Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone
Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone
PG | 20 May 1983 (USA)
Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone Trailers

On a distant planet inhabited by mutants, two bounty hunters race to rescue three Earth female captives from the clutches of an evil warlord.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
SnoopyStyle Three beautiful women survive their ship's destruction on an escape shuttle. They land on a war-torn disease-plagued planet and are quickly captured. Scavenger Wolff (Peter Strauss) and his android Chalmers go on a rescue mission for the massive reward. Ruthless ruler Overdog (Michael Ironside) has taken the women to the Forbidden Zone. Niki (Molly Ringwald) is the last survivor of an Earth medical expedition. She joins Wolff as his guide. Competitor former comrade Sector Chief Washington (Ernie Hudson) turns partner.This is one of those B-movie Star Wars wannabe with a healthy dose of Mad Max and a temporary revival of 3-D during the early 80s. I have forgotten how much cheesy fun this movie has. I remember the vehicles but I honestly forgot about the hang-gliders. The movie has the fattest mutants and midgets as well. It is utterly full-on B-movie. I actually like the adorable Molly Ringwald as a loud-mouthed pixie. I would have liked Chalmers in the group but the android gets nuked extremely early. It is a shame since Chalmers seems to be set up early on to be a lead. Ironside and his get-up with his maze is ridiculous and fun. I do not recommend this movie unless one is in the mood to see silly camp.
ersinkdotcom "Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone" is a blend of a couple different influences on science fiction flicks of the 1980s. Imagine if a reluctant hero-for-hire in the vein of Han Solo traveled to a planet where the inhabitants live in a society that resembled the dystopian world of "The Road Warrior." It comes complete with scavengers, mutants, and a makeshift city whose citizens enjoy watching people fight for their lives in a deadly maze. It all sounds a little familiar, eh? It also sounds like a lot of fun!In the year 2136, Wolff (Peter Strauss), a wily salvage pilot and intergalactic bounty hunter, answers a distress signal on Terra Eleven. Agreeing to pick up three women who've been shipwrecked, he lands on the planet only to discover they've been kidnapped. Following their trail, Wolff soon encounters Niki (Molly Ringwald), a spunky orphan who agrees to guide him across the Forbidden Zone, a vast wasteland populated by plague-infested mutants. After many battles, Wolff and Niki finally reach the lair of Overdog (Michael Ironside), the planet's half-man / half-machine ruler. Discovering the women are held captive in Overdog's slave pens, Wolff's rescue mission finally begins."Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone" was originally released during the 3-D craze of the early 1980s. "Jaws 3-D," "Friday the 13th, Part 3-D, and "Amityville 3-D" are other movies which are more identifiable from this era. The film is presented in 2-D on DVD, but you can definitely tell where the 3-D would've played a part at times. The cast of "Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone" was made up of some familiar 1980s faces. Peter Strauss is known for his many roles in television shows and movies. Ernie Hudson is best known for his character Winston Zeddemore in "Ghostbusters" and "Ghostbusters II." When the movie came out in 1983, Molly Ringwald's only major parts were in "Diff'rent Strokes" and "The Facts of Life." She comes off as an annoying tag-along here until the end of the film, where she makes an attempt at redeeming herself by facing down her fear and working hard to stay alive. Michael Ironside fully embraced his role as the cyborg tyrant Overdog. "Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone" is rated PG. It includes mild violence and gore, profanity, and frightening / intense scenes. One of the bat creatures in the film is shown topless, but it's not known whether the monster is male or female. There's definitely nothing sexy about the scene. Newer viewers might find "Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone" a bit heavy on the cheese and slow in stride. The special effects are all practical as well. It's nice to see all the hard work the crew put into the visual look of the film. If you love the original "Star Wars," then you'll no doubt enjoy it. Watch it through the eyes of a 10 year old in 1983 and everything will be fine.
Sebastian Shaw I'm a big fan of this movie. Not just the cast but also the cheesy 3D FX. I saw this in theaters and thought, wow, this is how all films should be. But why has there not been a blu ray release. I did remember a Leonard Nimony TV special going behind the scenes on this so this would be an ideal DVD extra. Back in the 80's, low-budget sci-fi films such as Battle Beyond the Stars, Ice Pirates, Enemy Mine and The Last Starfighter were everywhere. Enter "Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone" then, and enjoy yet another B movie romp. The plot goes like this. Galaxy-hopping garbage man and all-round regular guy Wolff (Peter Strauss), along with his hot sexbot android companion Chalmers receive a distress signal from a crashed escape pod, which ejected from a destroyed starliner before landing on some rocky, desert planet. Touching down their starship with a view to claiming the reward for the rescue of the three earth girls inside the escape pod, the pair set off across the desert in a rather cool-looking Mad Max type jeep. A fight ensues in which Chalmers is destroyed, so Wolff takes up with a new companion, an orphaned scavenger named Nikki (Molly Ringwald). She guides Wolff through the landscape to the Forbidden Zone, a nightmarish industrial zone of death maze games and other nasties run by former scientist-turned-evil cyborg Overdog (Michael Ironside). The pair, along with sector chief Washington (Ernie Hudson) meet mutants, amazon women and other Mad Max genre locals along the way, and eventually put a plan in place to rescue the ladies.
udragon2010 For a movie I never heard of before, I was shocked to discover how much fun I had watching it. I have seen a lot of forgotten and B rated movies, but I never saw one I enjoyed so much.The cast, I believe, is fantastic. Seeing an 80s movie star like Molly Ringwald in a pretty cool and imaginative movie like this was very refreshing. Peter Strauss plays the typical space dog, aloof in what many of us would think is a cool day job, kicks-ass and looks cool doing it as he rescues three beauties from an evil tyrant after they crash land on a very cool, Mad Max themed planet.Michael Ironside plays the villain, with his usual flair for the dramatic and adds to the all-round coolness of the film. One of the best scenes, that isn't one of the great action scenes, is Strauss's character Wolff, forcing Molly Ringwald to take a bath. Truly pleasant to see Ernie Hudson in anything, and it was great to see him in this.I recommend this movie to anyone who is still young at heart and needs to see a fun sci fi adventure.
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