The Jerk Theory
The Jerk Theory
PG-13 | 01 November 2011 (USA)
The Jerk Theory Trailers

An aspiring recording artist, Adam, is burned by a bad relationship experience and decides that if women won't respond to the "nice guy" then he'll be "the jerk." This is wildly successful with meaningless relationships, but when Adam meets and falls for Molly, who doesn't fall for his jerk routine, Adam is forced to reconsider his dating philosophy.

AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Michael Ledo This is a teen romantic comedy a notch below and less universal appeal than "An Easy A." Adam (Josh Henderson) has a girlfriend Cynthia Swensen (Jaci Twiss). She dumps him for bad boy Marc Dixon (Abraham Taylor). This leads Adam to believe all women love the "bad boy" or jerk in this case. He does quite well being a jerk, of course playing in a band and being the lead singer never hurts either. Pretty girls throw themselves at him, but he wants Molly (Jenna-Dewan-Tatum) who plays hard to get and demands respect.The scene talks place at a Catholic school with the occasional D.E.B.S. fantasy outfits. Tom Arnold plays a priest who occasional misspeaks in sexual innuendos, such as "So concludes my unit on procreation" or "Easier than a prom date."Danny Bonaduce plays himself in what I thought was the funniest scene in the film. The script is predictable. It also lends itself to some old fashion dating protocol while contrasting it with what not to do. Not a blockbuster, but it was entertaining.PARENTAL GUIDE: No f-bombs, no sex, no nudity (rear male shot, bot on thong). Sexual themes, but no parental embarrassing sex talk. Seems to be a light PG-13.
Nicolai Kaltchev At first i though it would be just another high-school movie but after the first few minutes the movie got me.The story-line is not extremely unique but yet very catching and enjoyable. Soundtrack really does its job well during all the important and not-so-much-* moments.About the actors well I must say that they really got a bright future.Not to low nor overreacting just as much emotion and everything as it is needed.Directing is also good and the act (at least to me) is well paced.One of the few movies i rate 10/10.Recommended for everyone who's looking for nice fresh comedy with good acting and nice soundtrack ;) .
kaz This film has zero charm or wit (even for a teenage film). The director seems to lack a basic understanding of film conventions, character development and comic timing. The characters are bland and one dimensional. This film is clearly aimed at the teenage market, but the lack of charm, lame and unbelievable characters and formulaic plot will fail to entertain anyone. Spare yourself and avoid this movie. There are plenty of teenage films that are much more fun.Not to mention that this film implies that only one girl in a million isn't a crazy, clingy, bimbo.
k-birkeland I saw a screening of this film and absolutely loved it. Tom Arnold was phenomenal and had my favorite scene of the movie in the confessional. I look forward to being reeled in by the love story again. It draws you in and pays off in the end. How can you not fall head over heals for the lovely Jenna Dewan? The music was fabulous and gives you some great love songs along with up beat music that is right in line with the comedic aspect of the film. Josh Henderson is the perfect fit for his character and will have every girl from fourteen to forty wishing they were "Molly". It seems that everyone would know someone that fits the profile of each character and we can all relate to the story line.