The Suicide Theory
The Suicide Theory
R | 10 July 2015 (USA)
The Suicide Theory Trailers

Steven Ray was never quite normal. But when tragedy strikes in the form of a deadly hit-and-run incident at a city cross walk, his violent and bizarre behavior becomes uncontrollable. One night, as Steven plots his next murder, he meets Percival, whose unsuccessful attempt at suicide not only interferes with Stevens plans, but the chance encounter also introduces the two into each others sad and lonely lives. Percival believes hes cursed after miraculously surviving each suicide attempt and concludes fate brought he and Steven together. So he hires Steven to assist him in suicide. Steven does not believe in fate and thinks Percival is desperate and delusional. But he accepts the offer. Easy money. After Percival continues to miraculously survive each attempt on his life, Steven starts to believe. He tries to help Percival figure out ways to break the curse. And in the process, they form an unlikely friendship through the common bond of tragedy.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Debra Hotmer This is an entertaining film with fine acting by the two lead actors. The film is dark and contains violence. There are a few philosophical themes that run through the story line - the question of whether or not fate rules our lives and destinies, do we make our own realities, friendship, love, psychological damage, fear -and these provide food for thought as we follow the main characters and the twists and turns of the story. People who watch similar stories with similar themes will probably be able to figure out some of the twists and possibly the ending by abut 2/3 through the film, but it's still an entertaining film to watch through to the end. I also enjoyed the music in this film.
Miguel I watched this film knowing nothing about the plot, and the premise got me immediately hooked. A killer gets hired by suicidal man to kill him, as he has a "theory" that he cannot die, and will only be able to die once he does not want to die. The killer man job is to figure out how to kill this man, i.e., how to make him not want to die and then kill him. The killer tries to kill him a couple of times, not believing the theory, but fails, until the hard evidence makes him start to consider the theory.Once the premise is established, we get to know little by little the background of both protagonists, and discover how they are somehow connected, and poses the questions is everything happening for a reason? Or is it us that we give reason to the inevitable coincidences that occur in our lives? This is done not subtly at all, but it's a good question to be asked. In the end, we reach a resolution though a series of events that are connected for a reason, or in the other interpretation, through a series of coincidences too strong not to think they were meant to happen. My only minor criticism is that the "twists" are very predictable, but this is minor, since possibly the intention was not to give a shocking twists, but to show how a series of unlikely connections makes us wander if they are happening for a reason, the main question of the movie. Quite interesting though not spectacular film, it did leave me thinking a bit, and I enjoyed my time through the darkness of the tone, the character development, and the questions thrown unanswered by the movie.
wem-68365 Acting is superb and the director tells us so much about the characters with closeups. As in all good thrillers you don't get the full impact of the film until the very end. But you must be very observant to catch some key elements of the plot to put all the clues together. I had to watch it twice to see some key scenes.The writing is excellent as well. There are a few chuckles but nothing that diminishes the intensity of this film. The writing reveals the characters very well in their actions. Great job of revealing complex characters.Philosophy plays a part on another level. So enjoy and watch it several times. I will probably watch it again.
Red_Identity No doubt the film could use some cleaning around the edges. The film has some truly great writing sprinkled in with some kind of average writing, which makes the whole thing sort of frustrating. But really, it's pretty good. The two leads are really fantastic and they have a lot of chemistry, which would have been the biggest hindering factor if they didn't. They make the film work as well as it does. Mostly, it's just really well-made technically for being an independent film. I really wish that more people find out about it because it deserves to be seen by more people, and I look forward to seeing what the director/writer does in the future. Definitely recommended.