Subconscious Cruelty
Subconscious Cruelty
| 13 April 2001 (USA)
Subconscious Cruelty Trailers

A surrealistic anthology of horror films; four segments structured as an intense fever dream...

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Filipe Neto When the surrealist art came it shocked people. Salvador Dali is one of the most controversial painters ever thanks to this. But, nevertheless, its beautiful, its art. This film, which pretentiously tries to be Surrealist, or Dadaist, don't get it and is absolutely condemnable in its basic intention: to shock people because, period. Directed and written by Karim Hussain, has some actors too, but who cares?The film is divided into four parts, each one more sickening than the other, in a reflection of the twisted mind of its director, who seems to have the sensitivity of a rock and the mental health of a Roman emperor. The film mixes, without apparent reason or sense, extremely graphic violence, explicit blood, sex, profanity, religious symbology being desecrated, killings and other things like that. The only explicit and latent purpose throughout the film is the shock, the clear and stated intention to intimidate the public and revolting people. And when this is done without any explicit positive intention behind, its always bad, is doing the opposite of what cinema should be: Art that tells you a story. Yes, cinema may shock and go against what people consider normal. But it should serve to change them, to improve them, to change mentalities for good. Offending people shouldn't be an end in itself, or in the movies or in anything else. The Seventh Art didn't need that.This movie has repeatedly censored and banned in several countries. A measure that many persons will find punitive and dictatorial, but that is, in this case, very reasonable. This film will serve as a beacon of bad example for ever.
Seth_Gecko35 For the people who have compared this TRASH to the brilliance of David Lynch etc... please listen to your carer when they say... DONT USE OTHER PEOPLE'S PC WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION! This is complete and UTTER POO! There is NO art here. This is some person trying to make a name for himself with a cluster of gross out ideas which he was not clever enough to enforce into ONE main idea so instead he went for the easy option. Any one with half a brain could sit at home and conjure up some controversial images to shock viewers, but it takes a person with true imagination to be able to make it into a movie people WANT to watch.I am a LOVER of shock cinema. I have seen OR OWN pretty much all you can get... And I can strongly advise to anyone who LOVES the world of movies to steer WELL CLEAR of this garbage.This one is ONLY for people who like to over analyze what they are watching, OR for the 17 year old first time drinkers who dont know any better.0/10!
glyptoteque Now,this is something else indeed!!This is a masterpiece that is so vicious,dark,wondrous,unique,and truly poetic,that it left me completely flabbergasted!!The theme underlying the various images we are presented to,are as follows:The human brain is divided into two hemispheres,right and left.The left hemisphere represent logic and rational thought,whereas in the right hemisphere,dwells passion,creativity,intuition,and irrationality.The interesting question that are being asked,are;what if the right hemisphere were to completely dominate the thought-process?What if our internal "demons"were to be given free reign?What if we could kick little Mr.Logic to death?It is such a joy then,to see that the brilliant Karim Hussain and co.have constructed a satanic-dream-come-true,as an unflinching and blasphemous reply!!It is stated somewhere that this film is meant to be pro-religious.What does this imply exactly?Certainly this statement rings true,if we take a closer look at the basis of all religions,which is exactly passion and irrationality!!And we all know the great "passion" that have been injected into the despicable witch/heretichunts and the crusades throughout the history of man.But which is it?Is it really a warning against letting our religious/irrational emotions get the better of us?And telling us to return to morality and dogma?If that's the case,then this is a blatant contradiction.If religion represent one aspect of irrationality,and as I've said irrationality is to be avoided,one would have thought that man's safe-haven would have been the right hemisphere,where logic and rationality resides.But then a return to morality and dogma is ridiculous,because that is religion for you,and religion is in it's very nature irrational.The result is that one has been going in circles,from avoiding passion and irrationality,to fully accepting them,in the dangerous and horrible form of morality and dogma,which is when you think of it only more commonly accepted.As long as one have a religion to back up your violence and mad rantings,then it's justified isn't it?(Just take a closer look at what seemingly "logical" acts have been perpetrated in the moral-name of religion,the list is endless!!)In the end you are fooling yourself,in the end you are being just as irrational as the demon or the murderer.The major difference being;one has the guise of hypochrisy,the other is naked.I personally prefer the naked shape.As I said,I prefer to view this piece of art with the outlook of a free and passionate being(religious people would call this satanic,I guess),without the subconscious need to deceive myself.I viewed this film as a nocturnal perfection,wonderful darkness on celluloid,if you will.Everything is simply intelligent artistry;from the truly somber and ferocious "Human Larvae",the beautiful opener "Ovarian Eyeball",the surreal "Rebirth",to the profanating brilliance of "Right Brain/Martyrdom".The musical score is excellent,the same goes for filming/editing,special effects,and last but not least,the dialogue.You must all believe me,when I say that you have never seen anything like it,and most likely never will!!
zornlamm I´ve been able to see this great movie at the Fantasyfilmfest in Berlin and when I went out of the cinema I felt like being drugged down *g*! I´ve really seen lots of movies and there are just a few I´d call perfect like Fight Club or Koyaanisqatsi! Subconscious Cruelty is now one of them! Half of the people watching it in Berlin went out of the room and I can understand this absolutely because it can be a real shock for someone living in his/her perfect world day by day dreaming his/her dreams not thinking bout the horror on our planet-in our life! I don´t think I have to describe the story of the film for you because of the people having already written on this page! It´s a movie that shows everything and more!!! Gets 10 points + from 10!!! It´d be cool if you people who have also seen it loving it would write me an e-mail!So far I haven´t met anyone as impressed and pleased by it as I am!!! Finally sorry for my bad english-I´m not a studied person (und das ist auch gut so!!! :-))))))