Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium
Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium
G | 14 November 2007 (USA)
Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium Trailers

Molly Mahoney is the awkward and insecure manager of Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium—the strangest, most fantastic and most wonderful toy store in the world. After Mr. Magorium bequeaths the store to her, a dark and ominous change begins to take over the once-remarkable Emporium.

Cortechba Overrated
GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
wiholke2020 I remember seeing this movie as a kid and liking this movie. Now that I am a teenager I still like this movie but I have newer thoughts on this movie. So let's discuss, shall we?So first off, the movie begins and already the musical score has shown itself to be really powerful and great. The opening credits scene is nicely done as well. When the movie actually starts is where I kinda start getting nit-picky. The movie is narrated by a kid, and just in my opinion, he is a little wooden and you can tell he probably hasn't voice acted much. His actual acting is a different situation.We get introduced into the main protagonist, Mahoney, portrayed by Natalie Portman, who is great in this movie. I am a musician and so is she in this story so I can really connect to her struggles and thoughts. I love people who I can connect to. I like all the actors in this movie but she stands out which is not a bad thing. When the Emporium, which is basically a character by itself, is introduced, there's a montage of the awesome magical things the store can do. My only problem with this montage is that some of the shots are awkward and a bit off in some places. And the CGI, and let's be honest in some places there had to be CGI, it's not the best and looks like a straight to DVD movie even though it was released in theaters. However, I love all the store has to offer us. It's like Toy Story but live action which I think is pretty cool. Now it's not just the main kid in this movie but all the kids in my opinion seem off. I felt like all they had to say was pretty cheesy and because they are just kids they don't act the best. Apart from that, the rest of the actors are actually really good and have really good lines. The comedic moments and dialogue is really good. The slapstick in this movie isn't the best and didn't always land with me. And in my opinion, because of the big picture of this movie, some of the slapstick is actually not needed. Another nit-pick, as the movie goes on, some of the editing in terms of putting together the shots don't always align and are sometimes painfully obvious. Also, each "chapter" is organized as if it was a book, which I don't mind. However, the chapter titles are pretty cheesy and in my opinion, strange. But maybe that's the genius of this movie. There are a couple really good scenes in this movie and one of my favorites is when Eric, the kid, shows Henry, or the "Mutant," his hat collection. They have such a nice playful banter and always makes my family and I crack up laughing. My only big flaw with this movie is the end or the last "chapter". I just don't get it. After Mahoney obviously made the block of wood fly because she believed and Henry passed out, Henry wakes up and Mahoney acts like it never happened. Then she believes again or whatever followed by surprisingly awkward dialogue. Then she starts to conduct the store back alive and the CGI here is definitely out dated and pretty bad actually. Also, there is like five seconds where the movie turns into like a computer animated film and it's completely useless. One of the last shots is of Mahoney conducting the store to life again but the problem is that almost nothing is happening and not to mention Mahoney's conducting is pretty awkward. And the very last shot is also pretty strange. There are just things I don't understand about this ending!Overall, the movie definitely isn't bad. Far from it. It just isn't great. There are for sure some great scenes, and definitely some awkward ones. Overall the special effects were mediocre which is disappointing. The sound editing and mixing are fine. The score is pretty good and overall the characters are good as well. Just the script and mainly towards the end just kind of gets a little ridiculous. This is a good movie and it is worth seeing.
Dex Bracewell This is a film that I've seen in a cinema, seen on Disney Cinemagic (!), ITV2 and then I've never heard from again for at least 5 years, yet I know it's the third worst film I've seen in cinemas (before Dragonball Evolution at No. 2 and The Hangover Part II at No. 1, even though there was a humiliating once upon a time when I laughed at transgender women's penises).The first half is perfect and playful, they could have gone onto a childish but fun adventure and I'd be pretty entertained. But then, Dustin Hoffman, who has had quite a serious career, not very well known for family films at all, admits that he will die! (SURPRISE INDEED!) And all of the toys go berserk and die themselves. Then the film goes incredibly dull, by making the toy shop useless and... GREY! This is not the description of a good family film, not even if it's Wes Anderson quirky, and creepy, as an adult man does end up in a boy's bedroom.
henryhertzhobbit Please excuse me. I like seeing this movie, Oliver's Ghost, Ice Dreams, Chariots of Fire and others. Yes, I watch them every time they come on. It whisks me away from a world of hell to some place else where something good happens. None of these movies are going to win academy awards. If you don't like the movie stow it me maties. For me this movie is a pleasant little movie that makes my life a little bit less of a hell.But this movie is special. If I was a child in a hospital facing the prospect of death I would like a visit from a cat or a dog snuggling up at my feet on the bed and watching Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium. It is a special movie that always brings a smile to my face. What is wrong with that? If it is not your cup of tea then go drink something else. It never fails to lift my spirits.
itamarscomix Mr. Magorium's Magic Emporium has a lot of promise and a lot of potential but very little of it is delivered. If taken only as children's entertainment then it might prove partly successful, mainly thanks to the very appealing visuals and some very original ideas (though sadly it runs out of original ideas after about thirty minutes into it), and children will probably enjoy it if they don't get bored by the slow-moving plot. Lots of respect for the art direction and cinematography, which is beautifully colorful and illustrative. But the movie completely lacks in a driving plot and in characters. Dustin Hoffman is good as always but his lines don't give him a lot to work with, Natalie Portman is flat, and Jason Bateman's character, well-performed as it is, goes very little beyond repressed and quite dull. Most disappointing of all is Ted Ludzik's character, who opens the film and promises to be a Chekhov's Gun to be fired in the last act, but has no importance whatsoever to the plot and disappears twenty minutes in. The best performance of the film is in fact that of young Zach Mills, and along with the visuals is also one of the best things in the whole movie.