| 16 January 2015 (USA)
Exeter Trailers

During an all-night, drug-fueled party at an abandoned asylum known for the horrific treatment of its patients, a group of ordinary teens decide to experiment with the occult, mysteriously leading to a violent possession. In an effort to find help, the group rushes to escape, only to find themselves locked inside with no means of communication. Tempers flare, trusts are broken and in attempt to save one of their friends possessed by the demon, the amateurs try to perform an exorcism. Instead of solving the problem, and unbeknownst to them, they unleash an even more powerful and vengeful spirit, one with a distinct motive and which wants them all dead. The teen's only chance of survival is to uncover the asylum's deep mysteries and find a way out before it's too late.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
suite92 The Three Acts:The initial tableaux: We get a triple bite opening. First a drug user gets killed after shooting up. That was quite short Second, we get horrid archival footage of the Exeter asylum's failed history as a mental institution, where children were killed en masse. It is rumoured to be haunted by the spirits of those slaughtered. Third, in modern times, the Exeter asylum is being renovated by a church. A number of strongly degenerate teens decide to have a drugs/drinks/smokes party at the asylum. Horror clichés dictate a lot of deaths later in the film.Delineation of conflicts: The youths vandalise the place, urinating and vomiting on the walls, dumping trash everywhere, and breaking fixtures. So it's the youths against whatever spirits they rouse by their attempt at levitation. Can this motley crew of useless teens manage to placate that which possesses Rory?Resolution: Do all of the teens die horribly, or just most of them?
InfinateANGELzPORTALz I'll be honest in saying I'd thought the movie had its share of cheesy scenes or lines.Although at the same time it managed to have a good filming quality w/Video Equipment.The actors played their roles great(&for being ones Im not familiar with),to where they did their parts well plus interacted in believable ways.Rather than tacky over rehearsed feeling to when they say their lines,Also following through w/their acting role needs seemingly well,that'd also been done good by the director in telling the actors what they were wanting for the scenes!The "special effects"used weren't bad either,&that'd fit the films story line&plot.It held my attention from the beginning to the end!!Which is a plus in my book as well!I read on IMDb,that there's an Additional scene at the end of the credits.{But on an added note also:alota horror films came out in the 70s,to like early 90s-ish,&used various plots/story lines,&summaries,making them also"All-Time Favorites!",to both Myself+Many Other People/ppl!!On that note,Not to Defend ALL of the Horror films released,it IMO doesn't exactly give much to work with without being somehow familiar,like deja-vu &/or reminds them of a film made already(unless its a re-make).But otherwise its why I give films a chance,not go by ratings &/or reviews,because I might like it,opinion wise everyones is different.I don't regret watching this one as itd definitely wasn't like the way BAD "B-Minus MINUS!"flicks that we have All Seen!}
moodymiles First, the good--I have to say, EXETER is a great-looking and well-made movie. The cinematography is top-notch, the directing is solid, and the acting is not great, but definitely passable. Unfortunately, the movie fails in something that is even more fundamental, which is finding and establishing a consistent tone/style/voice/vibe that works.If this movie had had the balls to just be an outright comedy, I think it might have had a chance of really working. But by trying to cling to some kind of "real" horror story and attempting to mine real scares and genuinely disturbing moments from the material, it really loses its way.By not firmly picking a lane between comedy and horror, the comedic moments in Exeter (which could have had promise) don't ever get a chance to really take off and the moments of dramatic life-and-death struggle just seem ridiculous. Rather than working together and potentially complimenting each other, the horror elements in EXETER only seem to undermine the comedy and the comedy makes the attempts at a serious horror story seem silly and ridiculous.Some movies to a great job at balancing real laughs with real scares, but they seem to ultimately have a firm grasp on their tone and what kind of movie they're trying to be (a horror movie with comic relief vs. a comedy with some occasional horror and scares). Recent movies like HOUSEBOUND or BLOOD PUNCH are great examples of movies that pull off this tricky balancing act by establishing a tone and sticking to it, knowing exactly what kind of movies they are trying to be. EXETER, unfortunately, never seems to quite find a tone that works for it. The result is a well- meaning but muddled movie that aspires to be both a horror and a comedy but ends up missing both targets completely.
iamtherobotman I'll keep this as short as need be. This is a truly awful attempt. When the young lad ( Rory ) is "possessed" they do all in their power to free him from the "demon", yet as soon as the girl ( who's name escapes me) gets possessed, they show her none of the same Mercy and can't wait to melt her head in with the first blunt and or heavy instrument which comes to hand. From there on, it's a free for all. Their compassion leaves them, their humanity, they just want to kill whoever this thing then possesses. the ending is equally as stupid. Yes, this is a lazy review of the movie but then, the makers were equally as lazy in making the movie. Don't bother with this.