R | 30 November 2007 (USA)
Awake Trailers

While undergoing heart surgery, a man experiences a phenomenon called ‘anesthetic awareness’, which leaves him awake but paralyzed throughout the operation. As various obstacles present themselves, his wife must make life-altering decisions while wrestling with her own personal drama.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
barbagvido When I saw Star Wars prequel trilogy, where Hayden Christensen also stars, I saw that he's not a bad actor (at least in the last one), just had a bad script to work with. So, I wanted to see more of him, checked his filmography and came across this movie.The premise is very interesting and I expected this to be a very intense movie. It did entertain me, but was it really something? Uh-uh. The build-up is way longer than it should be and also a bit cheesy at times. When we get to the main plot, things get really intense and the first few minutes of the operation are intense as hell and you can really feel for the main character. Hayden Christensen did a pretty decent job here. Not anything remarkable, but for me enough to prove himself. Alba, however, is an eye candy and no more. When those first few minutes of the operation end, it never gets that good again. It's still enough to keep you entertained, but since that god-awful plot twist somewhere after the middle that seems to be put just for the sake of having a plot twist. It's so forced and out of place and from that point, everything starts going downhill.The movie had potential, but there are much better thrillers than this one. It does offer fun, it does have some intense moments and Hayden Christensen does show that he's a good actor, but all in all, the movie just falls flat.
Lucy Mae "Awake" was an incredible thriller that had me captivated from start to finish. An emotional roller-coaster ride the whole time with plot twist after plot twist. Hayden Christensen excelled in his role of the conscious, paralyzed billionaire philanthropist undergoing heart surgery. Coupled with Alba, you are left mesmerized by the events unfolding in front of your eyes. The impressive directing and acting makes you feel as though you are in the OR with the characters. The only thing in question are the camera angles, movement, etc. they are made to seem as though he is in a dream state. Does it work? I believe so, but others seem to think it doesn't. But that is up to your own preferences I guess.I would definitely recommend. I just wish it was longer, you will understand once you watch it.Be sure to steer clear of spoilers because it will completely ruin it for you.
Paul Magne Haakonsen Well, first of all I must start by saying that this movie is definitely not for the faint hearted - pardon the pun. This movie is high on stress factor and it will hit you hard. I have watched a lot of movies in my life, but no movie has made me cringe as "Awake" did when Clay is awake when the surgeon opens up his chest.The storyline in "Awake" is interesting, although I had initially thought it would suck as much as "Buried" did, given the somewhat similarities in concept. But luckily "Awake" turned out to be much more interesting and entertaining.Clay (played by Hayden Christensen) has a weak heart and is to undergo a heart transplant. But the anesthetic doesn't fully work as intended and Clay lies conscious during the procedure. But things are not as Clay thought they were, and trapped in anesthetic limbo the truth dawns on him.The thing with Clay getting up and walking around and following the events prior to and after the procedure was a bit too far out there for my liking.As for the acting, well, while the acting was good and really added to the movie, I will say that it was Jessica Alba who stood out in the movie and carried it. And while Hayden Christensen did an okay job, he will forever be trapped in the role of an angry young sith, and I was just waiting for him to bring out a light saber. So, personally, I don't think that Hayden Christensen was the best of choices casting-wise.The movie started out okay and was good up to the point on the surgery table, where Clay "woke up". From thereon the storyline took a nosedive for the worse. And it was a shame because the movie had potential.
Jackson Booth-Millard I saw the advert for this, and I certainly recognised the title, and reading about what may be involved in the plot I was intrigued to see if I would agree with the two stars that the critics give it. Basically Clay Beresford (Hayden Christensen) is a young capital investment firm chief who has been having a secret loving relationship with his mother's secretary Sam Lockwood (Razzie nominated Jessica Alba), and he is unwilling to tell his mother Lilith (Lena Olin), but he has an operation coming up. He suffers from a heart condition, and needs a transplant to be carried out, and he is relying on his good friend, Dr. Jack Harper (Terrence Howard), to carry out the operation, but his mother insists it should be her boyfriend and the more qualified doctor. Before the operation goes ahead Clay and Sam have a secret wedding at midnight, and still brushing off the suggestions for another doctor, specifically the one recommended, Clay is put under anaesthesia, and the open heart surgery begins. As is common is some surgeries with the drug used, Clay finds out that he is actually still awake, experiencing anaesthetic awareness, but he cannot do anything as he is paralysed, but he is able to escape with an out of body experience. As he is still in the operating theatre, he overhears a murder plot, Dr. Harper and two of the other surgeons are planning to inject his heart with a chemical that will cause the heart to reject the body. Dr. Harper has second thoughts about this plan, especially with Sam convincing him to carry on the operation, unaware this plot is going on, and Liliath awaits results. Sam tries to win over Clay's mother, but she becomes suspicious, having found out about the secret marriage, and rooting through her bags Liliath finds out she used to be a nurse, while out of body Clay finds this out too. Clay decides to return to his body and await his fate, while his mother deliberately overdoses so that they can use her heart in the operation, and after this does happen Dr. Harper knows he is probably going to be caught for his murder plot involvement. We find out that this whole scheme was the idea of Sam, as she wanted to get all of Clay's money to pay off debts that she has with colleagues, and even though the operation is successful, Clay refuses to wake up with all that has been revealed to him. Clay is approached by his mother, now in limbo like him, and she convinces him in the end to return to his living body, and gives reasons why he should continue his life, while in the end Sam is arrested after someone grassed her up, and Dr. Harper confirms that Clay did die momentarily, but he is awake. Also starring Christopher McDonald as Dr. Larry Lupin, Sam Robards as Clayton Beresford Sr., Arliss Howard as Dr. Jonathan Neyer and Short Circuit's Fisher Stevens as Dr. Puttnam. Christensen, just like in Star Wars, and partly Jumper, is wooden and dull, Alba is pretty but not all that convincing as a Femme Fetale, and the other stars do not convince you much either, it could have been a really clever film, but the script is flawed by complicated plot turns, the acting is cheesy, and it should be much more sophisticated in the delivery of what should be twists, I was disappointed, it is a daft psychological thriller. It was nominated the Razzie for Worst Screen Couple for Alba and Christensen. Adequate!