The Encounter 2: Paradise Lost
The Encounter 2: Paradise Lost
| 18 September 2012 (USA)
The Encounter 2: Paradise Lost Trailers

Seven years after the world's most devastating tsunami in Thailand six strangers find themselves trapped in a beach side resort on the brink of an oncoming hurricane. Each of their hearts are broken and silently cry out on the most desperate night of their lives. As the storm rages on and the six strangers fall deeper into the heart of darkness another guest arrives at the hotel. He says he is Jesus Christ, and he knows what each of them suffers from. Knowing their dire need, he came to bring them all a message of hope and rescue them from the darkest corners of their own hearts.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
rajivness OK, so this sequel wasn't as gripping as the first one. It didn't dispel as many misconceptions as the first movie either - with the only exception of gently suggesting that Asian beliefs are not of God and followers of that will Not receive Salvation, Nirvana, Enlightenment or ever lasting life.This movie is also extremely slow paced compared to the first film. Also, the scripts seems to hurry along with each character receiving their revelation or Epiphany. The only characters that had a good Q&A with Jesus was the Junkie and the Hotel owner. The drug dealer's and hotel owner's wife's revelation were Luke-warm at best.Will be interesting to see if the next sequel can do better. Would also help if it had some star power. The first one had quite a few stars - Sting (the superstar pro wrestler) and Jaci Velazquez.All in all - an enjoyable and enriching experience. God Bless you all and have a blessed 2014.
mike-ryan455 I can't say it was a bad movie. I just can't say it was an original or good movie. I think that's what disappoints me with it.The original Encounter was like a parable. I didn't take it literally, and the simple staging worked well with the metaphorical presentation that made you think about you and your personal relationship with your savior. This one drowns in scenery and detail. We have the Boxing Day typhoon in Thailand as history. We have a whole background story of action from a mafia movie, the drug dealer, the cop, etc. We have the lush and lovely background of Phukett, Thailand and those beautiful beaches. Worst of all, we have the not at all well done fight scenes. All of that distracted from the beautifully simple message of the original.
jinx_malone Christian films. They're so wretched that they've become a guilty pleasure for me, which is why this gets a ten. I have this awful tendency to hand out tens to movies which are so bad they cross the line into total awesome. It's a problem and I should try to stop, but I'm not there just yet.Over time and many, many terrible, pretentious films, I've learned that David A.R. White is the cream of the crop when it comes to the bizarro world of Xtian filmmaking. He also bears an uncanny resemblance to a very good friend of mine, but why should you care about that? I know you don't, I'm rambling. Anyhow.I saw the first 'Encounter' when digging through instantwatcher's Faith and Spirituality section looking for documentaries and soon after that I was hunting down these things like a junkie looks for a fix. The sanctimony drips from the screen, the awful dialogue sometimes ripped directly from the Bible so as not to offend the faithful, the preachy nonsense--all of that's on display here. It's sort of like watching a Jack Chick tract come to life, and in my opinion there's absolutely nothing bad about that. All these films lack are cartoon devils yelling HAW HAW HAW at the folks unlucky enough to burn in never ending hellfire. If you want to watch something so terrible that it might make you giggle, check out the wild and wooly world of Xtian film. Watch this movie! It's exciting, it's ridiculous, it MIGHT EVEN SAVE YOUR SOUL.But watch out for the characters named Deville! And no, I'm not making that up.
Johnsod8 I love the guy who plays Jesus in this movie and the first Encounter movie. He has the greatest smile and is extremely believable in the role. I think it's so great that real Bible Christianity is finally being taught here. A Christian heroin addict dies and they show that she goes to heaven. Of course she would. Does the Bible teach that taking drugs is a bigger sin than the sin of doubt, worry, fear or lying, and no one doubts that those sins will keep you out of heaven. Thank goodness the blood paid for it all! I didn't mind the violence so much because, why sugar coat real life and the problems real life Christians face everyday!
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