Leprechaun 4: In Space
Leprechaun 4: In Space
R | 25 February 1997 (USA)
Leprechaun 4: In Space Trailers

On a planet in a distant galaxy, a power hungry Leprechaun, holds a beautiful alien princess hostage in order to marry her for her royal title. With her title and his beloved gold, he'll be able to rule the universe. While making his maniacal plans, what he doesn't count on is an invading platoon of marines from Earth, to save the princess and foil his plans. An accomplished trickster, the Leprechaun stows himself away on the orbiting spaceship and wreaks havoc on the crew in an attempt to recapture his bride.

TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
author_chris_snider Ahh, when I clicked on this movie I knew it would be full of horrible reviews by people who try to take the movie too seriously. I mean it even has comedy in the description. I've seen people talking about bad special effects. Seriously? You're watching this movie for the special effects? If you're a fan of the Leprechaun movies you're going to like them silly as some of them are. Just about ALL horror movies are lucky if they have over a 6 rating because only certain people appreciate them. This movie did all I need a movie to do. Entertain me, give a tiny bit of suspense and make me laugh. Given that Warwick didn't have as many clever one liners in this one, but still an enjoyable movie.If you're a die hard or even a casual horror fan, it is worth watching.
dawsonswenson6 A movie that received, very poor reviews by professional critics. But I find to be very underrated. Its true that the space affects, like what it looks like outside the ship are pretty bad, but those are the things that make this movie so awesome! What is more cool then a Leprechaun, in space trying to get it on with a hot space princess? Nothing. I love how the Leprechaun uses that lightsaber like thing, and just killed the space soldier! Then for a reason I never understood, the space princess reveals her breasts to a bunch of the space soldiers on the ship as a punishment. Pretty awkward, but funny and erotic moment. I love how the Leprechaun focuses mostly on the princess, but eventually tells her they need to go back for his gold! Still sticking to the series plot. And it had perhaps the greatest kill in movie history. When a male soldier is getting it with a female soldier, he gets an erection. And because he earlier had blown up the Leprechaun, then pee'd on it, the Leprechaun explodes out of penis and says one of the greatest movie lines of all time, "Let that be a lesson to you lads, always wear a prophylactic!" It was the most gross and funny, and awesome kill scenes I have ever seen in my entire life. The only problem with this movie that I have this is the one movie in the series in which the Leprechaun does not rhyme. In all of the Leprechaun movies he has a habit of rhyming for no apparent reason and its a great thing, but he for whatever reason just does not do that in this movie. Disappointing. But overall, this is the second greatest film in the series, and perhaps one of the greatest horror films I have ever seen in my life. I love this film, I recommend it to everyone in the world, this film is a 9 out of 10.
Kristine So I have officially seen all the Leprechaun films, amazing that it took me this long as I'm actually a weird fan of the series, I know that's absurd but I love how ridicules these films are. Leprechaun 4 is known as the most crazy sequel in the series which is odd considering he went to the hood. But I decided to go ahead and just buy the entire series on DVD and I of course watched this film as soon as I got it and just had to let go and have a great time with it. I don't know how I could enjoy it but I did, I think if you sometimes just wanna have fun and go with it you can find yourself enjoying the stupidest things in life. How could anyone take this movie seriously? I mean one of the female characters shows her breasts randomly and that's claimed as how she tells someone they are about to get the death penalty, how many men in the world would beg for the death sentence if that way the way of telling them? Yeah the acting and effects let alone the story is just awful but I just love the leprechaun as silly as he is, he's just got this amazing personality and what a way of expressing it in space.The Leprechaun is on a desolate planet attempting to marry princess Zarina, whom he has kidnapped in a plot to marry her, then murder her father in order to become king of her home planet. A group of space marines attack and they return to their ship with Zarina, where their leader, the half-robotic Dr. Mittenhand, explains that the princess has regenerative powers and his plans to use Zarina's DNA to recreate his own mutilated body. Elsewhere on the ship, the Leprechaun violently emerges from Kowalski's pants when he attempts to sleep with a fellow marine, Dolores, killing him. The Leprechaun then kills most of the crew members in other various gruesome and absurd ways. He finds Zarina in Dr. Mittenhand's laboratory, and plans to kidnap the princess back killing anyone who gets in his way.I can't believe Warwick Davis did these films but I give him such props that he stayed true and loyal to them. He made the leprechaun into one memorable character, this series I don't think ever took itself seriously and how could it? After all who knew a leprechaun could be so frightening and over a pot of gold? I don't think Lucky Charms ever had this character in mind for this box cover. Now this movie isn't certainly for everyone, like I said there is some incredibly bad acting on everyone's part. Of course being a horror movie, there are tons of good looks vs. talent. The special effects are something that could be done on any home computer, I guess that is what really dates the film. The story is just plain ridicules and silly, the princess accepts very fast and well that she's going to marry a weird looking leprechaun who won't stop talking about gold. I love that the female doctor looks like a lost cast member walked off the set of Baywatch and of course we have to have her half naked randomly at the end of the film. There's a moment in the film when "under" the leprechaun's power a tough marine sergeant comes out dress like Dreamgirls and starts dancing and hitting on his soldiers. It's just a very weird movie but like I said if you're a fan of the series go for it and watch it, even though I know there are fans of the movies and don't enjoy this one but I liked it at least. But if you're looking for an actual horror movie, just look at the title alone, that should say enough.5/10
FilmFanInTheHouse Leprechaun 4: In Space directed by Brian Trenchard-Smith After three movies set on Earth, the Leprechaun now goes where no Irish monster has gone before; SPACE!After a fun and entertaining sequel, the Leprechaun franchise has hit a big low. Deciding to send the Irish monster into space, the fourth entry includes a large mixture of bad acting, bad effects and just a plain bad script. Instead of enjoying the sequel, you just sit there asking "why?" not just for yourself, but also for the characters.