Earth vs. the Spider
Earth vs. the Spider
| 07 October 2001 (USA)
Earth vs. the Spider Trailers

A shy comic book fan is injected with an experimental serum and starts turning into a spider. When web covered bodies start appearing a policeman starts to investigate the strange case.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Neil Welch This bloke gets bitten by a spider containing a super-serum and becomes a hero. Then he metamorphoses and becomes a villain.This cheap and not-very-cheerful movie takes Spider-man's origin and nails The Fly's ending onto it. The cast has, in supporting roles, some very recognisable names: however, they are either past their sell-by date (Dan Aykroyd, Teresa Russell), or else they are in the "before they were famous" category (John Cho). The principals are completely unknown unless you are familiar with US soaps, which I'm not.This film passes the time. It isn't very good, but it's not dreadful either.
vivalachrisonmtv3 Before this short review begins, I would like to say that I am a person who can enjoy a TV movie and even a cheap B-movie if it has an actor in it I enjoy. I rented 'Earth Vs. The Spider' because Dan Aykroyd was in it, and I was eager to see him in a role that would remind me of 'Ghostbusters'. Basically, this movie is an exact cross between 'Spider-Man' and 'The Fly', although its script is not as nearly as good as that of 'Spider-Man'. Comic book geek Quentin, played by Devon Gummersall, dreams of becoming a superhero. He wants to get the girl. He wants to be tough in front of her and wants to show up the guys who sit outside of his apartment building every day and pick on him. After he is stuck by a spider-testing needle at the scientific research building he works at, he begins to notice a drastic change in his strength, agility, and hunger. At first, he is able to his his power for good but soon begins to be consumed by it and ultimately looses control as Det. Grillo (Dan Aykroyd) grows closer and closer to learning the truth about Quentin.The Good: -Dan Aykroyd and John Cho are the most believable out of the cast, but I think the acting was mostly pretty good considering the script they had to work with. The weakest was the lead, Devon Gummersall. -The Make-Up and special effects are pretty decent for a 2001 B movie.The Bad: -The cops in the film act like uneducated high school bullies. No joke, these are the stupidest and rudest cops in existence. A dumb cop once or twice isn't bad, but this film portrays all cops as ignorant slobs and it gets quite aggravating. -Devon Gummersall's acting is pretty questionable, especially the first part of the movie and his 'spider voice'. -If you're looking for a scare or even just a big monster to look at, he's only really transformed for a few minutes at the end and there is absolutely no scares. -The cinematography has terrible angles.Overall 3/10.
Phillemos Wow. Where to begin. First of all, when you call your movie "Earth vs. the Spider," you set people up for a giant spider stomp-a-thon. This movie is nothing of the sort. I don't see any evidence that people in New Zealand or Bolivia are shaking in their shoes because some goofy kid is on a homicidal rampage after injecting himself with spider serum. I don't even see anyone else in the city panicking. The movie is also painfully slow. I had already just about fallen asleep watching "Shapeshifter" with my friends, but at least that movie had a hot lead actress. This movie has a fat Dan Aykroyd playing a police detective investigating the spider-boy's trail of killings (including a serial killer Aykroyd hadn't been able to catch). I wavered on whether Aykroyd worked in this role, because it's a little different than his usual performance. Overall I thought he wasn't bad, but if he wants to play an active police detective in future movies he definitely needs to hit the gym. But the movie is just too slow for my taste, and the misleading title kind of ruins it for me. I think a 2 is even a little generous for this flick.
bob the moo Quentin Kemmer is a shy security guard at a bio-research lab. He can't stand up for himself, reads comics and is never going to get up the courage to ask out beautiful neighbour Stephanie. When a break-in to the labs see his partner and one cop dead, Quentin is blamed and fired. Emotionally a mess, Quentin injects himself with some serum in the lab before he goes – somehow believing it will make him strong and fearless. At first it all seems great – he is a hero who stops a famous criminal that has evaded the police – but gradually his gift starts become more of a curse.I have only seen one of the "creature features" before and it was awful, so I was a bit hesitant about coming back to the stable in case all their horses were cows. With Earth vs. the Spider things appeared to be good at the start; the comic book credits suggest a sense of fun that would come through the film and the plot clichés being put in place suggested that the series might have achieved the b-movie feel that it was aiming for. I suppose in one way it did achieve this though because it is derivative and cheap and clearly just put out as filler – which is pretty much what most b-movies were, we just tend to fondly remember some of the better ones. This is a pretty poor copy of The Fly; it tries to cover similar ground but by being so similar it only shows up how far short it falls in almost every way. The plot goes just where you expect it to and, without any real character or interest, Kemmer's transformation is totally physical and totally dull.Gummersall hardly helps this with a performance that involves just being quiet at the start and then just getting louder as more makeup is put on him. Aykroyd is a famous bit of support but he has little to do – likewise Russell. Heinle is OK but nothing happens around her to help her, meanwhile John Cho is just a curio find rather than being any good or funny.Overall this is a very basic film that will maybe appeal to teenagers surfing late night TV for some special effects. However it must be said that anyone looking for more should just go and rent The Fly which covers all the same ground but does it much, much better.