Time Changer
Time Changer
PG | 25 October 2003 (USA)
Time Changer Trailers

The year is 1890 and Bible professor Russell Carlisle has written a new manuscript entitled "The Changing Times". His colleague, Dr. Norris Anderson, believes that what Carlisle has written could greatly affect the future of coming generations and, using his secret time machine, Anderson sends Carlisle over 100 years into the future, offering him a glimpse of where his beliefs will lead.

Libramedi Intense, gripping, stylish and poignant
Billie Morin This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Asad Almond A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
quantum There were points in this movie where the scripting was so incredibly propagandistic that I thought they were actually trying to be sarcastic. This movie is the biggest load of crap I've ever seen. I'm an atheist but I don't have a problem with Christianity-themed movies if the story is there but this movie had absolutely no substance. It was literally just a crazed fanatic quoting scripture and flouting ideas like 'Jesus came to earth 1900 years ago'. I can't believe I actually wasted my time on this nonsense.
canadevil24 This is another movie I just watched on my journey through the best and worst religious cinema.This movie just doesn't make much sense on the message that they were trying to convey.Sure, it makes sense that an extremely religious man from 1890 with only the knowledge of that era and the lack of a proper education would find 2002 pretty messed up.But, this is not a fish out of water comedy, I don't even know what the hell this is, half the movie is just straight up preaching which is not even relevant to the theme of the film.These Christiano brothers need to stop making movies, this was not a movie this was a terribly acted propaganda piece that was a "movie" in name only.I honestly wish I had more to say about this but since it was clearly just cheap attempt to get people to watch a sermon all I can say is f**k this propaganda and f**k everyone involved with it. I will say that the wheelbarrow handles that they tried to pass off as fancy lever handles was pretty funny....... other than that stay away from this garbage.
Christian Trailers I sell Time Changer DVDs at various churches each week, and many of my buyers list this as one of their favorite films. Many still come up to me months later to thank me for bringing the film to them. It has a touch of comedy, drama, and a Christ-centered message. I highly recommend it.Those who are into the "steampunk" genre, will love the look and feel of this film. Definitely work getting this DVD for your home library or church library.D. David Morin, Gavin MacLeod, Hal Linden are excellent actors. They really bring this Sci-Fi film to life. Kudos to them and also to Rich Christiano for this fun film.
Talia_the_StoryMaker Being a conservative evangelical, I am what some people would consider a "fundamentalist" Christian. I'm not, really, but it's how some people would categorize me. That being said, I can't fully endorse the movie. I honestly don't remember how good the acting and stuff like that was, as its been a while since I've watched it. I do remember that the premise was pretty darn good (though the creators of the film would probably tar and feather me for using the word "darn"). However, I'm not completely sure about the message.Broadly speaking, I do agree that putting moral teaching before the gospel proper is putting the cart before the horse, and isn't the best practice generally speaking. But this movie seems to take this point too far, and acting as though this specific teaching is responsible for all the moral decline in America or something, which is of course extremely dubious. While it's a good principle in general, this movie acts as though any tiny instance of giving a moral teaching without adding "because Christ says so!" is evil and will ruin everything. It just seems unnecessarily condemnational and acting as though life is so exceedingly black and white that you can make that sort of judgment call. It seems to follow the way of thinking that anything that's not laying out a very specific plan of salvation must be unchristian. Again, I agree with it broadly speaking, but I still find it a bit troubling to take it this far.Another, perhaps more serious, issue is this movie's clear violation of the idea that "no one knows the day or the hour".Overall, this movie comes across as a bit too condemnational and fundamentalist for me to enjoy it, but at least it was an interesting story idea.