have him as he really is: omniscient, loving, genuine, earnest, wise, and concerned. Yet not a pushover, and authoritative when he needs to be. And totally unflappable even by overt hostility.Beyond that, I thought everyone else's acting was generally pretty good. And the story delved into several complex issues that have come up in debates for many years, and it handled them really well. So overall, I was very encouraged by this movie and highly recommend it.
mike-ryan455 The Encounter is a nice piece of independent Christian cinema. It doesn't star Sir Lawrence Olivier or boast a cast of thousands. The low budget production values clearly show but they don't distract. The cast is not sterling and the script could have used another draft or two. Still, the movie was decent and thoughtful and generally enjoyable.There isn't any violence or obscenity or sex in it. That's a welcome relief these days. You can actually sit down and watch it with the kids and not cringe.If you like a quiet Christian movie that will leave you feeling good and slightly more humble, this should fit the bill nicely.