Three Kingdoms: Resurrection of the Dragon
Three Kingdoms: Resurrection of the Dragon
R | 03 April 2008 (USA)
Three Kingdoms: Resurrection of the Dragon Trailers

The aging Zhao embarks on his final and greatest campaign, a road to adventure that will crown his name in glory for all time.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
dworldeater Three Kingdoms-ROTD is a kick ass Chinese historical epic taking place in the Three Kingdoms era of ancient China. The film is a reflective story taken from Zhao Yun's(or Zilong) perspective focusing on his life and his accomplishments in battle. Portraying the brave general Zhao Yun is Andy Lau. He gives a tremendous performance and is one of HK's top stars. He is quite prolific as an actor and gives great performances in many different genres. There also is an excellent support cast featuring Sammo Hung(who also is action choreographer), Maggie Q, Yu Rong Gong and the great Ti Lung as Guan Yu. This period action piece flows well with heavy doses of savage action and a brisk pace. Sammo's action choreography is top notch and the battle scenes are great with a good amount of blood spilled. The film looks awesome as well with great camera-work and tight editing. The dramatic side of this is super solid and in my opinion director Daniel Lee did a hell of a job in making this. Although this is smaller in scope than John Woo's Red Cliff, it is still epic, large scope film. However, as amazing a cinematic experience that Red Cliff is, Three Kingdoms ROTD is a film I end up watching more often as this film is just under two hours and Red Cliff clocks in at about six hours. Both film are absolutely awesome and I recommend both highly. This film is a few years old now and it really holds up, in fact I found myself enjoying this more upon rewatching it.
Leofwine_draca China has been churning out historical war films like there's no tomorrow, and THREE KINGDOMS is yet another in a long line of similar lavish and stylish epics. This one's a co-production with South Korea and sees Andy Lau yet again playing a brave and loyal soldier who finds himself battling immense odds in ancient China.THREE KINGDOMS certainly looks the part, with hulking battle sequences featuring huge armies massing and meeting on sweeping plains. The quality of the effects is such that you can't tell that some of these soldiers are CGI animations, like in LORD OF THE RINGS; who knows, maybe they aren't! The action choreography is slightly blurry, so that it's easy to miss crucial detail in the battle sequences, and there's a slight over-reliance on wirework, but for the most part this is a vicious, viscous piece of cinematography.The storyline is equally interesting, with Andy Lau playing a guy who rises from the ranks to become a hero, and Sammo Hung supporting him in an atypical part of a cowardly man who also ends up rising high. Unfortunately, the viewer is also saddled with the overrated Maggie Q (NAKED WEAPON) playing a warrior queen; everything about her screams artifice and hollowness to me, but the good news is that she isn't given too much screen time. More dependable genre stalwarts like Ti Lung and Rongguang Yu are given meaty roles, however.The first half of the film depicts a fairly typical rise-to-power type storyline, but the second half is much more interesting, with events skipping forward twenty years in the future and the outcome much more uncertain. In fact, it gets better as it goes on, featuring a climax that can only be described as epic in feel. THREE KINGDOMS might be easy to miss amid a welter of similar product, but it's certainly entertaining enough to reward the viewer's attention.
mmushrm This is not a bad movie. While the plot line and story is simplistic the action scenes are OK.I likened it to watching the game Dynasty warriors. Thats how the action scenes look. Armies charging at each other, individual battles with ONE person killing everything in sight, one swipe of the spear taking out everyone within reach, bodies flying and one person being able to defeat an army.The 3 Kingdoms is used as a back drop for this movie. It is only used to set the characters and the time period. At no point is there any plot concerning the 3 kingdoms. The story is base on the military life of ZiLong. His enlistment as a recruit, how he won fame and became a general then it fast forwards to his last battle. No character development or even a story. This is strictly an action movie.There have been many negative comments regarding costuming, especially how the armour look Japanese. I would say that most ancient armour look alike but in this case the producers have taken artistic license to up the "cool" factor for the armour. The 1st thing i noticed were the helmets, British "Tommy" Helmets and German "Fritz" helmets. Also noticed how the more peaceful guys had the Tommy helmets and the invading hordes the Fritz helmets.My main complain, not only with this movie but the made in China "historical" epics is how it reeks of government propaganda. Divided nation/people and how sacrifices must be made of one self or of the people to achieve unity. Trust the leaders, the sacrifice is for the good of the nation.
xinfantasy Well, it is actually a nice movie. Some good fighting scenes and nice music.BUT, it is only a nice movie, if you don't know anything about the actual novel or history this movie should be based on. For people who know the novel or history, you can say the movie is just painful to watch, at least for me. You ask why? Let me give you an comparison: Since it should be based on a novel, let's take LotR. So, you know the story of LotR, you read the novel and you just love it. Now they make a movie out of it and it will be like that: Legolas is the main character(which is fine, since we all like him). And it is about his life, how he should be a great, undefeated warrior(oh, and he is wearing a Roman armor). He started as a pawn under King Aragorn and worked all his way up and during that he hat an fight with Boromir and Theoden. And at the end he fought against the granddaughter of Sauron(you think: what the heck? I have the same thought, when I watched this movie), who is leading Sauron's army(when she was young, Sauron took her to battles with him) and ended up loosing to her and dies. Ah, by the way. Gandalf looks like a beggar and fortune teller. So you see my problem with the movie? It doesn't really have anything to do with the novel. It just borrowed the names and some events.So, if you don't know the novel or the story of the Three Kingdom, go ahead and watch it. It's pretty amusing. But if you DO know the story and want a movie which fits to it. Don't watch it!!! It will destroy your image of the heroes in the novel. Wait for the Red Cliff movie this summer =DSo it is only my opinion. Thanks for reading it.
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